TMHS 877: How Food Shapes Your Body, Diet Fighting and the 3 Best Brain Foods
Tune in with millions of listeners around the globe as Shawn interviews world-renowned experts on the topics of health, fitness, nutrition, personal development, and more. It’s a fun and enlightening way to learn, and the insights you get here will help you live your best life ever!
Over the last several years, intermittent fasting has been widely regarded as a powerful method to shed unwanted fat, improve insulin sensitivity, and even take advantage of the benefits of autophagy. But what’s often missing from the conversation on fasting is that most, if not all, of the research on fasting has been conducted exclusively …
Our modern world with all its conveniences and technologies often encourages a sedentary lifestyle. And more and more studies are affirming that opting out of regularly moving our bodies is making us sick, unhealthy, and is even shortening our lifespans. Movement is a foundational practice for all life – and if we want to make …
Today, we’re exposed to more chemicals than ever in human history. Forever chemicals like PFAs are present in our air, water, and soil. And while the extent of this exposure is only recently coming to light, there is a dark and troubling story behind our chemical exposure—which involves companies prioritizing profit and convenience over human …
Continue reading "830: This Company Poisoned Citizens & Used the Government to Cover It Up"
Sleep is a critical pillar of human health. Getting a good night of sleep is an important input for your mood, brain health, gut, and so much more. And luckily, learning how to optimize your sleep is simple when you understand the key behaviors that impact your biology. Today you’re going to learn exactly how …
Continue reading "829: Do THIS at Night to Get Deeper Sleep & Transform Your Body "
Stem cells serve as foundational building blocks of the human body. The exciting new science of regenerative medicine is uncovering how human stem cells can be utilized to facilitate healing, lower inflammation, and regenerate damaged tissues throughout the body. And while these types of therapies are largely inaccessible to most people right now, the good …
Continue reading "828: 5 Amazing Foods That Generate Stem Cells & Repair the Body "
More and more experts in the nutrition and fitness space are championing the benefits of consuming more protein. But where do supplements like protein powder fall into a healthy diet? And how can you choose the right product that can help you reach your goals? On today’s show, you’re going to learn the truth about …
Continue reading "827: The Truth About Protein Supplements, Alcohol, & Fat Loss – with Alan Aragon"
If you have a medical emergency, there’s no better place to seek lifesaving care than the United States. But when it comes down to reversing or preventing chronic conditions and creating a lifestyle around true health, our modern medical system leaves much to be desired. On today’s show, we’re going to dive into these blind …
For decades, counting calories has been revered as the number one way to control your weight. But what’s missing from this conversation is all of the other important factors that can influence the way your metabolism assimilates nutrients and calories. On today’s show, you’re going to learn about some of these powerful epicaloric controllers and …
Continue reading "825: How Your BRAIN and GUT Control Calories in Your Body"
For years, if not decades, the concept of manifestation has been largely regarded as fallacy or pseudoscience. But today, you’re going to learn about the actual science of manifestation. You’re going to hear how manifestation can be utilized to change your brain, your outcomes, and even the world around you. Our guest today is Dr. …
Continue reading "824: Use Neuroscience to Manifest the Life of Your Dreams – with Dr. James Doty "
It’s no secret that human health outcomes are poor, with skyrocketing rates of illnesses across the board. But sadly, our children too, are being plagued by rising rates of obesity and chronic diseases. On today’s show, we’re going to discuss the root causes of these epidemics – and what we can do to promote healthy …