Filtered by: "low back pain"
This timely interview is featured on the Magic 104.9 website right here: CRITICAL MASS!! URGENT HEALTH SML – Majic 104.9 On the site, you can listen to the show by simply clicking the “Play” button or download the entire show. When you click “Play” on the page it may take a few seconds to upload, …
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Remember when you were a kid and your mom would bring you hot soup when you were sick? What about when you fell down and she put a band-aid on for you, and the pain you were in instantly began to go away? What is it about these circumstances that helps to nurse you back …
Continue reading “The Most Powerful Healing Tool In The World”
Low back can often manifest a debilitating situation in someone’s life. Structurally, your lower back (lumbar spine) supports most of the weight of your body and is subjected to the most mechanical stress. This is specifically why it’s often this local area that radiates problems and pain from overuse, misuse, and misalignment in an individual’s …