Listen to my latest podcast episode:

TMHS 881 : Why You NEED Stress to Live Longer, Healthier, and Happier – with Dr. Sharon Horesh Bergquist

TMHS 456: Superfood Hunting, Sustainability, & Getting Down To Earth – With Guest Darin Olien

Every day when you choose what to put on your plate, you are given the opportunity to nourish your body. Not only that, but our food choices also have implications on our families, our communities, and the planet. It matters where your food comes from, it matters how it’s made, and it matters how sustainable it is. 

That’s why Darin Olien is on a mission to redefine superfoods. Darin is a New York Times bestselling author, an exotic superfoods hunter, and the co-host of Netflix’s hit series, Down to Earth. He’s here to talk about advancing our health with nutrient dense foods and creating a more sustainable food system.

 You’re going to hear Darin’s insights on transparency in our food system, the importance and function of clean water, and what makes a superfood super. I hope this interview will inspire you to make more intentional and conscious food choices, and to vote with your dollar every time you have the opportunity. Enjoy! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How Darin became interested in nutrition and superfoods.
  • The inspiration for the show, Down to Earth. 
  • Why transparency is important in our food system. 
  • What is actually in conventional bottled water.
  • How water reacts with other compounds. 
  • What TDS is, and why it matters. 
  • Alternative methods for creating clean drinking water.
  • How oxygenated water works. 
  • What you need to know about estrogen-mimicking compounds. 
  • The link between bottled water and hormone disruption. 
  • What ethnobotany is.
  • The benefits of Barukas nuts. 
  • Important sustainability differences between Barukas nuts and almonds.
  • The power of voting with your dollar

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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Shawn Stevenson: Welcome to The Model Health Show, this is fitness and nutrition expert Shawn Stevenson and I'm so grateful for you tuning in with me today. I am so excited about this episode, truly, truly. This is one of the most remarkable people that I have met. He is a real life Indiana-Jones-type guy, he's just going on these incredible adventures but he's bringing back great gifts for all of us, for all of us to enjoy, and many of us here, as you're going to find out today, are getting access to things that he's made possible, we might not even realize it, we might be putting it into our smoothies every day, something that he's brought to the market, is incredible. But even more so, he has a huge heart and bigger vision for sustainability, for helping every part of the process of nourishing our citizens but taking care of the land that our food comes from, taking care of the people involved in growing the food that nourishes our body and takes care of the land where it comes from. All of this matters and this is a bigger conversation that needs to be had. And I first connected with this guy...


We've known about each other for a while now, but we actually got to meet face-to-face at his place, and it's like in the hills and valleys, all this stuff I'm very new to... I don't know about this stuff, you know, I'm from St. Louis, it's pretty flat. But out here we got the cliffs and the valleys and all this stuff, and he gave me the directions to his place, and I for sure thought that I was about to just drive off the side of a cliff on accident where he's telling me to make this right turn at, it just didn't look right. I didn't like it. My city, my... But of course, I grew up somewhat in the country as well, so I still... I channeled that and made it there. And I saw this land that was just... Man, something happened there, you can tell. And what happened, and I believe it was during the filming of this incredible show that I'm going to tell you about, the wild fires destroyed his home, he lost his home while he was doing something to help the rest of the world, to help us, to impact the lives literally of millions of people at this point. What he was doing, and at the same time, his home... He was losing everything that he had. And so I pop up there, and he's built this little...


It looked like it was on another planet, it looked like I was in that movie with Matt Damon on Mars, this little gazebo thing that was built there, but he had it packed with these incredible foods, created a vibe there as he's putting the pieces back together. He's building a new place, he still has his property there, but he's just been somebody who's going above and beyond to create access to health and wellness for so many people, and sustainability, and just is such a cool person. And the show that he was filming was this show, it became the number one show on Netflix, called Down To Earth, with the Zac Efron. And maybe you've seen the show but I definitely think, at the end of this, you're definitely going to want to check it out. And you get to hear the intention behind the show, and the show itself, even my family would get together and we'd watch various episodes of the show, and it's just cool, it's something that brings people together, but it also changes your thinking and you realize that there are solutions to our biggest problems. And that's really, at the end of the day, that's what we need exposure to. But the show just took off. Again, the number one show on Netflix, which is a big deal for a show about education and adventure and heart, to become the number one show at a time...


This was during shutdown times, so it gave an infusion of hope at a time we really need it, but you're going to find out too there's a lot of synchronicities with our special guest today. So, again, make sure to check out the show, let's dive in deep in this episode and get to know our special guest a little bit more. And before we get to him we're going to jump to the Apple Podcast review of the weekend.


iTunes Review: Another five star review titled "The Most Important Work" by gratefulinwi. "Awareness is a critical aspect of the journey to fixing the healthcare and food systems in our country. Thank you for bringing it."


Shawn Stevenson: Yes, awareness is a critical aspect, thank you so much for leaving me that review over on Apple Podcasts, I appreciate it so very much. And if you have yet to do so, please pop over to Apple Podcasts and leave a review for the Model Health Show. And on that note, let's get to our special guest and topic of the day. Our guest today is Darin Olien, and he's the co-host with Zac Efron of the widely popular Netflix docu-series called Down To Earth, and he's a highly recognized exotic superfood hunter and supplement formulator. He's also the author of the New York Times best-selling book "Super Life". And now on this episode we get to dive in and find out the story behind the individual who's brought superfoods to so many people. Let's jump into this conversation with Darin Olien.


Well, I first met you, I dropped into your place and you had to drop a pin, it's one of those places, you can't just find it, and I'm thinking, "Okay, if I make this right, right here, I'm going to go off of a cliff." I'm very unfamiliar with the hills and valleys of California. And so I take this little itty-bitty road to your place, and it is just the most incredible vibe, you know, that I really needed that, man. And you're setting up shop there with that energy, there's superfoods abundant around your place. Chaga, your dog, got to meet Chaga, just an incredible experience, man. But I want to talk about how you landed there, because you're from Minnesota, right?


Darin Olien: Yeah.


Shawn Stevenson: So how did you get from Minnesota to the valley that scares Shawn, California? Like how?


Darin Olien: Well yeah it's... I was a normal kid in Minnesota. I kind of started to understand I was a little bit of the black sheep of the family. But my dad was an Ag professor at the University of Minnesota.


Shawn Stevenson: Interesting.


Darin Olien: Which I didn't... It wasn't conscious at the time, but I knew what he did and I was proud of him and practiced grading some of his students' papers and stuff. And so we were... And my grandfather sold tractors in South Dakota, all of my cousins literally are ranchers and farmers. And so to me it was a great wholesome kind of way of growing up, and then... Well, kind of all the way back, what set this trajectory of really why I showed up in the hills of Malibu was I was born two months early, I was three and a half pounds. I have since had spontaneous crazy trippy recapitulations of my birth, as weird as that sounds, in a transpersonal psychology program I was in, I literally had... We were doing aggressive work and I had this intense moment of the birth process for me. And so, I almost died several times, I was in an incubator, I was tiny. And they were like, "The brain may not be developed, the lungs aren't developed", and so this set my trajectory from the point of view that having a body and living this life...


This is really vulnerable. I feel scared, vulnerable, weak. So I since, from that moment, I had several things I had to kind of overcome. I had a resting heart rate of 120 beats per minute upon waking, so my thyroid was messed up, I don't know if that had anything to do with... My dad was a part of the Dragon Keepers, he worked on atomic bombs...


Shawn Stevenson: Holy Moly.


Darin Olien: Yeah, in the JFK days, and Cuban Missile Crisis, he was part of the blockade, and so he since had a thyroid... His thyroid went kaput. So I don't know if that was correlated at all or something, but anyway, so it was a bumpy road in a lot of different ways as a kid. But then at 13, in the middle of Minnesota, I started a grapefruit cleanse, spontaneously. Mom didn't even know, she just bought me a bag of grapefruits, and I just started eating those all the time, for days. And it was the first time cognitively and consciously I felt different. And the medication I was doing from a ADD and ADHD and the unsettled-ness in my body... I was drinking about five to six bottles of Coke a day, like old fashioned bottles of coke, And when I stopped that I started eating grapefruits, I was like, "Wow, I feel amazing." And so cut to at 16, I picked up my first dumbbell and I started realizing that, "Oh, I can build this body and what I eat can fuel this body, and I have a choice." Because I didn't think I had a choice.


And so in that process I then went from 16 years old, 13 to 16, and working out and obsessively working out. I have addictive gene in my personality, my father ended up passing away 17 years ago of alcoholism, so my addiction turned luckily good and I just fueled my body. So I went from 135 pounds at 16 and gained 60 pounds and started playing football and... I played football, but obviously it was a lot different once I...


And so defensive end and never leaving the field and full-back and all of that stuff, so then I ended up, cut to starting fullback at a school, a college in Minneapolis, my sophomore year, beating out all the big guys, I was 200-210 pound fullback, which was small for a fullback, but I loved to hit. And so I was super stoked for that season. And then the first game I got crushed by this linebacker and it tore my sacral plexus, the ligaments on my sacrum, and it froze up after the game, like the natural Novocaine wore off and then it ended my career. And then the human spirit stepped in again, and I was like, "What can I do?" So then I changed my major, I left that school, it was too hard to be around my teammates and not being able to play, studying physiology, kinesiology and nutrition in my undergrad, kind of a liberal arts approach to health, because I was in a liberal arts school, so I was able to nutrition and physiology and applied training, and even learning how to tape ankles. It was a wide variety, but nutrition stood out, physiology stood out, and kinesiology stood out.


The study of movement. To this day I can go in and feel and go, "Oh yeah, that muscle is firing and this muscle isn't. Okay, cool." And so then after college I ended up apprenticing with a physiologist, exercise physiologist that was doing movement work with people who were doing injuries and having injuries and stuff. So, long story short, I did that for a while, but the nutrition thing... And then this doctor who was retired ended up coming to my house and telling me, "Nutrition is the answer. What I did isn't. Nutrition is the answer." So he started, kind of before the internet was crazy, he had functional medical journals and things that he would drop off and he would basically lecture me, like...


Shawn Stevenson: What?


Darin Olien: Yeah, it was crazy. And then he passed away, but it didn't fully sink in yet, because I was still from the old school, like "Eat tons of protein, eat all of this stuff, and eat, eat, eat, over-consume." And it didn't matter kind of what the quality was, and then that finally shifted, I had digestive problems and acidic and all of that stuff, and then I started questioning like protein, as it's... And I was started seeing the research of recycling of amino acids when autophagy happens, the body is really keen on keeping things that are hard to get. Those are building blocks, amino acids.


So when the cells are sloughing off, the body kind of... And then, obviously, the body changes in every nanosecond, but it does try to reserve and preserve and use those amino acids. So then I was like, "Oh... ", I started questioning how much protein I was consuming based on what I actually needed. And then I was like, "I don't think I need meat, dairy, fish or eggs." So I literally just did an experiment, N of 1, and backed into it and doubled my workouts. I started doing biathlons, triathlons, weight training, and all of that stuff to feel what my body needed. And I was like, "Wow, I feel amazing." And I stopped altogether. I stopped eating all meat, fish, dairy, and eggs. So that just... Then I got completely... To answer your question is... I know this is very long. Then I got fascinated back into nutrition with looking at labels and food and realizing, "Oh, why are these people making compromises?" Because these foods, some of which have been used for 10,000 years, 20,000 years with Ayurveda, the marketing doesn't match the science, the marketing doesn't match the bottle, it doesn't... The efficacy. So then I was like...


Now, long story short, and full circle, my DNA went to, "I got to meet the farmers of where these things are from." That was just a no-brainer. "Where are they? They're in the Amazon, they're on the sovereign mountains of Tibet, they're on islands, they're... “And I was like, "Okay, so let's go." I'm researching, I'm looking, I'm tasting, I'm experimenting, I'm playing with formulas. Next obvious step for me was just jump on a plane and show up, meet the farmer, look at the holism of what's happening. "How are they growing it, what are they using, what's the ethnobotanical approach to this? How can we look at it not just as the food, but make sure the food and the supplement or the botanical is preserved and grown correctly?"


Shawn Stevenson: Right.


Darin Olien: And then how is it translate into the bottle? It has to go through a HACCP certification, an FDA, and all of these regulatory principles without killing it. And so then I was... I'd go to the Amazon for the first time in like 2002-2003, and that was like... I came away with 100 things I'd never heard of. So then of course the curiosity is just exploding with "People don't know about this and this and this, and Maca and Sacha Inchi and Yacón and Schisandra?"


And I was like, "What the hell?" And so that led to the last 20 years of superfood hunting. And then luckily in that I was putting formulas together, I was starting my own stuff, 'cause I was like, "No one else is doing this. No one else sees what I see, that I can tell. So I'm going to put this together and create a business." And then in the process of formulation of that, I ran out of money doing all of that. And then Beachbody came to me and then I ended up formulating for them Shakeology, a superfood blend. And it was an incredible combination because they let me just do my thing.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah, and you shared with me too, what you put into it, this is why it took a lot of time for you to formulate it. And the investment was kind of like up front of your energy, to see all the back-end results I think has been like three billion dollars that they've done or something crazy like that.


Darin Olien: Yeah, 4 billion over the last 11 years, of just that product.


Shawn Stevenson: And that's something that you formulated, but most folks don't know where it comes from, and so many of these superfoods folks know about today, you were one of the people getting it out there and available in the world, even the realization of it, that's what I love about you, the term "superfood hunter", you were that, like you'd go and track this stuff down. It's so remarkable. And then you landing in a space, because when I first met you, when I came over, I just assumed you were from here, you got that vibe. But you're really a worldly person, with all the different things you've seen and experienced, and bringing that stuff back. But when I found out, as soon as you told me you were from Minnesota, I literally was like, "I only know three people from Minnesota", and one of them I talked with today, Dr. Alan Christianson, literally.


Darin Olien: Cool.


Shawn Stevenson: I know Prince, and Kirby Puckett. And then that's it. I'm like, "What? Darin, really?" And then to hear your story, and now... Because I didn't know that, like about your dad. And there was this nature versus nurture thing, and you just shared so much about even the way you came into the world. This freaks me out about you, man. This is the second time that this has happened, because these things were happening when I first met you, but the synchronicities. I just started reading an article about infant amnesia, basically not being able to remember stuff, pretty much for most folks before the age of four. And I've got bits and pieces of some experiences before that, which is... My wife, she's always tripped out, she's like, "How do you remember that? How do you remember that?" But if we could... I think we were designed in a way to protect us from the pain, in a sense, because just imagine how traumatizing that would be if you remember coming out, football style, and somebody's cutting your umbilical cord from your mom. But for you to share that, there were so many things, it was like, "Oh, there's such an essence of truth there that goes untold." You know what I mean? But I wanted to also ask you about, with you being in that, in the place that you are today.


Dude, something really remarkable happened recently, and my wife she just told you the story, she was getting her hair done and you were on TV on Netflix, with the show Down to Earth, with you and Zac Efron. And your team and my team have been talking for a little while, but she was like... She pointed to my head, she was like, "You have to watch this show, this guy is amazing." And usually the people she actually introduces me to ends up being like my best friends. I don't know what kind of juju that is, but I'm super curious, man, like for something to come about, you've been behind the scenes, and you went from that to literally big screen. So how did that even take place?


Darin Olien: The Down to Earth thing? Yeah, so it's a very serendipitous thing. So for the last 10 years people would say, "My God, you got to film superfood hunting." It's just so fascinating, because you get to see culture, you get to influence people, the environment, if you do it well, right? Conscious consumerism, like make sure everyone, especially the farmers, are taken care of, especially in areas that really, really, really need it, and they're suffering in a lot of different ways. So that was always my approach. Have I been successful? I try my damnedest to understand them. And so... But I didn't need to do a TV show. I wanted to do anything to get the understanding of transparency and consumerism and understanding, and collapse this divide of food. And then even more so collapse it of supplements, right? Because people don't know what or where, even still, 90%, probably more than that, you don't even know where it's from. Even the people selling it, they don't have their hand in transparency or full understanding of where it's from. And they certainly don't know the farmers. So I just kind of said, "Okay, I've walked away from production deals", and it just wasn't...


It was going to be so much effort on my part, and it wasn't... They just didn't get it. So I just said, "Well, I've been exposed to water problems, population problems and struggle, and children dying of waterborne diseases at a rate of 6000 a day around the world. I'm involved in the environment, I'm involved with guys with clean energy tech for the last 17 years", things that people don't know, but these are my every aspect of life, moving forward, I'm interested in, right?


So I was like, "Let's scrap this idea, not totally, of superfood hunting, let's make it a little more whole. Let's talk about pollution, let's talk about solutions, let's talk about what other people are doing around the world, because people don't know. I've seen way too much incredible people and also technology that can save a lot of things. Sovereignty of water, power, food, shelter. These things absolutely exist." Now, and without slamming the government, but I'm going to slam the government, they are largely ineffective, when it comes down to it, when you're in a village and these people are suffering. I've been in Western Africa, in Senegal, looking at Baobab fruit, on incredible revered baobab trees, sitting with the elders and talking to them about, "Potentially let's work together. I'll pay you X for these that are naturally on your land", and then I add one question, "How is your water?" And I already knew the answer. Horrible, and it's like... They didn't say this, but I'm saying this, "It's like Russian roulette. You need to drink it, but it could be... "


So I said, "Do you have five minutes, can I show you how to clean your water?" And so in five minutes I showed them how to clean their water and I drank it, and everyone just freaked out. And so that's always been the approach. So, bottom line is, I scraped the whole same idea and I expanded it. So, long story short, a podcast I was on that Rich Roll... I was on Rich Roll's podcast a few... I've been on it several times, but this was, I don't know, the first or second one, Zach heard it and he was touched by something, I don't really know exactly at the time, but then Rich knew some people that knew him, so his people reached out to Rich and Rich said, "Is it cool that I give Zac your number?" and I was like, "Sure". You and I can probably swap stories of how many celebrities or athletes want something, but then maybe do it or don't do it, or it kind of ends up to be a waste of time, so I wasn't holding my breath. And I really didn't know about Zac. I knew who he was, and three months later I get this random cold text, meaning I didn't know the number.


And it was him, and so it was very sweet, and we ended up going out to eat, talking about everything from health and superfoods and supplements and life and perspective, and just ended up connecting. And at the very end he said, "What else you doing? I have this idea for a show." I wasn't even pitching him, I had no idea he would want to do anything like that. So, long story short, he calls me back after that two-and-a-half-hour meeting, and he said, "I have a deal at Netflix, but it's a completely different show that I don't want to do, and I talked to my team and we think we can change the idea to this. And I'll travel with you." Boom, and it happened. Incredible.


Shawn Stevenson: That is nuts.


Darin Olien: Yeah.


Shawn Stevenson: That's nuts, that's those synchronicities, it was already aligned.


Darin Olien: This is important, if I didn't start and listened to myself about what I wanted, and I started moving on developing it and stuff, it was now something developing as real.


Shawn Stevenson: Right.


Darin Olien: So I was able to voice it, and then that voicing it resonated with Zac. It wasn't me reaching out to Zac, it was this magnetic thing, and the reception of the show, now listen.


I wanted to go a lot deeper on the show. Right? And I almost walked away when we were in Puerto Rico, we actually had filmed that first, wasn't in the order of the show that came out, but that's what we filmed first, and I was frustrated because I'm like, "Am I going to be involved in something about a celebrity? And like, this I care about, I lived this, and the last thing I want is some watered-down." And so I straight up was telling the whole production like this, and what I realized is that trust in them and them understanding what we're doing, truly, and I, believe me, I spent time saying, "This is what this show is about. It's about moving forward and health of the people and health of the planet, period." And then they adopted it.


And they maybe didn't come from this place, but they took it on and they were touched. And so letting go of my control and realizing that they have some serious talent in sharing a story that's reachable to people that aren't putting on slippers and wishing under rainbows. They're normal people. And so I trusted them and, man, and the reception, the timing...


Shawn Stevenson: It was like the number one show.


Darin Olien: Yeah.


Shawn Stevenson: And this was of course during the shutdowns, quarantine time, so the universe opened that portal even wider for more people to be impacted, I'm sure that you've probably received an absolute flood, an absolute barrage of stories of folks who've had their lives changed, just from watching it and thinking different.


Darin Olien: To this day, every day. Hundreds of thousands of messages. It's unbelievable.


Shawn Stevenson: You know why? Of course you know why. I'm just like, "You know why?" But it helps us to see things that we normally don't see. Like we are facing so many different issues, and this is what I really, really love about you, man, and I love your standards. When you were talking about walking away, that really hit me, man. For real, because it's the concern, it's the care that you have for what matters most. And for folks to actually see, like we're facing issues today with our water, and most people have no idea about it. We got something coming through the tap, it seems like it's friendly and it's clean, it's pure water, but the chemicals that are added to our water, there are better methods, and they exist, and there are nations that are taking advantage of the technology, and you guys show it. The deforestation taking place. There are sustainable methods, we can... All the animals that are going extinct that are endangered, we're just wiping out so much of the planet, and it's not a matter of like "We can't have our needs met", it's just a matter of not having sustainable practices.


And here in the United States, there's so many things that we can... The technology exists, the methods exist to do things better, and so I want to talk about a couple of these. And when you first got here, my son, Braden... Because he told me, before he went to his class, he was like, "Dad, can you tell your friend that I really like his show?" And I was like, "You tell him, when he gets here I'll call you down." And that was the first thing he said to you. Even for kids, he really got... He was like... And he was picking, like "Dad, can we watch the next one with the bees?" But let's talk about water first. That was the France episode. And by the way, have you ever seen Down To Earth with Zac and Darin? Let's go, I think of course tons of people are going to watch it now, it's so beautifully done. Of course, like you said, it's that trust, and the cinematography. And the vibes, and also the teaching and the things we pick up, but I saw... So first of all, talk about the water sommelier experience, and then let's talk about the systems that they're using in France, and parts of France, I don't think it's all over, but at least they've got some pilot things going, the way that they're doing their water and their water treatment is just remarkable compared to what we're doing.


Darin Olien: Yeah, that was super special. The sommelier was... This was a big debate, because I've spent a lot of time with some of the top water scientists in the world, I went to Bulgaria at the water conference, literally it exists, where all they share their data together of all these guys. So the water conversation from dead water to live water and what chemically, biologically, quantum-ly is going on with water will blow your mind. So when we were discussing water, the water episode, I wanted to get into that deep, pun intended. I was like, "Come on." And it was hard to... It would have been a whole film, the whole series, talking about the miraculous-ness and the power and the understanding and the not understanding of water. So the miraculous-ness of water, but the way we decided to do it was through this Lourdes talk, because it exists, and it really is starting... It's just literally the start of the conversation about what potential this is, this has properties that demonstrate from a quantum reality, it demonstrates chemically, it demonstrates biologically...


Shawn Stevenson: And he's holding water right now.


Darin Olien: Yeah, by what is done to the water, and what is... The emotive work was revolutionary, while putting emotion and words on bottles, on glasses, and then taking and then freezing the geometry of what was happening based on emotion, essentially. Based on words. They realized that that was communicating in the quantum way to the organizing principle of water and it was demonstrated, if you say "Love", that water is literally changing itself to demonstrate an organizing principle of love.


Right? And listen, if people are going, "What is he talking about?" Its frequency, its vibes, so you can hook up frequencies to a plate and pour sand on it and hit certain frequencies, and that sand will organize itself in perfect geometry. You can find... It's all over YouTube. It's something you can do in seventh grade. So it's not out of the realm of frequency and hertz and all of this stuff communicating. So what we decided was like, Let's go to the place that is unexplainable, that there's miracles happening, and that's happening still in Lourdes. And...


You talked about the sommelier, but I'm kind of getting into the doctor and the miraculous-ness of that. So that that goes into... I'll probably just end it, bookend it, there. But that episode was demonstrating that there's a lot more going on with water, and then when we talked to the sommelier here in LA, we then talked about kind of the mechanics of water, like what's in it, and the amount of minerals, and water is not just water, right? And so literally these natural places around the world, he's coming in with bottles of water that are from natural sources, they're not created by man, and it tastes like Alka-Seltzer, or it's got huge amounts of magnesium, so it becomes kind of this functional beverage that is technically exactly, still water. So the water episode was just a drop in the ocean of what water is and isn't, and what it can do, and how it can influence the body and etcetera. So...


Shawn Stevenson: These principles that you're talking about are so real, it's just we... I think we were largely jaded by water, but we are mostly that. And to think that water can't do these things on the surface... And now, again, these things, you can replicate these studies, but water is a storage center for data, for information. You can store information in water. And we talk about the cloud, it's made of water, but truly water has an intelligence where it can become whatever it interacts with. And I talk about this all the time, there is no pure H2O anywhere in nature, it does not exist.


Darin Olien: Doesn't exist.


Shawn Stevenson: But when we're in school we're taught, we need to get H2O, "Make sure you get plenty of pure water." That's not how water works, and so in that episode... As I've been talking about this stuff, even like find a spring, one of the people, I've been helping people to get on there over the years, Daniel Vitalis, but the TDS, and I was looking for that ideal everyday drinking water, but then I really got it. Sometimes the super-high TDS can have healing properties for different things, and it is able to get where it needs to go in your body more effectively because it's in a water medium, and so when you had... Talk about one of the high T... It was like 7000 or something?


Darin Olien: Yeah.


Shawn Stevenson: I was like, "What?"


Darin Olien: So there is a clarity to make on TDS too, because when you look at... TDS stands for "total dissolved solids". So in nature, if you say TDS, you're presuming that there's no man-made contaminants and toxins. So then if you measure the value of TDS, then you're going, "Okay, TDS, so this has 7000 parts per million of magnesium", for example. So from a TDS perspective, cool. But TDS now, in modern day world, is also the total of every total dissolved solid. Right?


Shawn Stevenson: Right.


Darin Olien: So we have to be very careful, and something we didn't unpack enough in the episode was if I go to your top right now and I turn that on and I see a high TDS, let's call it... It's probably about 500, I've tested so many. 500 parts per million, and you're like, "Oh my God, this is a great water, it's got a lot of minerals and all of that stuff", but if you break that down, pesticides, herbicides, fifth fillet, it's from plastic, drugs that we flush down the toilet are too small to filter out through these mechanisms that we've had, so...


Shawn Stevenson: Chlorine.


Darin Olien: Chlorine, fluorides, all of this. And then you have interactions with chlorine with other volatile compounds, so then you have unknown things showing up in your waterways, the whole idea of chlorine is, I get it. It's a way to make sure that you're not having deadly bacteria kill you upon drinking it, so there's a reason why they're putting... 'cause they have to measure it so that for the most part, as far as that's traveling, that it's going to kill off bad bacteria, pesticides and whatever, or parasites or whatever. So now we have to look at total dissolved solids as a completely different thing. And you have to look at it like the majority of what's in your tap is going to be "unwanted" total dissolved solids. So my point of view is you have to actually strip that water down to build it back up again. So reverse osmosis, distillation, but then you have to make sure that you do not drink that on its own, or else that will... It's an empty vessel that's looking to balance itself chemically through the electrolytes. It will steal it from your body if you drink it without adding a pinch of Himalayan crystal salt, a pinch of unrefined crystal salt, or there's other kinds of minerals that you can add to it that will help then create hydration in your body, 'cause your body or your cells need that in order for the hydration to go in and out of the cell.


So that's the most important thing. So the tap water is not a healthy thing, you have to strip it down in order to build it back up, in order to actually get cellular hydration.


Shawn Stevenson: Right. That's such a great point of clarity, because when we get the TDS from natural sources, natural spring water, for example, that is more functional, it's not some abnormal thing that's added, and I want to ask you about this, because this was highlighted in that episode in France. Instead of adding chemicals to the water, which again, this is to... And again, I've said this many times, the intention behind it, I get it. "We don't want consuming any pathogenic whatever that can kill you very quickly", like you said early in the story, when folks... It's a Russian roulette situation. But there are better ways to go about it, rather than adding something that doesn't care what kind of bacteria it is, it's killing stuff in you too. And so they were using this incredible system, and the water's coming out all over the city at these different water distribution points, like all over the place. And their process is really remarkable. Can you talk about what they're doing?


Darin Olien: They did still use a little bit of chlorine, but what they did is they killed... So they recycle... So the water's coming in, they had to clean it, but the primary thing is the oxygenation that they create it in. And we know that high-oxygen environments, and people can extrapolate this towards the body too, when you create a higher ability for your body to saturate and to receive oxygen it creates a different environment. So when you have a high oxygen environment in water then the anaerobic bacteria virus fungus can't survive. So that they had these very cool cauldrons of bubbling and moving and oxygenating the water, so that water was high oxygen, balanced pH water, going out. But the only problem is that it still had to... So, leaving? Perfect. Beautiful. But it still had to go through piping. And stagnant water in any pipe is... As soon as something stops moving it's starting to die and breed bacteria, virus, or fungus. So they still had to add a little chlorine to make sure that acids leaving the facility, even though it's deemed a great balanced water, they still had to use a little of the chlorine. But again, this is moving in a better direction. Not to mention the obvious, the providing clean water for everyone in the city, instead of having a weird world where we're putting water in petroleum containers, and that's called plastic.


And that plastic, for everyone listening, the softer the plastic is the more estrogen mimicking compounds they use to make it soft, so that is leaching into your water. And those estrogen-mimicking compounds are infusing into your water, which is largely leading, along with several other hormone-disrupting activities we're doing of toxicities in our environment, it's neutering us and affecting and causing a hormone disruption. So it's a really bad idea to be drinking... Obviously, if you're traveling I wouldn't suggest staying dehydrated. Drink water, but don't make that a normal habit.


Shawn Stevenson: Did we talk about that?


Darin Olien: I think so.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah.


Darin Olien: Yeah, you had a story where you were like, "I'm not drinking any of that, and I'm going to stay dehydrated."


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah, I was just going to just basically murder myself with dehydration rather than drinking out of plastic. We don't want to be neurotic. But functionally, like you said, there's so many different degrees of this, and none of these systems really are going to be perfect, but there's better. There's so much better that we could be doing. And on that, when you said "neutering", like that's a real thing, even in Eat Smarter I share some of the studies related to BPA and infertility, and the studies are pretty shocking, but it's not just BPA, there's BPS there's other compounds, and it's just understanding water is the universal solvent. And these things, we're putting them into, they photo-degrade. And so with that system, did they also use... So I know they used oxygen, so it's ozone.


Darin Olien: Yep.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah, and it was also available for everybody. So this is a better way that we can get this stuff done. But even with that, another thing that you guys highlighted was sustainability with powering. Powering your cities, what do you do with all of the... A lot of folks are concerned about the CO2, can you share a little bit about that, what the folks in Iceland were doing?


Darin Olien: Yeah, well Iceland's a unique place, because they have two forms of environmental energy systems that are quite abundant, and that is geothermal, so you have a lot of activity underneath the ground, heat and molten streams of lava. And changes, any time you have changes of heat you can gobble up and you can use that exchange for power, just like they have tens of thousands of rivers, and you damn a few of them and just by the movement, the kinetic movement of water, you can capture that and move turbines, so they're very unique from that perspective. And in the episode they saw this new borehole that they just were going to start capping, and it was just this mother earth screaming, and loud and powerful. It's almost just overwhelming, and so they were capturing just this natural power that Mother Earth had there, and the cool thing they were doing with the CO2, and part of the process there was a certain amount of CO2 that came out, so instead of letting it go into the atmosphere they were capturing the CO2 and then injecting the CO2 back into the natural rock surfaces, and so then it would naturally just kind of absorb and make a rock formation.


And so that was a really cool technology that I had no idea about that can be adopted in any sort of industry that's releasing CO2. I mean, the lumber industry and all of those things could be utilizing that, that's a whole discussion. And archaic.


Shawn Stevenson: Right. We was just talking about #2 Pencils.


Darin Olien: Yeah, just using wood for building is just a really bad idea.


Shawn Stevenson: I don't know about anybody else, I've never seen a #1 Pencil, I've never seen a #4, just those #2's stuck, man.


Darin Olien: I don't know what it is.


Shawn Stevenson: Now, this is what, for so many people, you are really known for, is bringing these superfoods to public awareness, but also going to the place, talking with the people who are putting everything together, who's growing the food, making sure every part of it is done ethically and everybody is winning. And of course, in the different episodes you guys are going on location, doing the thing, superfood hunting, you find these random things that you guys are like... You chop down and just so many things that we have no idea where something might come from. And just questions of, "Why have I never seen these before?" Well, it's because of it can't travel well, or whatever the case might be, it answers so many questions. But in your travels you discovered... My team, we're over here, we're all snacking on it, this is my favorite snack that I keep on my counter. Can you talk about Barukas? Why this, and just talk about how remarkable it is, 'cause again, it's one of my... I keep it on the counter, it's one of my favorite snacks.


Darin Olien: It's crazy, this was... Barukas, the nut, the story, the connection to the environment, this is from nearly 20 years of doing this, this was like checking all the boxes of kind of looking through the lens of Ethnobotany. And Ethnobotany is not just looking at a linear approach, a reductionist approach, I just need to take this nut and sell it to the US. The ethno-botanal lens is looking at culture, it's looking at the people, it's looking at the farmers. It's looking at the environment, it's looking at the trade, it's looking at the history, it's looking at all of these things and understanding that. And that's exhausting, in a good way, to be able to try to come in as a white dude in the middle of some heavy disparity, in terms of no money in the middle of the Cerrado. The Cerrado, the tropical savanna where the Baruzeiro tree is grown and the Barukas come from, it's technically a shrub but it's a tree, you look at it and say, "That's a tree", but it's in the Fabaceae family, so it's technically a big shrub. But it's a nitrogen fixer, so it pulls abundance of nitrogen out of... And actually, not only for itself, but all the plants around it, so it's a sacred tree. You find that right away when you're talking to the indigenous people.


And we had some incredible meetings with PhDs all the way to tribal elders, this badass woman that was 35 years old and running as a tribal leader. And we're like, "Listen, we want to do this as trade. We're going to pay more than what's been going on in the country, this is what we want to do, and could we do this in your area?" And you got to do that, you got to come in with humility and understanding and learn, like "How would this work for you?" How is this going to happen?" So the Cerrado the tropical savanna, is 500 million acres.


No one knows of this place, it's the... Call it "the sister of the Amazon", right? So, mostly Brazil, Southern end of Brazil, into Paraguay and Bolivia. And it is one of the most diverse biomes in the world, harboring over 4400 plants. No one knows about it. And it's not the huge canopy of the Amazon, but it's a tropical savanna, so you have kind of desert-y areas like a Joshua Tree in California to like a semi-tropical and everything in between, and goes through a drought, about nine months of a drought. So the baruzeiro tree taps deep, deep and hits the aquifer and feeds itself from the water from the aquifer. At the same time, fixing this nitrogen for the plants around it, so it's an incredible...


And then these nuts, this fruit, has this... It's technically called the "droop", so it's a fruit, it's got this thin fruit layer with one nut inside. And the beautiful thing, I think it had humans in mind, because you cannot pick it early, it does not form the nut until the last moment, and as soon as it's done forming the nut it drops to the ground, so you can't go out and pick it up and... Nut's not there. And so it's a beautiful thing, it's natural, it's a wild food. So the Barukas is a wild food, for us to be able to scale a business is insane for what we did, in a land mass the size of three states of Texas, at 500 million acres, to gather around, community after community after community of thousands of people, indigenous people, of people like... We weren't the first people that wanted to do this, but we were looked at as disappointment, because, dude, I've been in situations so many times where some dude came in, promised the world, and they didn't deliver. So you have to really take a trusting steps together, like "You pick this, we'll pay you for the next 20 years."


That's our motto, "We're going to pay you." You're going to know, we're going to announce our price, so someone can't undercut you, we're going to pay, and all of that stuff. And that's a big deal, right? So we're creating stability for people that have nothing in the middle of the Savanna, that don't want to leave, that's where they're from. And we're paying them better than what they paid, we're consistent, and listen, everyone listening, I hope you check out these nuts and eat them, because you're creating stability for an ecosystem, you're creating stability for these fair wages for these people, consistency. And we're planting trees in the Savanna because the sad... I've lost tears because of this, because when you're in the middle of... If you don't think the climate is going through changes, now whether you can argue, "Well, it's always gone through changes", correct.


But when you're meeting people that have lived there generation after generation and said, "This has never happened." Okay, it's never happened. And at the same time you're driving thousands... I've driven thousands of kilometers through the Savanna, and you're seeing the stripping of the Savanna for unsustainable factory farming of beef, and then unsustainable practice of growing soy and corn, and you're knowing that 4400 species of plants, thousands of species and animals, and you're knowing that medicinal plants, baruzeiro tree, barukas are there, and that that is an economy that can be utilized and be beneficial for everybody, because you look at, "Okay, it's an economic thing to grow the beef industry." Well, that's just a choice. You can grow many industries that keeps the environment intact. So when I'm seeing this stripping, it's just gutting. But then creating value back to these people that are not also going to sell off their land because they need to feed their children that is a strong pull, so I don't hold them responsible, I hold the responsibility back to us. Stop eating so much meat, stop eating unsustainable meat. Stop eating factory-farmed crap that's not good for you. Stop all that crap and support nutrient density, support our company, other companies that are transparent and trying to do things good.


So we have tree planting programs, we're building back this baruzeiro tree, it's a sacred tree to them, and we're creating stability back. And not to mention everyone eating them, come on, they're the most delicious nut in the world. They are so freaking good, on top of it they have a nutrient density that blows every nut away, through our scientific discovering. No oxalates, phytic acid, protease inhibitors. None of that stuff. Hell, Dr. Gundry, it's his favorite nut.


Shawn Stevenson: That's a big deal. He's the lectin guys.


Darin Olien: He's the lectin guy. So no oxalates, no lectins.


Shawn Stevenson: Wow.


Darin Olien: Right? So it's his go-to. So that's a big deal, but the nutrient density, complete protein, the antioxidants, it's a wild food, antioxidants, it's got nearly 400% more antioxidant phenolic tannin power than like an almond, when an almond is so bloody unsustainable. In order to produce the... Most of the almonds are produced here in California, it's taking all of the water that it takes to give LA.


Is the same amount of water that it takes to grow the almonds every year. It is so unsustainable. And this is, guess what, no pesticides, no herbicides, no water, wild food, we just pick it up and we leave one for every two we pick up, we leave one. So it's this natural thing, and we support the environment, we plant the trees, we help the people, and you as a person who's willing to try it, it's taste's freaking amazing, and you're getting literally the most nutrient density, so fiber, two times more fiber than the closest high fiber nut, three times more than almost any one of them. Like I said, the antioxidant, complete protein, and then a lower fat content. So you're lower calories per bite than any nut, as well as all manganese, huge. So bone health, insulin support, antioxidant capacity. Obviously calcium, potassium, copper, iron, it's literally... So your question, as a superfood hunter, I'm seeing... Superfoods to me has a new definition. It's not just about the food. Is it super for the people that are picking it up, is it super for you eating it, is it super for the environment, is it making life better getting that out in the world? And to the best of our ability, from as much research and as much conversations as we've had and the support of nature that we have in those communities, we would say, "Absolutely yes". So transparent, open, so that people can literally benefit.


I can't stop myself when I realize that the people on the ground, the indigenous people benefit, the environment benefits and the people consuming it benefit as a superfood hunter, are you kidding? And we're going to... And everything's... We're vertically integrated, and we've been FDA approved and HACCP certified and all of that stuff, and so I'd do that for free, if it was sustainable, we need to make some money in order for that to continue to expand, but that's what I've been doing all my life, I've been making formulas and giving them to people. And this is, again, a wide scale. So all your people listening I know are wonderful listeners and they care about those things, and so I'm challenging... I'm not just saying we're the only people doing it, and I know that more customers from clothing production to better products for your babies, to supplements, to food people, everyone, I believe we need to vote with our dollars as customers. And this is what we need to do. So I'm challenging other businesses, other supplement companies, other food companies to step up, because us as customers, as the only thing keeping the lights on in these businesses, we demand what is in the marketplace. And we're proud of what we've been doing.


Shawn Stevenson: Yeah, man, it's so... It's game-changing. I love that, "redefining superfoods." Because we have the opportunity to nourish ourselves at a completely different level and make the planet better, leave it much better than when we got here. But it's going to take a shift in thinking, so I love that so much, and...


Darin Olien: Is not easy.


Shawn Stevenson: Oh yeah, nobody said it was going to be easy.


Darin Olien: It doesn't make it easy. This has never left the country, essentially. It's insane what we've been trying to do, organizing millions of acres and thousands of people, there's a reason why it never left. Barukas was going away, they were shutting... That nut was going away in the country, they couldn't even sell it sustainably inside the country. Guess what they can do now? Sell it sustainably inside the country from what we did, so not only they are benefiting and eating their indigenous nut, but now we're able to get it out in the world. So it's not easy, and it takes time, it takes effort. But that effort, man, when you get to hang out with people and you get to sit around, sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't, but your heart is there and you want it to happen, and we're doing everything we can to continue.


Shawn Stevenson: You're superhero, man. You're an absolutely superhero. You are. Your life was setting you up for these moments, like you said, you've been discovering things and putting formulas together and giving them away. And then you just keep moving on, because there's an insatiable desire to discover and also to make things better. And like you said, it's not easy. And especially in the world right now, we need this more than ever, and I love that redefining, but I also love the fact that this food, you can't even make a comparison to an almond, it's like an almond that works out, that's been like eating a really great well-rounded, unique personalized diet. The taste and the benefits from it are remarkable. And I had Barukas prior, but when I was with you at your place, you gave me the Barukas, the trail mix, and I'm just like... I literally, when I looked at it... I just saw the name before I looked at what was in it, and I'm like, "What the hell does he have in here with a trail mix?" What's going to match up with this?" It was the fruit that comes around the nut, and I'm just like, "Well, I don't know if people will really like this."


And then I opened it up and I started eating it. I'm like, "People will really like this." And my team, just same thing, they had some, they were like, "This is so good, this is incredible." And it all comes together in this one, again, in the true words of a superfood, nutrient dense, delicious, helping to really actually make the planet better, food. It's just great, it's a triple win.


Darin Olien: That fruit was... I tell you that was interesting because in that discovery was one of the trips, and I was looking at this five-year-old fruit that hadn't been cracked open, so the fruit was there, and I was looking at it, and I looked at the one that I'd just picked up. And I looked, and they looked exactly the same. I'm like, "How the hell is that fruit not breaking down? After five years?" I wasn't in some special place, it was in a warehouse, it wasn't like sitting out in the sun, it wasn't being rained on, but it was just sitting. And I was like, "You know what's going on in that thing? There's definitely antioxidants, there's definitely special fibers keeping it together, there's definitely high mineral content. There has to be." So I started, literally in the back of a truck, bouncing around, taking a knife and carving out the fruit, putting it in a bag, bring it home and testing it. And lo and behold, high antioxidants, prebiotics, so it literally has food for the good microflora. That blew me away, I wasn't expecting that. Again, more antioxidants, more iron, more all of that stuff.


So I was like... And then we dried it and added it back, and again, the trail mix was born. So that alchemy of it together, just... It's kind of like a... I think of it like a graham... You ever eat a graham cracker. Back in the day?


Shawn Stevenson: Of course! I was like 5% graham cracker, man. They called me grahams. No one called me that. Could have been.


Darin Olien: "Yo, grahams!" No, so for me, I think it's like this graham cracker on steroids.


Shawn Stevenson: That's right.


Darin Olien: Like it's just so good and crunchy.


Shawn Stevenson: That's so true, I didn't think about that.


Darin Olien: So it's like in a nice cheat, but you get all these benefits with it.


Shawn Stevenson: Wow, that's so cool. And by the way, if you're like, "Where can I get them?" Right now,, that's Of course we're going to hook you up, this... And again, this is so much more than... This term "superfood" has been something that's proliferated our culture recently, but this is in that true domain where... And I've always wondered these things, but you are the guy, and actually going and checking, I'm just wondering how are the people being taken care of, how is this process sustainable. Because we tend to find out something that's really great and then marketers mess things up, and that's what's taken it so long and all the hours that you've put in, all the sweat equity into making this something real and sustainable. And so just... Man, this is why, again, I told you I want to support you, everything that you do, you're one of my favorite people already. Shout out to Chaga, your dog. As soon as I got out of the car, we had good vibes but he looks like he could definitely eat a person. But you're such a good person, and your heart's in the right place, and you're putting in the work, man. You've done some absolutely... How many countries have you been to, like superfood hunting?


Darin Olien: I don't know, I think it's over 40.


Shawn Stevenson: Crazy, man. Crazy. But all of this plays out in moments like this where we need it the most, our country, more so than ever, we need real deep nutrition, we need to do things that create more sustainability, because we've just been... This consumption without seeing the "side effect", but it's really direct effect. We're not seeing where our food's coming from or where things are going once it's done, and now it's like we're pulling back the veil and we're showing folks, "Here's what happens if we do it this way, here's what can happen if we do it this way." And you're one of those people, man, so just huge, huge props, man. I appreciate you, truly, for what you're doing.


Darin Olien: Thank you. Well, I'm so stoked that we got to connect and I love what you're doing, and it's just the start. And we need it more than ever to help change the trajectory of how things have been done. So, put in the work, everybody. No matter what you're doing, where you at, get to it. We need it.


Shawn Stevenson: Awesome, appreciate you man, I can't wait for more.


Darin Olien: That's right.


Shawn Stevenson: Darin, my man. Take care, man.


Darin Olien: Thank you.


Shawn Stevenson: Everybody, thank you so much for tuning in to this episode today, I hope you got a lot of value out of this, it's one of my all-time favorite topics. Obviously I'm a big fan of food, I've been in this space for almost 20 years now, studying nutrition, and the whole category of superfoods really was just game-changing for me. When I found out about a lot of these things they weren't readily available. I'd read a study or find an article about the food and I got to send off to these random places to get a goji berry from the Tibetan school of medicine or some random thing. And now these things are kind of everyday, even in conventional supermarkets and things like that. So there are so many wonderful foods out there for us to discover and that have been utilized for centuries, but this one that he talked about today, it's going... It's redefining what superfoods are, because it's not just about the food itself and the incredible nutrient density, the benefits that it has for the human body, but the benefits that it can have for the planet. Reforestation, sustainability, because truly what are we leaving for our children, what are we leaving for our future generations if we're just all about consumption without giving back and looking at the bigger picture?


So this is what I'm really just blown away... One of the things I'm totally blown away with in Darin's story and the work that he's done, it's just it's crazy. So many things that folks have been exposed to, even with Shakeology through Beachbody, they have no idea about Darin, and that he's the one who came up with the formula that so many people are utilizing every day. He's that guy that's been working behind the scenes to make this stuff accessible. Now, coming out in the front stage and being on the big screen in this incredible Netflix show, Down To Earth, which definitely make sure you check it out, Down To Earth with Zac Efron, it's incredible, it's a great journey and a great learning experience. And by the way, so Barukas again, go to That's, going to get yourself a special discount exclusive here for the Model Health Show listeners for you to try them out. Again, there's different types, he's got the trail mix that has the fruit itself in with the baruka nuts.


Just crazy. So so good. And also, one of the things that you talked about a little bit earlier in the show itself, how that manifested, there seemed like these random occurrences to have him sitting there with Zac Efron, and I'm pretty sure they weren't sitting at KFC over a nice two-piece when they got together for lunch, there's probably some good food involved, and he spoke it out, like his vision, and he talked about the power of that, and I want to reiterate that for you, how important it is to speak your dreams and your vision into existence.


It's not some small thing. Each action we take, when we write a goal down, it's actually creating a tangible substance in reality. What's said is you're creating a spell when you spell it out, you're casting something out to the world around you, it's kind of like it's... This is not a airy-fairy thing what I'm saying right here, but some of the studies that I've talked about multiple times on the show, showing how simply writing a goal down increases the incidence of achieving that goal by 30-40% greater incidents of being able to achieve the goal simply by writing the goal down. Something happens when you write something down, something happens when you speak it out, what you want. Because I think it also, just looking at a granular level of this, it takes a level of courage to say what you really want. That act in and of itself is an act of courage, just to say... To have the audacity to say that this is a goal that I want to achieve, this is something I want to have in my life. Despite what circumstances might say, despite what other people might think is possible for me, it takes courage to do that, and you're eliciting the power of things that we don't really even understand to support you, what's said is that the universe is conspiring for your good.


The universe is conspiring to help you achieve your goals. And again, this gets into conversations that are above our pay grade, but we don't need to know how this stuff works, we just know that it works. Writing a goal down, not just having it rattling around in your head like a, I don't know, what rattles around? Like some crumbs in a Pringles bottle. Why did I say that? Pringles just jumped to my mind. Why do they make... Why do they put chips into a tennis ball tube? Who came up with that idea? And why did we buy them? How do you get down... You got to have those small hand-dimensions to reach down and get those chips. Why, Pringles? Well screw Pringles anyways, screw 'em. They're not on that level with Barukas, I promise you that, I promise you that. So anyways, we don't want to just have this stuff just rattling around in our heads. Give it substance, write our goals down, speak them out loud. Speak them into existence. Communicate them, start... You've got to put your ideas out to other people, because most things that we achieve are going to be done with and through other people. Life is not a solo act.


Alright? Life is not a Beyonce album, it's Destiny's Child. That's not even a good comparison, I know, no disrespect to the beehive at all. No disrespect, that shouldn't even be compared. But life is not a solo act, it is indeed a multitude of choirs for incredible things to take place. So just keep that in mind. And I appreciate you truly so much for tuning in to this episode. It's a very important subject matter, a very important topic. And just looking at the background of where some of these amazing things, these foods, and just the level of impact, where they come from. This is what we get access to here on this show, and I'm so grateful myself that I get to be a part of it all, you know. Even the way that Darin came into the world, that he shared, he came in traumatic experience, as a premature baby, so he's got... These things affect us, and they affect our trajectory in life. And like I talked about, there's now some really interesting data on the amnesia effectively that we develop from our early years of childhood, but the thing is it's amnesia, that doesn't mean the data is not there. Every experience we have is recorded.


Every single thing from the moment, from the moment, of our arrival here, it's all recorded, it's still in us, which is really profound, it's really powerful. But this just speaks to the contentious nature that we can have and how we're raising our babies and creating an environment of love and support, but also challenge as well. You know, this doesn't mean life is all sunshine and rainbows, to paraphrase Rocky, the movie Rocky, his esteemed coach. But we can create resilient strong humans with a blueprint and a template and a foundation of love. And that's what this is all about at the end of the day, so thank you so much for tuning in to the show today, I hope you got a lot of value out of this, if you did, make sure to share this out with the people you care about. Send it via text in the podcast app that you're listening in, share it on social media, do whatever, just let's help get this information out to more people, into the hands and hearts of the people we care about. I appreciate you so much for tuning in. We've got some epic shows coming your way very soon, so make sure to stay tuned, take care. Have an amazing day and I'll talk with you soon.


And for more after the show, make sure to head over to, that's where you can find all of the show notes, you can find transcriptions, videos for each episode, and if you got a comment you can leave me a comment there as well. And please make sure to head over to iTunes and leave us a rating to let everybody know that the show is awesome. And I appreciate that so much. And take care, I promise to keep giving you more powerful empowering content to help you transform for life.

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