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TMHS 875: 3 Fitness Tests to Ensure Your Longevity

856: Boost Fat Loss and Improve Brain Health with THESE Hydration Tips

Hydration is one of the most powerful, overlooked keys to health. Maintaining optimal hydration levels has a profound impact on your body weight, cognitive function, and everything in between. On today’s show, you’re going to learn the remarkable ways that water can affect your health.

This episode is my interview on the Mindvalley Podcast with Vishen Lakhiani. In this conversation, we discussed how hydration directly impacts your metabolism, tips for optimizing your water intake, and how hydration affects your brain. You’re going to learn about optimal water filtration, the role of water in detoxifying your body, and how to estimate how much water your body needs.

If you’re trying to improve your health, the most basic fundamentals can have a sweeping benefit on all areas of your well-being – and staying adequately hydrated is a powerful example of this. I hope you enjoy this interview!  

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • What water-induced thermogenesis is. 
  • How drinking water influences your metabolism. 
  • The effects of dehydration on your cognitive function. 
  • What percentage of your brain is made of water.  
  • The connection between dehydration and brain shrinkage 
  • Why flying on an airplane is so dehydrating. 
  • What it means to start your day with an inner bath 
  • The connection between your glymphatic system and your hydration levels. 
  • A general guideline for how much water to drink every day.  
  • Why it’s best to not drink out of plastic.  
  • The problems with BPA and other xenoestrogens.  
  • How to optimize your drinking water 
  • Why you should consider using a reverse osmosis filtration system.  
  • The truth about diet soda.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

This episode of The Model Health Show is brought to you by Pique and Beekeeper’s Naturals. 


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Thank you so much for checking out this episode of The Model Health Show. If you haven’t done so already, please take a minute and leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcast by clicking on the link below. It will help us to keep delivering life-changing information for you every week!



SHAWN STEVENSON: Welcome to the Model Health Show.  This is fitness and nutrition expert Shawn Stevenson, and I'm so grateful for you tuning in with me today. This year we want to win. We want to win in our fitness. We want to win in our health. We want to win at being in the best shape of our lives and championships are all about the fundamentals. And one of the most overlooked fundamentals that has a direct, powerful impact on your metabolism, your cognitive function, and so much more is your body's level of hydration. On this episode, you're going to discover the remarkable ways that water can impact weight loss., The ideal water to drink, what you absolutely should not drink, and so much more.


This is an interview that I did on an incredible show hosted by the founder of Mindvalley, Vishen Lakhiani. And this interview on the Mindvalley podcast was filmed after I did a powerhouse keynote at an event in Portugal. Now, Vishen is incredibly insightful and asks great questions, and he has a great swag about him as well, which you'll see. And I think you're really, really going to enjoy this. Now before we get to the special episode, if you're going to add something to your water, add something that long lived people have been adding to their water for thousands of years. High quality, science backed teas. 

The tea that I've been drinking the most this week was the focus of a recent study published in the peer reviewed journal, Nature Communications. It uncovered that the traditional fermented tea called Pu erh contains a unique compound called thea brownin that has some remarkable effects on our microbiome. The researchers found that thea brownin can positively alter gut microbiota and directly reduce excessive liver cholesterol, and reduce the body's creation of more fat, a process called lipogenesis. Another study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry found that Puerh may be able to reverse gut dysbiosis by dramatically reducing ratios of potentially harmful bacteria and increasing ratios of beneficial bacteria. This tea is truly incredible, but as with everything, the quality and sourcing matters a lot.

The only Puerh that I drink is from Pique Life. Pique's fermented Puerh has a patented cold extraction technology. And I also love that it's wild harvested triple toxin screened for one of the highest levels of purity. And right now Pique is providing us with up to 15 percent off free shipping. And for a limited time, you'll also receive a gift of 12 tea samples to try some of their other award winning teas. You get all of this when you go to That's P I Q U E L I F And now let's get to the Apple podcast review of the week. 

ITUNES REVIEW: Another five star review titled "I am so addicted to this podcast" by Sabine. I am considering becoming a truck driver just so I can listen all day long to these podcasts. All podcasts have so much great info. Health, brain, diet, working out, et cetera. Amazing guests come to the show. My brain is so happy and full when I listened to these. I listened to the podcast when I get ready in the morning, when I prepared dinner, lunch, breakfast, and when I drive to work. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Incredible. Thank you so much for leaving that review over on Apple podcasts. I truly do appreciate that. And without further ado, let's get to this very, very special interview that I did on the Mindvalley podcast. Again, you're about to discover the remarkable ways that water can impact weight loss, the ideal water that you should be drinking, and what you absolutely should not be drinking, and much more. Please enjoy. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: With me is one of the most brilliant minds I've encountered in health. I'm a big fan of his podcast, The Model Health Show. And get this, it has been featured as the number one health podcast on iTunes. It gets millions of listener downloads each year. He's been featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, Men's Health Magazine, ESPN, Fox News. He is an incredible soul. I have such incredibly beautiful conversations with him. He has such a good heart and he is brilliant in so many ways. Now his book is one of the most highlighted books I've ever read. And I like to show this picture to Shawn. These are all the highlights I made in this book.

Truly one of the most highlighted books I've read because Shawn has a funny way of writing that just hooks you. But then he delivers so many insights that you change your perspective on practically every aspect of your body. From how you sleep to how you drink to how you jog to how you exercise to the foods you eat. So I love the way this man thinks because he's able to connect so many dots and make it entertaining. If you've not listened yet to the model health show. You definitely should. So, welcome to the set, Shawn Stevenson. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: I'm so grateful to be here. That is the greatest introduction I've ever had in my life. Thank you so much. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: Thank you. I'm, I'm happy I did you justice, Shawn, because I love your podcast and I love the way you introduce your guest. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Yeah. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: So we're talking about water. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Yeah. Yes. Such an important topic. You know, Leonardo da Vinci called water the driver of all in nature. And it's one of those substances, you know, we're so, I think we become jaded by it because we're around it so much, especially if we're in a developed place and we really don't understand the value that it has. And so I always like to start with something that is super visceral for people. And the reality is that, you know, a lot of us are, we want to look good. You know, we want to look good. We want to feel good. And one of the most fascinating things I came across recently was this instance. It's something called water induced thermogenesis. All right. So when a lot of people were thinking about modulating our nutrition, we're thinking about changing things with our exercise to try to burn fat burn calories. But simply according to the latest research, drinking 17 ounces of water, in one go, just within a minute, can boost your metabolism up upwards of about 30 percent. 



VISHEN LAKHIANI: 17 ounces of water. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: 30 percent. Yeah. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: Wow So I've heard that when you are dehydrated, your metabolism goes down by about 4%, but you're seeing that there's an alternate hack. Three of these glasses, 30 percent boost in metabolic rate. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: That's correct. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: How long does that boost last? 

SHAWN STEVENSON: So it's going to last upwards of about 40 minutes. So you're going to burn somewhere around 30 to 40 additional calories just from drinking water. I see. Now, of course, we know that calories are not the whole story, but it's just, I just wanted to share that to get started, to get people thinking a little bit differently. Because my question is always how? How is that even possible? And so if we start to understand some of the basics of what water does in our system. Water is known as a universal solvent because it is the most interactive substance that we know. Like things, the most things that are possible dissolve in water versus any other liquid.

And so understand that we're mostly water, which you mentioned at the top of the show. But what does this actually mean? Number one, our blood is about 90 percent water. This is how our body is transporting nutrients and oxygen throughout our system. If we're dehydrated this, according to the U. S. military, even 1 percent this can start to damage our blood and also damage our cognitive function. Just 1 percent drop in our normal hydration level. So we've got our blood, we've got our synovial fluid, we've got our cerebrospinal fluid, we've got our brain, obviously, well, maybe not so obvious. So let's talk about that. So the physical matter of our brain is mostly fat, protein, a little bit of carbohydrate, but the majority of our brains, it's over 70 percent water.

And so again, a drop in around 1 percent to upwards of 5 percent literally causes shrinkage to your brain. And so if we're trying to be sharp, we're trying to be focused, we're trying to be our very best cognitively. And we're simply not drinking water, we're putting ourselves at a disadvantage. It's something so simple, but we overlook it. And so, yesterday in my talk, I talked a little bit about my experience of having this so-called incurable spinal condition. And I had something called degenerative disc disease. So my discs were just kind of rapidly deteriorating. So much so that they were so compressed that I had two ruptures in my lower back.

And the number one thing that makes up our disc is actually water. But it's actually one of the last places that get hydration because your body really works on a hierarchy. Your brain is a top priority of getting the hydration you consume. And it's delivered to all of your cells through these little protein channels called aquaporins, which we'll get to maybe a little bit later. And then your blood is obviously important. And your body's going to get the hydration to your disc whenever it can. And just a little fun fact, everybody gets shorter as the day goes on. And so you might start the day at, you know, 5 foot 10 but by the end of the day you could be down to 5 foot 9. 


SHAWN STEVENSON: Just because of gravity. Half an inch. So I didn't mean to say 5 foot 9, 5 foot 9 and a half three quarters. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: So that doesn't just make you increase your metabolic rate, it makes you taller? 

SHAWN STEVENSON: It does. I mean also, you've got to think about gravity. You know, I, we just talked about John Carter the other day and I mentioned this and you mentioned how terrible of a movie it was. But when you think about it, we're constantly experiencing this force of gravity. And so when he went to Mars, he was like this superhuman because he didn't have that gravitational force and his body was able to really express itself in a different way. And so yeah, it's one of those things that compresses water. And so one of the number of people asked me, what did you do to reverse the condition? I'm not going to say it's the number one thing, but it's right up there, was I began to do this process called getting super hydrated each day. And I started to, you know, digging into the research. I saw that your discs are one of the last places to get hydrated. It's through a process called remote diffusion, which we're going to talk a little bit about diffusion in a minute. It's super important, but you have to have so much water available in your body that it will get fed to your disc, right? So again, just a small drop in that normal hydration level can cause dehydration to your disc in your back.


SHAWN STEVENSON: Increased risk of injury. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: And so are you saying that if we super hydrate. It actually increases our height. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Potentially. Potentially. You need that, you need that substance in order to hydrate your disc. And really every tissue in your body. And so if you're lacking in that, you're putting yourself at a metabolic disadvantage, at a cognitive disadvantage, and also I guess at a height disadvantage too. Right. So, you know what was so fascinating is, I was, you know, we came here to Portugal and I was on the plane and I shared this little fun fact with my wife, which she got mad at me later about, she actually yelled at me today in the room with love, with love. But I told her that, and this is again, super fascinating stuff, but we don't think about this when you're on a flight, the air, it's really, it's kind of like processed air in a sense. 

You know, and the, depending on the pilot, they can actually modulate this, but it's going to be some recycled air and it's also, they're bringing in some air from the outside too, but the air is so dry. It's actually upwards of three times more dry than the Sahara desert in an aircraft. And we don't think about it because we're not sweating. We don't have like the sun beaming on us. But this diffusion and what diffusion basically means is that water is moving from a place of higher concentration to lesser concentration. So it's literally pulling that water out of your body. It's sort of like, did you see the movie Aquaman?


SHAWN STEVENSON: Well there's a scene when they go to the desert and they're trying to unlock this key to find, you know, this map to find this trident. And they're in the desert and this key is not working because they needed hydration. There was a time when the desert was an ocean. And so she basically, Mira. She's like a princess, underwater princess, and she pulls a little bit of water off of him and drops it on there. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: She pulls off his sweat. 


VISHEN LAKHIANI: With telekinesis. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: And he was like, I could have just peed on it, you know. But yeah, that's kind of what's happening, but we don't see it. And so. One of the things that we experience when we travel, you know, especially if you're flying, is, you know, uh, reduced, uh, reduced, reductions in your mood. You know, your mood can go down a little bit. Also, your energy, experiencing fatigue. Some people experience more pain, headaches, things like that. Just simply getting hydrated and being more proactive about it, especially when you're flying. Drink more, because water is getting pulled from your body. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: And you're saying that actually influences our moods as well. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Absolutely, absolutely. And here's why. So, we know that our mood is really influenced by what's happening with our hormones and our neurotransmitters. That's really, when we're talking about feelings, these are the hormone, these are the chemicals in our body that are sending messages throughout our cells that are telling all of your cells how you're feeling. And your neurotransmitters and your hormones are moving throughout your body on a water superhighway. And so again, dehydration causes those nice four lane highways to become like one lane Portugal back roads, right? And so, and no, no, no offense, you know, it's, it's beautiful, but just understanding that those pathways begin to get compressed and that communication starts to go down. And that's really what it is as far as our mood. Well, one of the big aspects of that, but even building the hormones themselves, guess what they're made of primarily water. Same thing with our mitochondria and our energy, the mitochondria themselves, which are really the energy power plants in our cells, which a lot of people have heard this statement before, but they're operating in a water medium as well. And so that dehydration is really affecting you at a cellular level, damaging your mitochondria and literally can damage your DNA. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: So that's incredible. So that is so much in terms of how water influences our lives. I was not aware of a lot of these things, but let's go a little bit deeper. So you spoke about super hydration. You spoke about how drinking 17 ounces of water can increase our metabolic rate for the next 40 minutes by around 30%. What is a framework that we can think about from the time we wake up to the time we go to bed in terms of how we're consuming water? 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Perfect. You know, when I asked people who come into my clinic for years, You know, um, just basic things about drinking water. And they, nine times out of ten, they're like, I know I should be drinking more, you know. And what I did was develop this tactic. And lots of my awesome friends have employed this tactic and have even put in books, like Aubrey Marcus put in his book, When the Day. And it's called getting super hydrated, as I mentioned. And what I do is I take what's called an inner bath to start the day. And so the first thing I do when I wake up, you know, I might go to the bathroom first, but then I'll have about a liter of water to start my day and this is because. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: A liter, a liter would be about I think. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Somewhere around 32 ounces. Well, okay, it depends on the day 24 to 32 ounces. Okay, and I do this to get a jump start because once the day starts going. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: So that'll be around four glasses like this. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Yeah, maybe a little bit more. 


SHAWN STEVENSON: Yeah, around five of those. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: Around five of these glasses. Okay. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: And I'm not saying everybody needs to do this, but it's a great opportunity. Even if it's 16 ounces to get a jumpstart on your hydration demands of your body, right, to start your day. Plus, you're going to get that boost, the water induced thermogenesis. You're setting your metabolism on. And you're giving, when you wake up in the morning, it's probably the most dehydrated that you are without exercising. Because you've gone for 6, 7, 8 hours without drinking. And when you're sleeping, your body is going through a tremendous amount of metabolic processes. And there's a lot of metabolic wastes. That are left over. This is why your urine is usually so concentrated when you wake up in the morning. It's trying to flush that stuff out, and you need to replenish those fluids. And so, especially when you're sleeping, it's the activity of something called your glymphatic system.

Right, so I mentioned earlier you have the lymphatic system, which is a water based system. It's really your cellular waste management system of your body, which is super important. It's where a lot of your immune system is located doing its work. The glymphatic system detoxifies your brain, and there's essentially this break with the blood brain barrier, and so the lymphatic system doesn't go there, and so your brain has its own waste management system, and it's ten times more active when you're sleeping.

And so now we have data that's affirming that Alzheimer's is really related to an inability of the brain to detoxify itself. And so if you're dehydrated, it's one of those underlying things. Are we providing the base material for your body to do its job, right? And so the glymphatic system is 10 times more active when you're sleeping and getting those waste out of your body. You need water to assist in that. And so it's just you're getting so many benefits by getting up, taking an inner bath. We take an outer bath, you know, but taking that inner bath, 16, I'll say 16 to 32 ounces can be an absolute game changer. I'm not saying you can't have coffee. Have some water first. Get that in.

VISHEN LAKHIANI: That's really interesting. I'm not doing that. I realize when I wake up, I meditate, I exercise, I might make myself a smoothie, but I'm not taking water. And I now realize that, that, that, that. That is putting me at a disadvantage. So literally you should be taking anywhere from, from three to six of these glasses, depending on what you're comfortable with. And I guess it depends on your body size as well. In the morning when you wake up, fantastic. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: And another little tip with the body size, because that's important as well, because there's this cookie cutter statement of you need eight, eight ounce glasses of water each day. If somebody's in the NBA and they're seven feet tall and, you know, 280 pounds versus, you know, somebody who's five foot one and a hundred pounds. And so just a general metric for people is taking your body weight. Which, you know, if you're 150 pounds, divide that number in half, that'll give you 75. That's the number of ounces to target, okay, as a baseline. So 75... 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: For the day or for the morning? 

SHAWN STEVENSON: For the day. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: For the day. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: For the day. 


SHAWN STEVENSON: Yeah. And that just gives us a little bit of a barometer to use as a marker for folks. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: Wow. So that's a brilliant strategy. So 150 pounds, you take your body weight in pounds. So let's say you weigh 200 pounds. You divide that by half, that's a hundred pounds and that means a hundred ounces of water. And a single glass like that is how many ounces?

SHAWN STEVENSON: So this is somewhere, the glass itself is about eight ounces.

VISHEN LAKHIANI: Eight ounces, okay. So you are, you're looking at around 12 of these glasses. Yeah. Of water a day if you weigh 200 pounds. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Yeah, exactly. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: Amazing. Thanks. That's really cool. Okay. So we start the day with super hydration. Now, as we go throughout the day, what is our relationship with water?

SHAWN STEVENSON: This is another little simple tactic. If you have it with you, it's much easier to drink just like anything. You know, if you've got cookies and chips in your house, they're much easier to eat. You know, and so I found that in people that are in my camp, that are on my team, or that associate with me, I'm always checking like, where's your bottle? You know, where's your water bottle? I want to see it with you. Because if it's with you, you have a greater proclivity to actually drinking it. Something super simple, but get yourself a nice bottle that becomes like your travel buddy. And, you know, even for me, I've got that bottle that was taken away from me for the filming, but I've got a bottle that I carry around with me that, you know, it just enables me that it's easy access. And so that's a simple, very simple tactic. And if you really are starting to understand how powerful water can be for so many different factors of your life. Just making it a mandate that you just keep a bottle with you. And so you have easy access to keep sipping throughout the day. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: Right, and a really cool hack for that is to get a good designer bottle. They now sell these designer glass bottles with beautiful cork, and they look so good. And I've seen some people in my office put that on their desk. Not only does it remind them to drink water, but it almost serves as a vase. It's, it looks so beautiful, it lightens up the desk, and so you kind of kill two birds in one stone. It beautifies your environment, and it also has water for you readily available. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: It beautifies you. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: It beautifies you. Right. I love that. And some of these bottles now also come with filters, based on coconut fiber or charcoal, where it actually filters the water. It gives an additional layering of filtering to the water as you pour it in. And there are some incredible brands out there. What would be a recommended google search. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: So this is such a great topic. And you just mentioned bottling it in glass. And so now a lot of people are aware of this, but I always like to go a little bit deeper and drill in. But I've been talking about this for a decade and a half, and it's so beautiful that now people are really understanding this. But, what plastic is, it has its benefits. But because water is the universal solvent, it absorbs compounds from whatever it's exposed to. And plastic doesn't biodegrade, it photodegrades. And so literally light breaks plastic down. And so water being a solvent, it's absorbing those compounds from the plastic.

And one of the ones that people are aware of now is BPA, Bisphenol A. And this is a known xenoestrogen, it's in these camps of these kind of external estrogens that when you consume them they can fit into estrogen receptor sites in your body and turn on programs related to estrogen. And so that doesn't sound very good, because it's not. And so now we're understanding that plastic might not be the best thing to keep our water stored in. Now, with that said, if you're on a flight, again, don't be neurotic like I used to be, because I went through phases, like, I literally would I'm not going to say I would drink my pee first before I drink a bottle of water, but I would definitely postpone my drinking of water because I didn't want to drink out of plastic.


SHAWN STEVENSON: It's more important to get hydrated and your body will always choose it. Preferentially the higher quality water. 


SHAWN STEVENSON: Got a quick break coming up. We'll be right back. 

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VISHEN LAKHIANI: So plastic water bottles. So the water bottle that you carry with you, is that plastic or is that glass?

SHAWN STEVENSON: So that one's glass and I got that from here, but I generally carry a stainless steel bottle. They're super nice and they're very durable. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: So stainless steel is also great. 



SHAWN STEVENSON: Another good option.

VISHEN LAKHIANI: And a phenomenon that's happening right now, especially in American airports, and I'm so proud of the U. S. for adopting this, is in many American airports they are water refill machines. So you can take your metal or your glass bottle and refill it. So you know, you don't have to buy plastic bottled water. Not only is the plastic bottled water not so good for you, but it poses a huge environmental risk because only 5 percent of plastic water bottles in the United States actually get recycled.

SHAWN STEVENSON: Yeah. It's terrible. It's terrible. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: So a lot of it is ending up in landfills or worse the ocean. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Yeah. Yeah. It's definitely a big issue. And again, this just stacks conditions for us to realize how important it is and to take a little bit of a different approach. And something else I want to share with that is when we're filling up water at these different water stations, it might be spring water, it might be oftentimes it's reverse osmosis water. And this is one of the ideal ways to treat water that is not under the best conditions. Because again, I started this by with Leonardo da Vinci's quote, "water is the driver of all nature." This is, that's a smart guy, and for him to say that. So I want to dig a little bit deeper and understand water being the universal solvent.

It's, it carries memory water, is sort of like a liquid crystal and it's conductive as well. Pure water, H2O, is not anything you find in nature. But pure water itself is actually an insulator. Because it doesn't have the conductivity because of the minerals. Right, so these ions that are in the water, you find it in nature, it's going to have, then when we talk about acids and alkalines, or acids and bases, it's really talking about the mineral composition. And so, it has an electric charge. This is why, you know, the scary movie, like, you're in the bathtub, you know, trying to exfoliate or whatever, and Jason comes in and drops a, you know, a radio in the bathtub and shocks the shit out of you, you know, it's because it's conductive and you're conductive.

Guess what you're made of, water. And it's water that has a lot of dissolve solids in it. Right. So, understanding that, and also that water has this memory, water is able to pick up a lot of the things that we're putting into the water supply. So in the U.S. There was a study that was published by the associated press, and this was 10 years ago. And again, I've been talking about this literally since it came out, but now more people are aware of this. They tested the water of 41 million households in the U. S. From California to New York City. And they found trace amounts of chemotherapy medications in the water supply, antidepressants, blood pressure medications, muscle relaxants. The list goes on and on. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: And how is this getting in the water? 

SHAWN STEVENSON: There's two, two ways. There are water treatment facilities that are using, you know, recycled water. And they're really, they're doing a great job cleaning it. You know, filtering out all the crap that comes in through, you know, our, our toilets and our sinks and things like that. And I don't think a lot of people are aware of that. We just think that our water comes from somewhere. But sometimes it's actually recycled water. And so this is why they're adding. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: And so people who are taking these medications, the medications are passed out. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: They're pissing it into the water. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: And the water is recycling because these molecules are so tiny, it's near impossible to filter. So we are giving, we are creating water that's more and more highly concentrated in these medications. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: And the thing is, you know, it's not super alarming because the experts would say, well, there's, these are such small micro amounts that it doesn't matter. It kind of matters, especially when we understand that things kind of bioaccumulate in our tissues. And so, understanding that, you know, because it can be a little bit scary and a little bit gross that the water is getting recycled. And this is not 100 percent of the cases, but in some cases. And so they're using very strong antibiotics, very strong chemicals to destroy pathogen that could be in the water.

The main one is chlorine in the U. S. And this is what we use in swimming pools and things like that. You want that if you're having recycled water. But here's the problem. It's used to destroy bacteria pathogens, but you're mostly bacteria in your body, right? Your gut and the research, it kind of changes a little bit, but we have upwards of somewhere around. 50 trillion human cells and you have 10 times more bacteria than you have humans. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: Yeah, we have more bacterial cells than human cells and roughly three to four percent of your body weight is made up of bacterial cells. We live, we coexist, not just, we're not just human, we're human plus our gut bacteria and the bacteria all across our body. They actually cause us to function. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Exactly, exactly. And so when we're taking, you know, a nice tall glass of chlorinated water, you're going to be taking out some of the good guys. You know, and I've seen this just clinically, you know, gut dysbiosis and somebody's like, well, I drink plenty of water and this and just drilling down and kind of doing a survey of what's happening in their life, the things they're consuming. And we have a very anti microbial, antibacterial culture now, like we're trying to destroy everything. We thought that that was the root. of problems, but it's actually one of the things that supports our health. It's supporting the friendly flora. Because pathogenic bacteria are very crafty at sticking around, you know. And so, I just want people to understand that.

VISHEN LAKHIANI: So, if tap water, recycled tap water is bad, are there any situations where we could be drinking tap water? Why are you saying absolutely not? 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Again, if it comes down to it, I'm going to drink tap water rather than chronically dehydrate myself. 


SHAWN STEVENSON: But if you are aware enough to choose and to create strategy, there are better options. And for anybody who has tap water, even getting a simple filter, I recommend reverse osmosis. Because when I say a simple filter, that's, you can remove some things. You know, like we'll take an example of a popular one. Can I name drop here? 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: Yes, absolutely. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Brita. It's a really popular one in the U. S. But if you read the package, it literally just says, removes the smell and taste of chlorine. It doesn't actually remove the chlorine. And it's made by Clorox, who makes bleach, you know. And so that's not gonna be, there are gonna be some impurities that get filtered out. But what we want is reverse osmosis would be a good choice. 

And what that does is it's pushing the water through a very very very tight very small microscopic membrane and remove the chlorine that can't fit through there. 


SHAWN STEVENSON: And so but the problem with it is it's creating a really a blank slate of water, h2o. Which again, doesn't exist in nature. It's more of like a supplement and so what we want to do is Bring back the conductivity of the electrical charge to the water. We can literally light a light bulb with this water having minerals in it. And so again, it's lighting you up and giving yourselves that energy, but if it's just blank h2o. Diffusion it's gonna be pulling minerals from you to try to process the water. I'm not saying it's the worst thing. I'd probably see somebody drink Pure h2o then chlorinated water, but so something simple if you have a reverse osmosis System is to simply add some minerals back to your water. This could be some liquid minerals. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: So give us a pathway on how to do that. Firstly, what reverse osmosis systems do you recommend and what mineral?

SHAWN STEVENSON: They're all really comparable. I don't want to so so. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: No, I get that. Tell us at least a Google search we could put in. 


VISHEN LAKHIANI: Reverse osmosis filters, would that be something we can search for?

SHAWN STEVENSON:  I would Google best reverse osmosis system. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: Got it. Best reverse osmosis system. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Do your homework because something might be appropriate for you that's not for somebody. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: Got it. I understand why. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Some people get a whole house system, some people get a little desktop. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: That's a reverse osmosis system. And then what are some of the additional supplements and nutrients we can put back in there? 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Yeah, so, there's liquid minerals. There are like ionic minerals that you can buy. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: Is there a brand that we search for? Liquid minerals? 

SHAWN STEVENSON: There's one that's called, I believe it's Trace Minerals, but I get mine from a company called Activation Products. You know Ian Clark by chance?


SHAWN STEVENSON: Okay. So, Activation Products has a great liquid mineral. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: So we can search for Activation Products. Yeah. And find, and what is that particular thing that we're looking for under Activation Products? Liquid minerals? 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Yeah, liquid minerals. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: Now we put that back in the water. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Yeah, just put some mineral drops in there. Okay. Or something simple as some high quality salt. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: That is a really useful tip. Now, should we ever be buying water in plastic bottles? 

SHAWN STEVENSON: If you can avoid it, avoid it. If not, you know. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: Not just because it's bad for the environment, but because the plastic is bad for you.

SHAWN STEVENSON: Yeah, you're definitely drinking plastic tea. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: Right. Yeah. , estrogen water, plastic tea, estrogen water. Now, explain that for a moment. Why do you call it estrogen water? 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Because of the xenoestrogens from the plastics. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: Wow, okay. So this actually like messes up your biochemistry. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Yeah, definitely.


SHAWN STEVENSON: Potentially do that. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: Yeah. Okay, so to summarize, tap water in many cases. You can drink it, but over the long term, it's not the best option. Find a reverse osmosis filter, but the problem with reverse osmosis systems is that it turns water into a clean slate. We want to add back the nutrients to water. And the thing that we're going to search for is? 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Best reverse osmosis system and liquid mineral drops activation products is my favorite or high quality salt. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: Okay. High quality salt. Now there are a couple of other things that you speak about in terms of things to add to water from lemon to crystal energy to MSM to veggies to sea salt. Let's talk about that. How do we optimize our water? 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Sure. So again, water being this universal solvent. And being a liquid crystal, water has structure. It's like Bruce Lee. You know, and him really understanding the power of water. That it's able to flow, but it's also able to have structure at the same time, and to strike very hard, right? It has this really amazing quality to it. And creating structure with the water, it's not just the minerals. But providing electrons to the water as well. And that's what, that's what we're fruits and vegetables can do. You know, this, we have a natural proclivity. I hope I said that right. To add lemon and to add lime to our water and it makes the water more hydrating. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: It's so much more tasty. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Yeah, yeah, exactly. I just did that last night with dinner, you know, some lime.

VISHEN LAKHIANI: So a simple hack is I always keep a bowl of sliced lime in my refrigerator. So I have my water filter. As soon as I get my water, I squeeze lime into it. And another hack which I want to add is a sparkling water machine. So, just like you, I know you had a soda addiction, right? 


VISHEN LAKHIANI: So, I used to feel that I needed, well in the early days, when I was a college kid in Michigan, right? I watched a movie with Coke. Then as I grew older, I'm like, Okay, Coke is really bad. I'm gonna watch a movie with red wine. But what happens is I'm watching a full two hour movie, I'm consuming two classes of red wine. But I realized it wasn't the wine or the Coke, it was the sensation of something, you know, tasty going through my mouth. Regular water just didn't cut it, because we are so used to the taste, it's a blank taste. But what I found is that A, you could add lemon to the water and it actually became a pretty good substitute for red wine. But an even better way is a sparkling water machine. I couldn't understand how Europeans were so into sparkling water. But when I started Really enjoying sparkling water and the machines are really, really affordable. Sparkling water actually helped me cut down on my alcohol consumption by 70 percent. Because no longer did I need that red glass of wine for taste as I was watching a movie, I was drinking sparkling water with lemon. So that's just a bonus tip for those of you who might want to use water to replace some of the more unhealthy products you must be putting in your body. And by the way, coca cola. Absolutely, not that stuff is poison. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: And it also dehydrates you. 


SHAWN STEVENSON: You know, so it's literally pulling out a lot of your water to try to process. It's very, you know, it's not about this, you know, there's a lot of talk about acids and alkalines and eating an alkaline diet. Your body is always modulating and keeping your, Your pH where it needs to be and different organs require different pHs. But it is such a strong acidic compound coming into your system. It won't make your body acidic necessarily It will leach and pull minerals to try to process it. So alkaline minerals like for me I was experiencing this degenerative disc disease and degenerative bone disease. And what was happening was my body was literally siphoning and pulling the calcium from my bones to try to aid in clotting my blood, you know, because that was my diet was very high in soda. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: And so here's a, so there's a famous YouTuber who recently did an experiment. He decided to take just three cans of Coke a day. That's it. Three cans of Coke for 30 days. Now at the end of 30 days, this is basically what happened. He said. Firstly, he put on 10 pounds. So that was kind of unattractive, but the worst part was this he worked from home. And he started needing to take five naps a day because his energy level plummeted. But not only did his energy level plummet he found that his motivation to exercise disappeared. He stopped working out, and so it created this whole disruptive cycle, and that's three cans of coke. As far as I'm concerned and I've spoken up about this, Coca Cola should be banned.

It is a substance that should not exist on planet Earth. Now I'm using Coke because it's by far the largest brand, but diet soda is horrible, and companies get us hooked on it through really powerful marketing. But they say spreading positivity, no, they're spreading diabetes and other bad things. But it's brilliant how these companies, Coke, Pepsi, associate their poison with positive emotion and get billions of people hooked on it. 

One of the first things I do for people who come and join Mindvalley, I bring in people from all across the world, 54 countries, is we get them off Coke. We do not serve soda in our office at all. It's just water, sparkling water, coffee. And even by a coffee machine, we avoid putting sugar. We used to have these moaning Italian syrups, just got rid of it. Not a single person complained. But as a result of these changes, the average person joins Mindvalley and they stop drinking Coca Cola, they get rid of their sugar and coffee addiction. Average man now loses 10 kilograms, which is about 22 pounds in year one upon joining our company.

SHAWN STEVENSON: Amazing. Amazing. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: And the thing is, they don't go through any pain or suffering doing that. They just Because there's no availability of these things, they just reorient. I'm sure it's inconvenient for the first few days, but then your brain gets retrained. So, let's actually go into that. We spoke about what to drink. Let's talk about what not to drink. Let's talk about, real quickly, about soda. And I want you to also speak about diet soda, because that's a big misconception. People think it's actually healthy. And let's talk about alcohol. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Absolutely. So the interesting thing, and I love that you shared that experiment that he did and it's just a real testament to how powerful liquid sugar is, you know, because your body is just able to absorb that and get it into your bloodstream very, very quickly. And what's happening is you're getting this associated spike in your insulin levels, which that feeling of tiredness and fatigue is really a result of what's happening with their blood sugar. Because the blood sugar is getting this huge spike and insulin's out doing its job to get that blood sugar back down and then you go hypoglycemic.

Like you don't just go back to baseline, you go lower. And going through that process is just going to make you feel terrible. This is why people have to keep on going to the next soda, to the next cup of coffee, and just to try to make it through the day, or just keep passing out or napping. And so that's one of the big things with soda. And I already mentioned that it literally dehydrates you. It's the opposite of what your brain and your cells are wanting and looking for. And again, but I'm not the police with this stuff. You know, I understand there's situations and if it's a consistent part of your daily ritual that you're consuming these things, you're really, really Setting yourself up for failure.

VISHEN LAKHIANI: And the funny thing is it's very easy to get off the addiction. It's really simple to get off sugar. It takes about seven days. I went through that. I couldn't drink coffee without sugar, right? So here's an experiment that happened to me. I was at a fest right here at this festival. This was 2014. And there was this guy from the military, from the South African military there. And, he observed me adding sugar, a satchel of sugar to my coffee every morning, cause I love starting my day with sugar. Coffee, right? And I would also add some look and he said, "Vishen, as a leader in personal growth. Why are you doing that?" 

And I was offended. I'm like, Anton, that was his name. Anton Koning. I'm like, Anton, I'm good. I love my coffee. I'm going to get on stage. I want to make myself feel good. He goes, yes, but you're adding sugar to your coffee. You have no idea what's that, what that's going to be doing to your body. And I'm going to get help you get off it. So I'm like, okay, I wanted to see what this guy could do. What magic this South African military dude could do. And he said, Vishen, it's really simple. Tomorrow, don't add a full satchel, add half a satchel. The day after that, add a quarter satchel. The day after that, just don't add sugar.

Watch what happens. So, I thought, okay, I'll play along. Second day, I added half a satchel. Coffee didn't taste as good, but, you know, it was still drinkable. There was no, it wasn't a big pain at all. The day after that, I added a, I added a quarter satchel. And the day after that, I really didn't need sugar anymore. And four days later, so it took me four days, and now it's been five years, I can't take coffee with sugar. And that is how fast it takes to retrain your brain. Literally, if you're willing to just go through four days of slowly desensitizing yourself to sugar, you can get off it. It's that easy. But I want you to touch on one quick thing. Diet cola, is that safe? 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Yeah, that's, that's one of the greatest marketing ploys of all time. You know, this concept that, you know, even throwing the word diet in front of it is incredibly brilliant, but it's very evil. You know, because here's the thing, and I shared this with you, I think, in a conversation we had not too long ago, that some of the latest studies are finding that, number one, consuming these artificial sweeteners are related to, you know, we already know there's data linking it to cancer. It'll even say it on the package of some of these things, you know, like aspartame and things like that. But it'll say like, you know, warning, laboratory animals cause cancer. It causes cancer. But now we're finding that it's also linked to dementia. And so looking at what's happening with our brain, we understand these artificial sweeteners are actually interacting with our brain cells.

And that's really the thing to be aware of because it's kind of, there's this category of compounds that's being referred to as these excitotoxins and they're exciting our brain cells to the point that they can actually die. Now that category it's in and of itself. Again, a lot of this stuff is still debatable in my opinion, but it's also something to be cautious of. Because something's going on because we now we know that drinking more diet soda is linked with dementia. We know that it's linked with diabetes as well, which is funny because you're not you're not consuming any sugar what's going on here? And what it's doing is it's increasing your desire for more calories and more sugar, because your cells are not actually getting the sugar that it thinks it's getting. There's this gustatory.

There's this interaction with your palate and your brain is thinking it's associated with this sweetness. It thinks that it's getting these calories. Now there are high quality sweeteners and they're under this category of like natural sweeteners that are low glycemic or non glycemic like stevia and things like that. I'm going to go out there and say I would even be cautious about that. We don't have the facts yet, but right now was stevia itself. If you get the actual stevia leaf, which I've done years and years ago, it's kind of, it tastes a little bit sweet, but it's a little bit medicinal flavor to it as well, if that makes sense.

But I'm a fan of like these little liquid stevia drops and just, especially if you are somebody who like, I don't like water and there's a lot of people. And I understand for my wife, she's, she doesn't like drinking water in the morning. She found is if she heats the water up and drinks it with lemon, she enjoys it. She just did that in the room. And so you can use some liquid stevia drops, especially if it's sparkling water too, it can make it really nice, you know, but. I wouldn't lean too hard on those things either. You know, just go bat shit crazy with dropping stevia into your water, you know, five drop, I mean, five dropper fulls, you know, but just having a little bit to make it attractive for you. And it's going to be safer according to the data that we have right now. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: Right. That's, that's really, really, really cool. So diet, diet, colas, diet, sodas, an absolute no. 


VISHEN LAKHIANI: And I want to touch on one thing, right? You said about your wife, not liking the taste of water. Let me just say this. You don't have to like the taste of water to drink water. You can drink water for enjoyment, but you can also drink water for fuel. For as a, as a health practice. I don't like shaving, but I shave anyway. And likewise, you don't have to like the taste of water my son. Doesn't like porridge in the morning, but I tell him Hayden. You're not eating this for entertainment. You're eating this for fuel.

So eat the damn porridge, right? And he understands that so he understands the difference between breakfast as entertainment with his dad where we are enjoying what we eat typically in like a good brunch place or breakfast as fuel. When he has to do it in 15 minutes because he has to get on the school bus. So again, keep that in mind when you're consuming your water in the morning. Any closing words? 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Well, first of all, I haven't heard anybody eat porridge outside of like fairy tale books. Personally, that's like a total US thing. Like I, I didn't even know people ate porridge. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: I think it happens in Europe. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: That's super cute, man. You know, I think that the resounding takeaway is that this is such a simple thing that we overlook because I think we're a little bit jaded by water. Like we've got these beautiful swimming pools out here. 

You got fountains and we have overlooked the value of something so simple. This is literally the number one nutrient that we require is water. It's beyond, you know, the mega threes and, you know, the biotin and, you know, all the different, you know, vitamins and minerals that we can conceive of enzymes, phytonutrients, water. Something so simple. Get some high quality structured water, whether it's through a reverse osmosis system, whether it's through drinking my favorite, which is spring water, which we have access here, at this event, spring water, well water, you know, those are coming from aquaporins. Just do the best you can, but make sure above all is to get yourself hydrated. 

VISHEN LAKHIANI: Amazing. Let's give a cheers to water. Cheers. Thanks everyone. 

SHAWN STEVENSON: Thank you so much for tuning into this episode today. I hope that you got a lot of value out of this. As with everything, knowledge is not power. Knowledge is potential power. Knowledge applied is truly where the power is. So make sure to put this information into action for yourself. Make this a year. of really mastering the fundamentals. There's fun in the name. All right. Make sure that you're getting optimally hydrated on a daily basis. We've got some epic masterclasses and world class guests coming your way very, very soon.

So make sure to stay tuned, take care, have an amazing day, and I'll talk with you soon. And for more after the show, make sure to head over to That's where you can find all of the show notes, You can find transcriptions, videos for each episode. And if you've got a comment, you can leave me a comment there as well. And please make sure to head over to iTunes and leave us a rating to let everybody know that the show is awesome. And I appreciate that so much and take care. I promise to keep giving you more powerful, empowering, great content to help you transform your life. Thanks for tuning in.

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