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TMHS 875: 3 Fitness Tests to Ensure Your Longevity

TMHS 590: How Your Beliefs Control Your Biology – With Dr. Bruce Lipton

Can you think of a time that you’ve gotten sick because you were stressed? Studies show that emotional stress can be a contributing factor to many conditions, ranging from the common cold to cardiovascular disease. There’s an undeniable link between our thoughts and our physical manifestations, and that’s the topic for today’s show.

On this episode of The Model Health Show, stem cell biologist and epigenetic pioneer, Dr. Bruce Lipton, is back to share the truth about how disease is created and how stress impacts the immune system. You’re going to learn how to build an empowering belief system that promotes health, plus four practices you can implement to create a healthy body. We’re diving into topics like the motives of the pharmaceutical industry, how our environment shapes our health, and the science behind the placebo effect. 

There is powerful science behind how your beliefs inform your gene expression, and there’s no one better to teach this topic than Dr. Bruce Lipton. It’s not your genes alone that dictate your health outcomes, it’s the biology of belief that determines your destiny. So listen in and enjoy this interview! 

In this episode you’ll discover:

  • How many people are killed by poor diet every year. 
  • The importance of recognizing your agency in your health outcomes.
  • How genetic determinism leads to victimization. 
  • Different types of stem cells, and how they operate. 
  • How your thoughts create chemistry. 
  • The science behind the placebo effect.
  • An important distinction between correlation and causation.
  • Why genes are like blueprints.
  • What percentage of diseases are controlled by genes. 
  • The relationship between genes and environment.
  • Why the nucleus is the gonad of the cell.
  • How a cell membrane and a computer chip are similar.
  • Three main ways that stress can create disease.
  • The prevalence of chronic illness in the United States. 
  • Four things you can do to create a healthy body.
  • How many people die each year from prescription drugs.
  • What percentage of healing occurs from the placebo effect.
  • The role that tonsils play in immunity.
  • Why babies have an instinct to put things in their mouths.
  • The relationship between harmony and health.

Items mentioned in this episode include:

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SHAWN STEVENSON: Welcome to The Model Health Show. This is fitness and nutrition expert, Shawn Stevenson, and I'm so grateful for you tuning in with me today. Is our state of health merely a matter of chance? Is our society State of health overall? Is it just lucked up? Can we just luck ourselves into the situation, or are there very specific underlying reasons that are causing our health outcomes right now? One of those possible implements is cited in a study published in The Lancet, one of our most prestigious journals. This was a massive meta-analysis titled, Health Effects of Dietary Risk in 195 Countries. And it examined the links between poor diet and the skyrocketing rates of chronic diseases in our world today. The scientists determine that poor diet kills 11 million people around the world every year. The researcher stated quote, "Our findings show that sub-optimal diet is responsible for more deaths than any other risk globally, highlighting the urgent need for improving human diet across nations".


So, this doesn't sound lucked up at all. This sounds like something arise with that. Alright? That's what's helped to get us into this state, it isn't just by chance. There are underlying ingredients that cause our health outcomes. We live in very different conditions than what we evolved in. Right now, we have environmental inputs and many different environmental pollutants that are released into our atmosphere every single year. According to the EPA, we've got about 40,000 new chemicals that are getting released, that are approved, that are getting released into our environment on a consistent basis. Not to mention, the fact that here in the United States, 60% of the average American's diet is ultra-processed foods. Alright? So, we've got these implements, but also just our matter of stress today. There were very specific stressors a thousand years ago. It might be the stress of a potential invasion or some tribal conflict or something of the like. A stress around a famine or a stress of finding an adequate water source. But these stressors, oftentimes, would go in a cyclical fashion. And today however, we have a myriad of chronic stressors that never seem to turn off, because we've now achieved the place where we are now as a species. More people are dying from over-consumption than from not having enough to consume.


Now that we've reached this place, our creature comforts are opening up domains in our minds that we can just manufacture more things to be stressed about. We live in a very interesting time. In some ways though, we might be looking at, we have higher quality problems to address but they are problems, nonetheless. And so today, we are really going to focus on what is the underlying... What is the ultimate underlying determinant of our health outcomes? And we have the very best person in the world to share what's really happening with our state of health as a society, and he's a foremost expert on epigenetics. And this conversation, this melding of conversations that I had with this individual, I think about literally every day. I couldn't go another day without sharing this with you because for me, it changed my life. It's not just information, it's profound knowledge, something that you get, and it literally change your perception of reality, it changes your life. And so, I think about this conversation every single day. And having the opportunity to learn from this individual was one of my missions when I started The Model Health Show to be able to share him with everyone. And so, really excited about this, we have put together a special compilation, and I'm telling you right now, its life changing.


And we are really going to dig in here because right now we've been inundated with this societal belief that we are victims, that we don't have the power to influence our health outcomes, whether it's from chronic illnesses or infectious illnesses, we are just at the mercy of the environment, but we know better than that. And not just based on the data, but based on reality here in our own lives, but also, we have so much peer reviewed data affirming, as we mentioned, even with JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association. They found in 2018, again, another meta-analysis, the number one cause of our epidemics of chronic disease is poor diet. Alright? But instead of acknowledging that and really paying attention to, "How can we optimize our nutrition, our movement practices, our sleep wellness, our management of stress as a society, our relationships, all of the things that our genes expect of us, to have healthy outcomes as a species, the things that are required?" We completely ignore those things and then blame other things outside of that. We can acknowledge that, "Hey, we've got some issues here that we can actually address. We are powerful!" This is not being talked about. It's anything, but. It's disempowering information that we are being inundated with. And a lot of, "what about-ism".


We know that 90 plus percent of chronic diseases can be reversed in dramatically shifting prevention of these chronic conditions. Heart disease, diabetes, we have skyrocketing rates of mental health issues and autoimmune conditions, the list goes on and on. These things simply were not occurring just a few generations ago, and then now all of these things have been shooting straight up, and it's not okay. But instead of looking at, "Hey, we have a lot to do with the health outcomes that are happening right now, we might miss if we're disempowered, the fact that we can change even though rare stuff." We can have some influence on it. For instance, right now, nearly 130 million United States citizens are diabetic or pre-diabetic, right now. The vast majority. We are talking over 90%, we are looking at type two diabetes or it used to be called adult-onset diabetes, where this is diabetes of the type that we have a reduction in insulin sensitivity. We have insulin resistance occurring, largely due to abnormal blood sugar levels that are caused by our abnormal diet, sedentary behavior, sleep deprivation, the list goes on and on and in components, ingredients that can cause a manifestation of those symptoms. But what diabetes is, is a change in the genetic expression to help the body to sustain itself.


To stay alive under un-ideal conditions. It's an adaptation... To survive, but instead of addressing what we can truly change and be empowered in this, we might have this what about-ism and point to, "Well, what about Type 1 diabetes? There's nothing that can be done about this. This is not that person's fault." This is not about fault, this is about keeping our minds and our hearts open and feeling a sense of empowerment that there is still something within our hands that we can actually do to help to change these health outcomes, if not reduce symptoms, or find a full resolution, but just to be empowered and to know that we have agency in our lives and we are not a victim. If we don't have that empowerment, if we turn that part of our minds off and say, "This is my lot in life. There's nothing that can be done. This is not my fault. This is someone else's responsibility." We might miss out on amazing information that we now have access to today, like what was published in nutrition and diabetes recently, and the title of the study is A1 beta-casein milk protein and other environmental predisposing factors for type 1 diabetes.


The researchers were digging in on this phenomenon taking place with this particular protein, this A1 beta-casein protein potentially damaging or even destroying beta cells in the pancreas that are producing insulin for people with Type 1 diabetes. This could be a phenomenon it gets turned on. This could be yes, a genetic disposition or predisposition, but certain environmental factors causing that genetic expression to take place. This could be in the development process when we're in our mother's womb, and there's also leaning in in this study looking at some... The other factors that can lead to this expression of this condition being lack of vitamin D, being lack of being breast-fed and all of that kind of immune system down low that comes from that. Because at its core, we're looking at an auto-immune condition where our own cells are getting destroyed, our beta cells are getting destroyed. But the body, we were not designed for our bodies to destroy itself. The body in some form or fashion, things that is helping us survive, it's attacking certain tissues as if they're a threat. And so, it's finding a way to help to create the conditions of harmony within the body.


This doesn't mean that there's some magical cure for this condition. But when we just focus on what can be a true genetic defect, and then we totally miss out on the vast majority of conditions, chronic conditions today that are being expressed that are within our control to actually shift what our genetic expression is doing based on our choices that we make on a day-to-day basis, you know we miss out on that, we're really missing out on the big picture here in being empowered. And that's what I want to do today, is to put the power back into your hands. It was never taken away, we might ignore that is there, but to give you permission to understand that you have agency in your life. Your family has agency. Your community has agency. Our society has agency, we are a powerful species, we are powerful people. But we've been led to believe that we are a victim, that our bodies are inadequate, that our bodies are just a mistake, and all of these other crazy ideas that can seep its way into our consciousness. And we forget who we are. So today is about rekindling that awareness that we have power.


With that said, and before we get to this special compilation, what's actually keeping the power on, what's keeping the lights on in our bodies, this electricity, this energy currency that the human body itself is running on, even when we see that heart monitor, right? The little boop, what we're seeing is the electrical output of the human heart. The same thing with the human brain, we're able to read this electric energy, this electrical energy that our bodies are just emanating with. That ability for ourselves to communicate, our brain cells specifically, it's something called signal transduction. And it's an electrical currency. And what's responsible for this are electrolytes. These provide... These are minerals that have an electric charge. And without these key electrolytes, our cells literally cannot communicate. A matter of fact, our cells can do nothing without electrolytes being present. Specifically, the sodium-potassium pump that allows all of our cellular processes to happen. Electrolytes are key today. So, I'm such a huge fan of L-M-N-T, LMNT, go to, you get a special free gift, even if you've got an LMNT before and taken advantage of their free offer, any purchase that you get from LMNT now, you get a bonus gift sent your way.


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ITUNES REVIEW: Another five-star review titled “My Favorite Health podcast” by Brand Amazon. “Shawn, your show has been extremely instrumental in providing excellent tools for becoming the best version of me. I've learned so much and I'm constantly challenged to keep improving my health. Any chance I get, I'm sharing all the health tips you offer and encouraging others to listen to your amazing show. In fact, I just had a birthday and it had pictures of all my favorite things, and guess what it made on there, Model Health Show. I can't thank you enough for all you do.”


SHAWN STEVENSON: That just put a huge smile on my face. Wow, thank you so much for making me a part of your story, and I appreciate you so much. Thank you for taking the time to leave a review over on Apple Podcast and listen, this episode, very, very special. One of my greatest teachers and mentors, Dr. Bruce Lipton. Dr. Bruce Lipton is a cell biologist and a leading pioneer in epigenetics, the best-selling author of The Biology of Belief. And as I mentioned at the beginning of the show, not a day goes by that I don't think about this conversation and I wanted to re-energize it, to put this together for you, to help you to remember what's really at the foundation of our health outcomes and success as people. We are so powerful, but we need to know how this stuff works, and there's no one better to learn this from than the amazing Dr. Bruce Lipton.



DR. BRUCE LIPTON: Well, I'm teaching in the medical school while I'm doing research, and the teaching involves what is something called genetic determinism. That's a belief that genes determine character of our lives. And unfortunately, the population is still imbued with that belief that they think that genes are going to turn on and off and control them and give them cancer or diabetes. And then I say, "Well, what's relevant about that?" And I say, "When we teach genetic determinism, what we're teaching is victimization." That a person is a victim of their heredity. In other words, they got genes. The genes are going to determine the character of their lives, they don't control the genes, they didn't pick the genes, they can't change the genes, and all of a sudden you realize, "Oh my God, my life is programmed by these genes. I could get cancer, I can get Alzheimer's, I get diabetes." And it's like... And then what do you do? But I say, "No, can't do anything about it." And all of a sudden you realize what we've done is program people to be powerless. It's like, "No, you have no power over your life, the genes do." So, I'm teaching powerlessness to medical students who are going to work with patients.


At the same time, I was doing research in the lab on stem cells. And just to give people an understanding about stem cells, a human body is actually made out of 50 trillion cells. The cells are the living entity. When I say, Bruce, you say, Shawn, that's a name for a community of 50 trillion cells. You say, "That's a name for me." And I go, "Yeah, but me as a community." So, the cells are who we are, and every day out of the 50 trillion, we lose hundreds of billions of cells. Just natural cells falling out, skin scoffing off. Even the entire lining of the digestive tract is replaced every three days. It's like nearly a trillion cells. It's like, okay, you're losing these cells, but you're replacing them. The question is, where do the new cells come from? And the answer is stem cells. And I say, well, what are stem cells? I say, the moment before you were born, I do a biopsy on your fetal tissue, and I say, "Oh, here's a cell. Oh, this is an embryonic cell." I wait one minute after you're born, do the same biopsy, look at the same cell, and now I go, "Oh, that's a stem cell."


So basically, what the point is, a stem cell is an embryonic cell. Is multi-potential. And so, your body is filled with stem cells to replace the hundreds of billions of cells every day. So, I'm cloning that, and that means I take one stem cell, put it in a dish all by itself, and it divides every 10 or 12 hours. So first is one cells, then two, four, eight, doubling, doubling, doubling. After a week, 30,000 cells in the petri dish. What's important so far is that all 30,000 cells are genetically identical because they came from one parent. And so, I have 30,000 genetically identical cells. I split the cells into three different petri dishes, but what I do, because I make the culture medium, which is the environment for the cells, that's where I grow cells in. Cells are like fish; they live in an aquarium of fluid. That's why if you cut yourself open, fluid leaks out. There's an aquarium inside. So, I make the aquarium medium. Culture medium. And because I synthesize it myself, I change some of the composition.


So, in other words, three dishes with genetically identical cells, but the culture medium is chemically different in each of the three dishes. So, there are three different environments. In one dish, the stem cells form muscle, in the second dish there's genetically identical stem cells form bone, and in the third dish genetically identical stem cells now form fat cells. And the question is, well, what controls whether it's a bone or muscle or fat? And it turns out not the genes, because they all have the same genes. What was it? It was the environment. And it's like, "Oh my God, why is that relevant?" Because well, we talk about genetic determinism. Genes controlling things and you don't control the genes. The new science revealed... No, the environment was controlling the gene. And I say, "What's relevant?" I go, "Oh my God, I can change the environment myself." So, in other words, I can change the environment of my cells and change their genetics. And that makes me not a victim, but a master.


And then you say, "Well, okay, Bruce this is cells in a petri dish. What the heck does it have to do with me." And I go, "Okay, here's the beautiful connection." As I said, we're not a one entity, we're a community of 50 trillion cells, so essentially, we are skin covered petri dishes. And inside of that skin is 50 trillion cells, and I have culture medium. The original culture medium is blood. So, if I'm growing cells in a plastic dish and I make culture medium I base the composition on the blood of the organism I got the cells from. I grow human cells; I look at human blood composition and synthesize that in a lab. If I grow mouse cells, I look at mouse blood and try and grow that. That's the environment for cells. So, I say, "Wait a minute, I'm a skin covered Petri dish, I have culture medium, blood." And so, the same thing happens in my body as occurs in the plastic dish.


And that is the chemistry of my blood, my culture medium controls my behavior and my genetics. And I go, "Okay, wait, wait." I go, "Yeah, but what controls the chemical composition of your culture medium in the lab?" "I make it, synthesize it in your body." I say, "Yeah, but who synthesizes the blood?" I go, "The brain is the chemist." And then I go, "Okay, okay. What chemicals should the brain release into the blood?" And all of a sudden it goes, "Oh, whatever picture you have in your mind, the brain will take that picture and break it down into chemistry."




DR. BRUCE LIPTON: That maps the picture. So, the culture medium called blood in your body has chemistry, but the chemistry is a complement to the image in your mind. If you have a healthy image in your mind, then of course you have healthy chemistry. But if you have a negative image in your mind, then you create chemistry that is negative and disempowers you. So, you say, "Wow, so my thoughts change into chemistry, which control my genes." I go, "Yes." And then I give the biggest example that everybody's familiar with, it's called placebo effect.




DR. BRUCE LIPTON: I say, well, if a person's not well, a doctor says, "Here's a drug that... Oh, this is the hottest new drug for you." And you believe it, you take the drug, you get better, and then find out it was a sugar pill. So, the truth is, what healed you? And the answer was simply your belief in the sugar pill. It was just your perception, your belief. And why is it relevant? Because that same healing quality occurs whether you take the drug, or you don't take the drug. You can heal yourself if you have the right picture. You don't have the right picture; you try to compensate with pharmaceutical drugs. And I go, "Worse thing possible," pharmaceutical drugs on the whole, on the whole. There are some very important drugs, few. But the mass of drugs are very disruptive of the chemistry of your body because you're the one that controls the chemistry. You don't need the drug. And this is why it becomes so important for people to recognize, "Wait, if I'm not well, I'm the one that can fix it. I don't need to go see somebody else." And that's the power of the new biology, that you are controlling your biology.


SHAWN STEVENSON: There's so much to unpack there. Amazing, amazing. And very empowering. There are certain things I want to circle back to, but just to give everybody a heads up, we did a show a while back and we talked about pluripotent and multi-potent and adult stem cells and all this stuff. We'll put that in the show notes to have a deeper understanding of that. But Bruce is giving us a highlight into something very important that stem cells, these are basically seed cells, and they can change and become different plants, if you will, based on the environment. And he just said something so profound that your thoughts become chemistry. That's the big tweetable for the day, because literally thoughts of fear and stress and worry is creating a certain chemical soup that's influencing, immediately influencing your genetic expression. And he was in the lab looking at this process happen. And you know, you see the big headline today, even on Time magazine, "We found the fat gene." Now, if we could just create a drug to address this fat gene, we're all squared. But the reality is, there's a large percentage of people who have this fat gene who don't become obese. And it's because of what's going on between their ears and also the resulting lifestyle choices that they make.


DR. BRUCE LIPTON: Yeah. Shawn, there's two words that conventional science mixes up. Well, it's not conventional science. Actually, the media, in talking about science, mixes up. And these two words are 'correlation' and 'causation.' They use these words interchangeably. A gene causes cancer. I go, "No, no, no. A gene is correlated with cancer. It does not cause cancer." See? So, we have to get out of the belief that genes are making decisions and genes are controlling our lives. And this is why the new science of epigenetics is a revolution that will change the planet. It is as much a revolution as when Newtonian physics went into quantum physics and the world changed. Today, going from genetics to epigenetics is the same massive jump that will change civilization. And they say, "Well, what's the difference? They almost sound the same." And I go, "When I say genetic control," which is what I was teaching in medical school. "Genetic control simply means control by genes."


So, people out there believe, "Oh, my cancer is caused by genes, my diabetes is caused by genes. Whatever it is, is caused by genes." That's the belief. And I go, "Yeah." But the fact is this, genes do not cause anything. Genes are not capable of turning themselves on and off. Genes have no, in bigger words, self-actualization. Meaning, genes don't make decisions. Genes are blueprints. They're blueprints to make the physical body parts. They go, "Well, why is it relevant?" I say, "Because when you're building the body, the contractor calls up the blueprints, the blueprints don't call themselves up." And then they go, "Contractor?" I go, "Yeah. The mind, the brain, the nervous system, reads the world and then adjusts the body to deal with the world." So, the mind calls up the genes, and now when I say epigenetic control, which is the new science, remember genetic control, control by genes, new science, epigenetic control, sounds the same, but 'epi' means above. So, when I say epigenetic control, I am saying control above the genes.


And all of a sudden, they say, "The genes don't control... " I go, "No, genes never control anything." Genes are blueprints. Epigenetics means the environment. And here's the one that I want people to just emphasize this one. The environment and our perception of the environment is what controls our genes. And I go, "Why is it relevant?" Because we can alter the environment and we can change our perception. Meaning, then the genes are under our control, we're not under the control of genes, we control them. So, here's an important data fact. Less than 1%, less than 1% of disease is controlled by genes. So, I say, wait.


SHAWN STEVENSON: Hold on. Bruce, wait. Hold on. You got to say that again. Say that again.


DR. BRUCE LIPTON: Less than 1% of disease is controlled by genes. There are very few diseases that one gene causes disease, hemophilia, for example, might be one of them, Tay-Sachs disease is another one like that. And I say, Yeah, but my God, 99% of disease didn't come from the genes, it came from lifestyle and environment, and that's where epigenetics is the controlling factor. So, 99% of health issues are not because the body is defective, 99% of health issues is that the driver of the body, the contractor, the brain, the mind, is not in harmony, and when it's out of harmony, the body is a compliment. So, the body is out of harmony, and if you look at it, it's like, it makes beautiful sense. It says if you're sick, it's a reflection of something that's not in harmony.


And all of a sudden... And so, you blame the sickness, you know, I got cancer, oh, the cancer cells are stupid and look what they did, they formed cancer and I go, cancer cells aren't stupid, cancer cells are just responding to your consciousness and anger and deep hurt and issues that started as children are really the cause of the cancer. So why is it relevant? Because you say, oh, if the cancer is the problem, then if I just take the cancer cells out, fine, I'm healed. And I go, No, no, no. The cancer is a symptom of a problem. The cancer is a reflection of a problem. And the point is you can take the cancer cells out, but if you don't fix the problem the cancer is going to come back again.




DR. BRUCE LIPTON: And they say, well, how do you fix a problem and I say, those people who have cancer and then the cancer disappears, spontaneous remission, or even if you have to take it out surgically, will they get the cancer again? The answer is, if they change their issues of their lives, they won't get the cancer again. If they just say, no, it wasn't me, it was stupid cells, and I take out stupid cells, so I should be better, I go, no, no, you missed it. The cells were a mirror of a problem, they're not the problem. So, dealing with cancer by saying killing the cancer cells is like, well, that's nice, it might slow down the issue, but it starts up here.


SHAWN STEVENSON: Right. This is... First of all, this is very, very empowering, and this kind of speaks... I think a good example is, and you mentioned this, less than 1% of all diseases are responsible, we're talking about genetic controlled. Like somebody being born with an actual genetic defect, for the most part...




SHAWN STEVENSON: We all get here with pretty good genes, and then something happens, like, you manifest cancer later in life, or diabetes or heart disease, something changed. It wasn't the fact that you were born and ordained to have this, because it wasn't there in the beginning. And so, what we're talking about here is in the realm of cancer, for example, and we've talked about this many times, but we all have cancer cells every day that occur.


DR. BRUCE LIPTON: Absolutely.


SHAWN STEVENSON: All of us, many, many cancer cells, but a healthy functioning immune system will go and take out those rogue cells.




SHAWN STEVENSON: But our lifestyle choices, our habitual thought patterns, and like you said, our perception is going to encourage us to make certain decisions. And we might even put ourselves in the way of more carcinogenic environment, and that...


DR. BRUCE LIPTON: But the interesting part is, well, again, the carcinogenic environment focuses that it was the chemicals that are causing the problem, and the fact is, we're so powerful and we believe we're so frail and vulnerable that we can say, oh, a chemical caused this. And I go, Listen, here's a true thing, in the South, there are fundamentalist religious people that work themselves in their religious ecstasy, they start speaking tongues and doing weird stuff, and they're called snake handlers, and they handle all these poisonous snakes. Now, interestingly enough, about three or four months ago one of them died from the bites, but most of the time they get a bite there's no problem, they get bitten by a poisonous snake, and I go, Yeah, yeah, that's called testifying. What is testifying?


In their system of belief, they say that God is so powerful, and they believe in God so much that they will do something no normal person in their right mind would ever do, like, pick up and play with a rattlesnake, because they know God protects them. So I go, okay, this is the point. Listen to this one, because it's like, if you get it, it's like, blow your mind. They in testifying will drink strychnine poison in toxic doses with the belief that God will protect them from this poison. And guess what? No harmful consequences, they could drink strychnine poison with no harmful consequences. How the hell can you do that? And I go, their belief system is so, so strong that they actually... You can block the influence of strychnine. You can... The average thing that people do all the time, but people... You got to emphasize it again, is walking across hot coals.




DR. BRUCE LIPTON: You can walk across hot coals, but you have to have your belief system in a place where you absolutely believe this is really... You can do it, because if you're in the middle of the walk and you have a moment of doubt, you're in the middle with a moment of doubt, can I do this? Boom, you just got burned.


SHAWN STEVENSON: Yeah. You know, well, first of all, you're speaking to... This is the first time I've ever talked about this publicly. Walked on hot coals, I did that. Walked across the fire and a friend of mine actually got burned, you know? And by the way, it's one of those situations where if you're in the environment, the peer pressure... But you also... You really do have to get your mind right. And the problem is, Bruce, is that we don't really believe what we say we believe, and that's really where the work is, you know?


DR. BRUCE LIPTON: That's true.


SHAWN STEVENSON: And when we talk about faith, and then we believe that it's really all our responsibility and we actually are not demonstrating that we have that faith when we're taking steps in our lives. And just to go back really quickly, I think this is so important, but when you mentioned earlier about the placebo effect and how that ties into this, if you look at the research you'll see about on average placebos being about 30% effective in clinical trials.


DR. BRUCE LIPTON: Absolutely.


SHAWN STEVENSON: That is insane, and this is a fake treatment, a fake surgery or a fake drug, and somebody getting that response.


DR. BRUCE LIPTON: And surgery, that's the other one. Fake surgery. I mean, you could say, okay, fake drugs, I can get it, but surgery turns out to be a placebo influence as well. I mean, they do what is called arthroscopic surgery, those people with bad knee joints and they go in and they scrape the cartilage and flush the fluid, and then people started walking better, and they go, oh yeah, that was great, arthroscopy. I don't know how many hundred thousand people get that, but in a study recently, not that recently, a surgeon did... He wanted to find out which part of the procedure was the effective part, scraping the cartilage or replacing the fluid. So, one of the people who organized said, "Well, you have to do a sham operation, a fake operation as a control." And he said, "What do you mean, fake operation? It's a real, you don't go fake." But they decided they would do it. So, what they do is, they would cut the little slots on the side of the knee, which they do in a normal preparation. But the rest of the procedure was never done, although the person who was under general anesthetic could hear the doctors talking. "Oh yeah, now we're scraping. Now we're doing all this." And they even put a video on the screen of former somebody else's knee surgery...




DR. BRUCE LIPTON: So, the patient is looking at the screen and thinking, "Oh, I'm getting all the surgery." They didn't do it. And it turned out the sham operation had the same exact effect as the operation where they actually scraped the cartilage and replaced the fluid. In other words, the operation was completely placebo effect. The whole damn arthroscopic surgery is placebo effect. It's like, "Oh my God." Because in the study, there was no difference between whether they actually did the surgery, or the person believed they did the surgery.


SHAWN STEVENSON: If you could, I would love to really kind of dive in a little deeper and talk about this connection between our cells and our experiences as humans. One of the things that I learned from you was looking at the cell itself as part of a community, but even the cell itself is an individual. And the things that it does, all the different functions as far as digestion, respiration. So, can you talk about that connection? Because again, we think that we're so different from ourselves, but it's just not so. So, let's talk about that.


DR. BRUCE LIPTON: Yeah. In exactly the same way that the Internet allows us to have this conversation and connect a lot of people. The Internet, theoretically, you can have one person talk to a billion people. You can have... Theoretically that's true. What's interesting is that the cells in our bodies have antennas on their surface to receive environmental signals, just like television antennas, but they're made out of proteins, okay? No two people have the same antennas. This is why we can't trade body parts or cells with each other. In other words, why? And I said, "Because the antennas are receiving a broadcast of coordination. So, 50 trillion cells are on the same station listening to the same broadcast and behaving, if you have to run because of a saber tooth tiger then 50 trillion cells are like, "Okay, we're in run mode right now."


If I put somebody else's cells in my body with a different set of antennas, they're receiving a different broadcast. So, what it means is that the transplanted cells are not in harmony or coordinated with the main system, okay? So, the idea is this, every cell is an individual cell, but every cell has an antenna. There's a group of them called self-receptors that are tuned to your broadcast from the brain. So, when the brain makes an image, 50 trillion cells are... It's just like, you at home right now, turn on the Internet or something and see something going on in China. It's like, "Wow, okay. I'm right there watching it." Well, 50 trillion cells are watching what you're watching. 50 trillion cells are in harmony. Why? Because the community is all held together by this nervous system, okay?


So, the relevance about all that is then even though a cell is an individual cell and has its job, a cell has a job just like all of us have jobs. A heart cell is a pumping cell. A liver cell is a filtering cell. A blood cell is a transport cell, whatever. Although all cells have different jobs, they're still listening to the same station. And that's how a thought can affect 50 trillion cells simultaneously, because the cells are listening to these thoughts. So, the relevance is, then my mind is coordinating 50 trillion cells by a broadcast. It's interesting. Just like the shocking consequence of this understanding is, when a person receives a heart transplant, the first thing you have to do is if you're going to transplant an organ into a body, you have to stop their or inhibit the immune system of the recipient.




DR. BRUCE LIPTON: Because the immune system will say when the cells come in, it has got different antennas. It's not us. These antennas are not... They're marching to a different drummer. You have to take these cells out, so the immune system eliminates them. So, if you're going to transplant an organ, you have to shut down the immune system. But then now you have... Let's say I move a heart from person A to person B. When person B has that heart, the antennas on that heart are still tuned in to the identity of that person. Uh-oh, that consequence of spirituality, the consequence that we are more than this body. And the answer is, yes, we are. And to give the example of it, this is where I was going with it. If I take cells out of your body, Shawn, and move them 40 miles away, and I have an electro readout, the same kind of thing, like lie detector, galvanometer response, to read the electrical activity of the cells, and I pipe that into the room where you are right now. So, on a screen right next to you, I could see the electrical activity of the cells 40 miles away, okay? And this has been done. If I can elicit an emotional response in you, the cells 40 miles away instantaneously will activate their electrical activity. How can that happen?




DR. BRUCE LIPTON: And the answer is because they have the antennas to your identity. And whether you're physically here, your identity is more of a broadcast that's part of your spirit and your mind and it's going out in the field. So, wherever your cells are, if they're 40 miles away, well, they're still going to respond to your broadcast wherever you are at this moment. So, when the heart is transplanted, it picks up the characteristics of the person who was the owner of that heart, who still has the broadcast, okay? And so, why is it relevant? One of the stories... There's a whole book of stories about individuals with heart transplant and how their lives are changed. One of them was a story of a young girl who received a heart from another young girl, obviously the other young girl is dead. And she gets the heart, and once it's implanted and starts working, she has nightmares every night of being murdered. Same murder, same scene every night. So, the doctors trace back and find out, yes, the girl who donated the heart was murdered. So, the police talked to the recipient, the heart recipient, and she describes the nightmare vividly, which replayed every night, and with that description, the police apprehended the murderer.


SHAWN STEVENSON: This is some Netflix stuff right here. New series, Bruce Lipton produced right here.


DR. BRUCE LIPTON: Oh, it's called... The book is called Change of Heart. And there's other stories about a woman who was a complete vegetarian health freak and all that stuff, gets a heart and immediately has these cravings for Chicken McNuggets and beer, and you've heard that story probably. And the reality was tracing it back, finding out the person who donated the heart, that was their favorite food. And all of a sudden, it's like, they transplanted the heart, and she now has a new favorite food, Chicken McNuggets and beer. It's like, "Where the hell did that come from? It's like, a broadcast, broadcast baby.


SHAWN STEVENSON: That's so powerful. And one of the things that... I mean, this is just mind-blowing stuff, and I remember looking into some of these studies and seeing... I believe some of this was even done by the US military and looking at, if we take cells and we put them somewhere else, your cells, and then we expose you to a stimulus, maybe it's something... Maybe you're getting shocked or maybe you're experiencing joy, but your cells respond accordingly to your feeling and to your experience, even if they're not in your body. That's crazy stuff, but this goes beyond, and this is what you do and bring to... One of things that I'm still battling with myself and trying to communicate to people is that it takes time for the books to change, you know? People right now are learning bad science in university settings, and I see you're like, " Ah, Oh my God!" But what we can do here, especially with the advent of the Internet and having shows like this, we can get ourselves at the forefront of the education and go and dig into the research ourselves, and it really is amazing.


And the things that you've created are very helpful in making the science makes sense and making a real-world tangible application. Now, I want to talk to you about something I was taught wrongfully in school. Now, I've shared this story before Bruce, but this is the first time you're going to hear it. So today, I'm madly in love with science. I think about it all the time. I think about my wife, and I think about science. That's kind of my life. So, I'm in love with both. But prior to going through my own health challenges, I detested Science. I couldn't stand it. I still had nightmares up until even a few years ago about being in Biology class and not having my homework done, alright? And I was taught that the brain of the cell was the nucleus. So, can you share how this is not actually accurate and where the real brain of the cell can be found?


DR. BRUCE LIPTON: Yeah. The reason why the nucleus was selected as the brain of the cell is the nucleus is where the genes are, at least 98% of the genes of the body are in the nucleus. Then we go with the belief that is now wrong and completely outdated and that is genes turn on and off. And that was the belief that genes are self-regulating so that a cancer gene turned on and then I got cancer or whatever, this gene turned off and I got that, and we then attributed that genes control themselves. This was an error in our insight about the nature of genes, that it is completely false, that genes do not control themselves. Genes are controlled by proteins, which are then controlled by the environment. So, I say, why is it relevant? Because I say, well, in the nucleus, you have all the genes. So I go, Yeah, but they're just blueprints, and I go yeah, but what are they for? Reproduction. It is like, wait a minute, then the nucleus cell isn't the brain of the cell, the nucleus is the gonad. Absolutely, why? You can take the nucleus out, and say what is the immediate consequence of taking the nucleus out of the cell? The cell doesn't die, the cell doesn't lose control.


The only thing it can do now is reproduce the parts or reproduce itself. So, the nucleus wasn't controlling the biology at all, it was just for the reproduction. So, at some point, when I was working with my stem cells, I talked about where I changed the environment and then the changed the genetics. The question was, well, how is that being activated? Well, how is that information from the environment controlling genes? You see, that's why my colleagues back in 1967-70, when I was doing this research looked at me and go, I don't know what it is Lipton, but it's not really relevant. We're working with genes. And my story was, who cares about the genes? It's not the genes anyway, it's the environment. But they didn't listen to me because... What was the mechanism? And I didn't have the mechanism. I just knew that the environment was going to change the genes, 'cause I could see the result. My results then led me to say, well, where's the information coming into the cell and controlling the cell? And that led to the skin of the cell called the cell membrane. The cell membrane, at that time when I was working on it, people thought it was just like plastic wrap, hold the contents... Hold the contents of the cell, that's all it did. Just hold the cell together because it had a very simple structure.


My assessment of that simple structure, it's made out of these lipid molecules and there are proteins in there, and I was trying to look at how does this thing work? And describing it in conventional terms, describing the structure of the membrane, which didn't... It didn't say anything about how it worked. It just like, It's a barrier, big deal. But when I started to define the membrane in a different way, and it happened in a moment of time, my life was transformed from a non-spiritual genetic molecular biologist into a spiritual biologist in one minute. I go, "How did that happen?" I have 40 something years, no spirituality. One minute later, boom, spirituality? I go... Because in looking at how the membrane influenced the control of the information in the cell, I redefined the membrane in a way I never did before. I worked on it for years, but I never wrote this description. And so, it was like 1:59 in the morning, and I'm writing this description and I write down, here's the description of the cell membrane. It sounds a little bit complicated, but it goes, the cell membrane is a liquid crystal semiconductor with gates and channels.


I wrote that down by looking at the structure and organization, and then I wrote it down and I said, "Wait, in 1985?" I go, "I've heard that. I've heard that exact same definition. Where?" And I realized I had just bought my first Macintosh and I got a book from RadioShack, understanding your microprocessor, a simpleton book about how the damn computer works, okay? So I go, "Oh my God, I think I opened up the book on the microprocessor." And there in the introduction of the book, a computer chip is a crystal semiconductor with gates and channels. And at the first instant, I go, "Wow, what a... " It's got the same definition, membrane and computer chip, same definition. Wow! I thought that was really interesting. And then a couple of seconds later, I started to say, "Well, wait, this part of the membrane correlates with this part of the computer chip, and this part of the membrane correlates with that part of the computer chip." And at one moment, within that within that minute, I said, "Oh my God, the cell membrane is an information processor." It is a computer chip, a carbon-based computer chip. Signals from the environment are picked up by the membrane, translated into biology, and the signal is then sent into the cell. And that signal controls the behavior and the genetics.


And what I realized at that moment as everything was coming in, not only is a cell membrane, an analog, actually a homolog, that means identical to a computer chip it is, the computer chips that we talk are silicon-based silicon chips. The computer chip I'm talking about is a carbon chip because the membrane is made out of carbon molecules. So, it's not silicon, it's carbon chip-based computer. But then I also recognize the nucleus, which we thought was whatever the program is, in nucleus, that is your life. That's what we believed, that was genetic determinism. This is your gene; this is your life. I realized, "Oh my God, the membrane is the chip. The nucleus is a disk with programs. It's a hard drive, it's got programs in it." But what was the coolest part? It wasn't read only it wasn't oh, that's your gene, that's your program, it's read-write. That's where epigenetics came in. The environment can change the reading of your genes. So, whatever or how many genes you have, 20,000 genes, you can make over 3000 variations of proteins, which that's what a gene does. It's a blueprint to make a protein. For every blueprint, every gene you have can make 3000 or more variations based on the environment.




DR. BRUCE LIPTON: And it's like, "Oh, my Jeez. I can rewrite my genetics on a moment-by-moment basis on how I'm dealing with the environment." It's a read-write chip. And then at the last thing, which we just went over a little while ago, I said, "Well, but wait. There's a pin number. I can get into my cells, but I can't get into your cells." We can stand right next to each other. Our cells are reading the environment. I go, "Yeah, we're both reading environment." But guess what? I'm reading it through a filter of my identity, my personal identity receptors. You're reading it through yourself receptors, and those are the identities. So, in other words, we can be in the exact same environment, but our identities can read it in different ways. And that's how two people can be in the same place and have totally different responses to the same environment that they live in. But the whole thing is as what happened in one minute? I went from genes-controlling biology through the action of genes to no, the membrane controls biology, through the action of the environment that the genes are writable, I can change them. I can have a mutant gene and make it normal.


But in the case of disease, I can have a normal gene and make it a mutant gene. I can make cancer out of normal cells, just how I respond to the world. And then lastly, in that one minute was, my identity. The pin number that is talking to these 50 trillion cells is a broadcast and it's like, "Oh my God, the broadcast is here, and my body is like a television set. 50 trillion cells with antennas tuned to my broadcast." So, you're looking at this body here. This is a television set playing The Bruce Show. Right now. I'm playing The Bruce Show and you're playing The Shawn Show. Why? Because your broadcast from the environment is who you are. And that's why when you transplant a heart from A to B, persons A, their broadcast is still controlling that heart, even if they're dead. Why? The broadcast is like a television set. You're watching a TV, the TV breaks, you say TV's dead. I go, "Yeah, it's not working." But I say, "Is broadcast still there?


SHAWN STEVENSON: Is it still there?


DR. BRUCE LIPTON: You get a new TV, plug it in, turn it on and tune it to the station, it's back online.


SHAWN STEVENSON: Got a quick break coming up. We'll be right back. Growing up, if I thought about chocolate, I think about Three Musketeers. I think about a Kit Kat, Butterfinger, right? I had all these ideas. Hot chocolate, chocolate ice cream, chocolate cake. Those are the things that would conjure up in my mind when I thought about chocolate. Little did I know that chocolate itself, the original root of chocolate, which comes from something that's botanically a seed, these cocoa seeds was one of the most healthy foods in the world. Listen to this. This was from a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that polyphenol rich cocoa or cocoa without the sugar, has remarkable prebiotic effects on the human body. So, what the study found was that folks who were consuming this sugar-free cocoa flavanol drink for four weeks significantly increase their ratio of probiotics or friendly bacteria. Bifidobacteria, for example, while significantly decreasing their class of Firmicutes, which is associated with fat gain.


So, there's certain types of bacteria that are associated with gaining fat and these Firmicutes. So, the saying in health right now is that if you want to be firm and cute, you got to reduce the Firmicutes. Alright, I didn't make that up. Somebody else did, alright? But the bottom line is, wow, it has a really powerful, remarkable impact on what's happening with your microbiome, the study also found that it was able to reduce levels of systemic inflammation measured by something called C-reactive protein, and if that weren't enough, cacao also has these compounds that have a really powerful influence on our mood, like anandamide, which is known... Like that translates to mean bliss chemical, serotonin, tryptophan these precursors that help your body to produce things like Melatonin that helps you to sleep better. It goes on and on and on, but the quality matters a lot, and when you get real chocolate into something that is even more health-giving, you've got something really special.


And that's what they have with the new chocolate Organifi gold drink. So, they have got the chocolate along with their incredible delicious turmeric formula, and as you know, turmeric has very powerful anti-inflammatory properties, and it also has been clinically proven to have anti-angiogenesis properties, so this means that turmeric literally has the ability to cut off the blood supply to cancer cells. Alright? And we all produce cancer cells every day, but a properly functioning immune system and being able to regulate this angiogenesis, which we need, but we need at certain levels is incredibly important and food can help to regulate that, so I'm a huge fan of Organifi now they've got the new chocolate gold. Alright, so pop over there, check it out, just released, just delicious, you will get 20% off that and everything else they carry, alright so head over there, check 'em out,, that's for 20% off. Now, back to the show.


DR. BRUCE LIPTON: Let's come down to a fact of science, so we get this clear. Less than 1%, less than 1% of disease is connected to genes, so I say Where the hell is all the disease coming from? And it goes... It's coming from stress. And I say, What stress? Now, this is really important because stress is anything that gets in the way of your destination. I want to have this, I want to go there, whatever, and then something gets in the way, that provokes stress. And I go why is it relevant? Because stress is cause of disease of 90% of the people, and then I say, why is that relevant? Again, that's not genetic, that's a perception. I am stressed because I believe I'm stressed and therefore my cells are going to respond to my stress, and whether it's real or not, the cells can't see it, they only are based on what I believe. So, stress interferes with the immune system, let's do stress right now because the whole worlds in a stressed situation, so let me give you the three fundamental things that happen when you're in stress, why what do we recognize stress for? And I go because we're being threatened.


That's what stress means. Something is threatening you. Let's go back thousands of years and I say, what was the stress? I say saber-tooth tiger. I go, Oh, okay. I say, well, what happens when the saber-tooth tiger is chasing you? I Say, you got to run like hell. I said, well, what organs in your body do you use to deal with stress? I go, arms and legs, escape. So, I say, no, now here comes the next point, if I'm going to need those organs to escape from the tiger, then here's the most important thing, I need to give them energy, because without energy the muscles aren't going to work. So, I say, what provides energy? I say blood. So I go, oh, why is it relevant? Now here it comes, when I perceive a stress, stress hormones function is to provide as much blood to my arms and legs as I can get, 'cause I need all of that energy to run away from the tiger, so I say, well, where is it getting the blood from? I say, well, the heart's pumping the blood yeah, but it's pumping it all over the body. So, I say, well, when the blood is in my gut, what are the function of the organs, lungs, gut, all of those organs in there? I say maintenance of the body, health of the body.


Fixing the body and all that. And I say, well, if you're running away from a saber-tooth tiger, do you think it's good to invest in taking care of your body at this point? I go, what a waste of time if the tiger catches you, to hell with the body, it's not going to exist anyway, so here's number one. When stress is perceived, stress hormones released into the body cause the blood vessels in the gut to squeeze shut. I go why? Because when they squeeze shut, the blood is pushed to the outside arms and legs okay. So, I say, yeah but net consequence, you shut down the blood vessels in the gut and you shut down the maintenance and health of the body, I say, Yeah, but for how long? Does How long it take to get away from that tiger? 10 minutes, 15 minutes you're away from the tiger, stress is gone. Everything's back in condition again. People can experience this when you get that stress moment, it's like... They call it butterflies in the stomach; they feel like a queasy... I said, What's the queasy? It's the blood vessel, squeezing shut, you can feel and it's fluttering.


Okay, so number one, stress shuts down blood flow to the gut because it's going to make sure the blood goes preferentially to the arms and legs, number two, and this is critical now, the immune system uses tremendous amount of energy, most people when they get really sick, don't even have the energy to get out of bed. So, I say, well, let's say I have a bacterial infection and a saber-tooth tiger is chasing me, how should I split my energy? Again, the how of the bacterial infection if the tiger... Saber-tooth tiger catches you the infection doesn't mean anything anymore, it's a Tigers problem, so I go, okay, so what does it mean? Fact.


Stress hormones shut off the immune system to conserve energy, to run away from the tiger, okay. And I go, "Wow, so stress hormones shut it down." I go, so much so, listen. Medical doctors use stress hormones therapeutically, meaning if they want to transplant an organ from Person A into person B, and you put that organ in... The foreign organ into the recipient, the immune system of the recipient's going to say. "That's foreign," and try and destroy it. And I say, "Well, what good is the operation if I just take the organ and put into somebody else's immune system messes it with it, and I go. "This is why medical doctors give patients that are going to receive a transplant, they give them stress hormones." Because when they give them the stress hormones and then do the transplant, the recipient's immune system is not going to be working and it will sustain the transplant.


How effective of shutting off the immune system? It's used therapeutically to shut off the immune system, so that's number two. We compromise growth and health. We shut down the immune system. I call the third consequence adding insult to injury, and I go, "What do you mean?" Well, the brain has... In the fore brain, this is conscious part of the brain, and in the conscious part of the brain, that's creative, okay. And I'm like, "Oh, that's great." And I said, "What about the hind brain?" I go, "Oh, the hind brain is reflex reaction." And I go, "If you're being chased by a saber-tooth tiger, do you want to have consciousness running the show or do you winna just have a reflex reaction carry you away?" And the answer is, conscious is too slow. I always say, "Oh, you're in a car, its spinning, it just starts to get out of control." I say, "If you stay in the conscious mind when that car is going out of control here is my model. Aww."


All you're going to do is get... You're going to just get lost, I say. "The moment the car goes out of control, guess what? Stress hormones shut off that immune system, push it, the blood." When I squeeze the blood vessels in the fore brain, it pushes the blood to the hind brain where reflexes are going to work. So, I say, "What?" I go, "We become less intelligent when we're under stress, because consciousness is too slow." And when you're running. So, I go, "So what's the issue?" Historically, the stress response was to be used for a short period of time, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, you escape the tiger, no more stress. And I go, "And what about today?" I go, "Oh, got a little problem here." 24/7/365 stress. The system was not designed for that. And this excess stress is responsible for up to 90% of disease on this planet, not genes. Genes, less than 1%, and all of a sudden, I say, "Why is this important?" Because if you tell somebody genes cause that, then that gives him, "Oh, I'm not responsible, the genes did it." I go, "No, because if you feel you're not responsible, you shut off your control." And that's the point. I am in control.


SHAWN STEVENSON: Man, this is so powerful. What really struck me the most, was when you said, we become less intelligent when we're under stress, and I think this is one of the most well seen things right now with people in fighting. It is a big lack of intelligence, and even empathy and compassion and these higher order things are going to get put on the back burner.


DR. BRUCE LIPTON: Let me give you an example about the difference between growth and protection, 'cause that's what it comes down to. A stimulus provokes us to do something, if it's a good stimulus, you move to it, like love, food, something you want. That's a stimulus, we move to that stimulus, and then I say, "But, when you move to it, you go, open armed." Why, I want to take it in. If it's love, I don't want to close myself down, I want to assimilate it, if it's food, I got to open myself up, take it in, so growth means you go to the stimulus, open. Okay, but what if the stimulus is negative, a threat of any kind, I go, "Oh, I don't go to the stimulus, I go away from the stimulus." Do I go away my arms open? I go, "No, you close yourself down because of protection."


So, I say, "So what's the difference?" Growth, go to a stimulus arm open, protection, go away from the stimulus arms closed. I say, "Why is it relevant?" And here's a simple conclusion, you can't move forwards and backwards at the same time, you can't be open and closed at the same time, so basically it says, if you're in a stress mode, you've shut your system down and growth shut down, and that's okay for a very short period. But if it's chronic. You've killed yourself, essentially. And I say, "So, why is it relevant?" I go, "Look at today's world." Every time you turn on TV, "Be afraid, be very afraid, go hide in your house." Then I go, "Wow, that as scary as hell." I say, "Why is it relevant?"


I am getting stress hormones dripping into my system every time I watch that damn TV, I'm getting stress hormones when I read a paper, go and surf the Internet and I go, "And what is that doing for you?" And I say, "It is compromising your health." I go, "Oh." I say, "That's where disease comes from, not from the genes, but you shut yourself down." And then as I said, you become less intelligent, then what do you do? Defer to the boss. Who's the one that's going to protect me? "Whatever they say, I'm going to do." Why? I'm not thinking, I'm just going to do what they say 'cause they know, I don't know. And I go, "Oh my God, have we just screwed the world big time?" I go, "Why?" Because the planet is on 24/7 stress. Any compromises to your health, have compromised your immune system, okay. And I go, "So, what does that mean?" Now, listen to this.


In America, 40% of US citizens have two or more... Actually 2.7 chronic diseases. 2.7. One chronic disease, 60% of Americans have. But 40% of the Americans have 2.7. I go, so why is it relevant? They're compromised before the damn virus even showed up. And I go, well, why is it relevant? Because when the virus shows up, are they weakened because the virus is so strong or are they weakened because their immune system is under stress, and I go, That's the one. And I said, "But you blame the virus." And then everybody's now afraid. Healthy people are afraid. And I said, So what's the relevant? Well, you got them scared to death. I said, oh, you scared them, I say, What's the result of that? You've messed with their system, you've already compromised their immune system because the stress hormone’s function shut off the immune system, the more you scare them, the worse the consequence of the COVID is. So, is this a manipulation? You bet it is, okay. Is there a way out of it? Yep, stay healthy.


Four things, I'll just give you the four things. Number one, eat well. Eat well because the food that we're eating, industrial farm food is toxic from the beginning. What do I mean, I say all you need to do is see the farmer in a field spraying the crops wearing a hazard suit? If they're spraying something on your food and they have to wear a hazard suit, I don't think we should eat that food, just a suggestion. And most of the food is crap, and we were pushed on a cheap ass diet to what, undermine our health. The wonderful video years ago was Michael Moore's video about sickness. Okay, I can't remember the name right now. There was an interview with a British Parliamentarian Tony Benn, and he clearly just came out flat and said, "Governments do not want a healthy intelligent population because they're difficult to control."


And I look at what happened to America for me being an old guy and say, "At one point we were the healthiest, smartest of all, all the technology of the future was coming from here. Now there's no technology coming from here, we're compromised." I go, yeah. As Tony Benn said, governments do not want healthy intelligent population. I go, "Well, we're surely not a healthy population, and the amount of intelligence in the system is QAnon.” Well, there you go folks, gone, no intelligence anymore, okay. Relevance, the government succeeded in making us sheep in a world where we lost control, but that was not an accident.


SHAWN STEVENSON: Bruce, can I add one quick layer of context here too, because it's something we continue to talk about, is that right now, and a lot of people don't realize that until this moment, the United States is really the most compromised self-inflicted nation in history. And even JAMA reported... This was 2018, this is recent, that poor diet is the number one cause of our chronic diseases, it's the number causative factor behind us being compromised, yet we're still not talking about this in this situation right now.


DR. BRUCE LIPTON: Right, because when you go to a doctor and he says, oh my God, you got cardiovascular problem and he says, well, here, take medicine. I go, no, you should go to the doctor. You've got a problem; how do you take care of your health? You should go do things to take care of your health, and they say no, just fill a prescription. That's why the doctors don't even offer the resolution is health. Okay, so the food, bad. Number two, we should be taking vitamins and supplements because that's what's missing from our food, and vitamin C and vitamin D, the two main vitamins that are necessary for the vitality of our immune system, it should be taken every day. Everyday vitamin C big amount every day, I take two grams, vitamin C every day, and vitamin D. Why? They're the ones that enhance my immune system, okay. Number three, so we have, first of all, eat better. Number two, take supplements. Number three, exercise. I go why? Because exercise strengthens the system, it pushes the circulatory system in the blood and gets us to breathe better and to clean the blood and filter things, and it makes the system run better.


Okay, and then number four... And that's why we're here right now, Shawn, you, and I. Number Four, watch your stress level. Your stress level is in a direct compromise of an immune function, and the world is so stressed before the virus got here and now amp that stress and it's a global situation. But then you can look around the world, but not all the countries have the same morbidity that we have. And I go why? Because other countries are less stressed and they eat better and they have different social life, and then I look at us and it's like, Yeah, I know you're in LA. My nephew is in LA, he wants to move out of LA as fast as he can 'cause he said there's a scary ghost down at some place. Why? Fear. Where is everybody? Locked inside. What does fear do? Shut yourself down. I go, growth is compromised, so the entire growth of this country, including the economy and everything else, any measure of growth is compromised because fear shuts down growth. Wow.


SHAWN STEVENSON: Wow, right. Bruce, man, this is so powerful, thank you so much for sharing this. I think one of the big issues obviously that's promoting the fear is numbers without context. There's all these numbers, and you just brought up a really valid point, which is we've got 30 to 40 million confirmed cases of COVID of folks who are okay, who survived. But we don't see that number, and that starts to put it in context, and what that's done is really just pushed the mortality rate lower and lower and lower, but yet you're not hearing about that. All you're hearing about right now is the cases, the number of cases.


DR. BRUCE LIPTON: It's an unfortunate situation because a lot of people... Look, I taught in a medical school for years, I'll give you a simple fact. People think the pharmaceutical industry is out there to help us, I go, hell no, pharmaceutical companies are out there to help themselves. Their function is to make money. If you don't take drugs, they don't make money. So, what are they doing? They're pushing a situation where, how many Americans take like two, three, four, five drugs a day? And I go, "They're drug pushers." And here's an interesting fact. How many people die from prescription drugs every year? The number, I think, is about 300,000. I go, "Why is that relevant?" I go, "Well, how many people die from illegal drugs?" I go, "I think it's 34,000." I go, "We have a war on illegal drugs." But legal drugs kill 10 times as many people. So that's the cost of medicine. I go, "Are you kidding me?" It's like you have been manipulated by a belief system and then belief controls genetics, and belief controls your biology. And if you start with a negative belief, you only end up with a negative biology. It's the only way it happens. And for a fact, because people don't get it, I need to give what is a fact, a truism. And here's what number one fact.


Quantum physics is the most valid science on this planet. It's the one that's been tested the most and verified to be more truthful than any other science. And I go, "So what?" Because what's the first principle of quantum physics? The mind is the creator of our life experiences, and it says, "Your consciousness is creating your life." And I go, "Why is that irrelevant? Because if you change your consciousness, you can change your life. It's like you don't have to wait for life to change from the outside, it's you on the inside. And so, we have been systematically disempowered. And if you've been disempowered, then where the hell is the power going? 1%. That's the 1%. They got all the money. Money is power because money is the equivalent of energy. And energy is life. Everybody, "Energy is life." Yeah, I know that. Money is energy. You have a lot of money; you can have a lot of life. You got no money; you're already compromised at this point.


So, the simple reality is, we have been systematically disempowered by belief systems that are no longer valid. Genetics, that science is not as valid as epigenetics. The difference, genetics victim, epigenetics master. So, if you don't know epigenetics, you have lost your control and you bought into, "Oh my God, there's a cancer running in my family and I'm going to get a cancer gene." A little pause here, Shawn. There is no gene that causes cancer. There is not one gene that causes cancer. Give example. Women will undergo a mutilation, which they gently refer to as a double mastectomy. That sounds much better. "Don't mutilate yourself." "Oh, I'm just having a mastectomy." Okay, no, that's called mutilation. You're cutting your body apart. And I go, "For what reason? Well, I found out I have the breast cancer gene, and I don't want breast cancer. And I go, "Okay, let me give you a little factor you haven't paid attention to." 50% of the women with breast cancer gene never get breast cancer. That's a very important point.


The possession of the gene itself doesn't cause cancer. It's a life not in harmony that engages that gene. And this is how people can have a remission because they realize, "Oh, my God, my life's not working well, I'm so stressed". And blah, blah, blah. And I got this cancer, and they say, "I'm going to let go of my stress." The cancer goes into remission. The problem with the conventional person is, "I got cancer and it's got stupid genes and my cells are stupid. My cells are going to kill me. So, if I kill the cells and I cut out the cancer, I'm going to be okay." And I go, "No, the cancer is a symptom of you not living in harmony and therefore cutting out the cancer, you'll just get another cancer if you don't change the stress." And it's the ones that realize my life is not in harmony, and change that are the ones that have the remission. So, the point is this. Did the gene cause cancer? And the answer is absolutely not. There is no gene that causes cancer. There are genes that are correlated with cancer. In other words, it's a symptom. And so, I say cutting out the cancer cells, thinking you've healed everything is the same as covering up the service engine light on the dashboard when it shows up driving the car.


If I cover it up, it's like, "Oh, hey, everything's running good. The service light is not even on anymore." And I go, "You didn't fix anything. You just shut off the symptom." And this is where we have to go, because every bit of this is a disempowerment to the individual by saying you're frail, you're vulnerable, you're susceptible to all these things. And I go. "Damn, we can walk across coals" And down in the South, some of those fundamentalist religious people work themselves up a religious ecstasy. They call them snake handlers, and they play with these poisonous snakes. And every now and then, actually, one of them dies. But I'm not talking about those guys. I want to talk about the guys that they testify that that's the term they do something no normal person in their right mind would ever do, but they do it because of the firm belief perception, "God protects me." They drink strychnine, poison and toxic doses and have no adverse effects. How could they do that? The answer is total belief. I will not suffer because God will protect me. It wasn't 99% belief. That's not belief. 100% unquestionable, unshakable. And I say, "Then guess what? You can walk across hot coals, you can drink poison, you can do so many magical things. But you can't do it with a program of limitation that we've all been downloaded with."


SHAWN STEVENSON: We're going to keep circling back to this, Bruce, because I want folks to really walk away today knowing that their beliefs are controlling what their biology is doing. You've already broken down really, there's a biology to fear, and there's a self-fulfilling situation happening right now with so many of us being in fear 24/7 right now, and it's compromising our bodies, and you...


DR. BRUCE LIPTON: And giving up your power. You give up your power because you say, "Who am I? I'm just a victim." Like no, you're not. You're a damn creator.


SHAWN STEVENSON: Yeah, that's right.


DR. BRUCE LIPTON: That's what the game is. And Shawn, while we're talking about belief, I just need to emphasize, when we talk about belief, and this, does belief control our biology, I go, well, nearly 75 years or more, we've understood the nature of what is called the placebo effect. The placebo effect is someone's got an illness. The doctor says, "I've got this new pill. It's the greatest new medicine in the history of anything. Take this pill." And the person says, "Oh wow, finally a cure." They take the pill, they get better, find out the pill was a sugar pill, like, oh. What the hell healed them? The answer was the belief in the pill, not the pill, the belief in the pill. I go, "Oh, that's called placebo."


I go, "Yeah, that's a positive belief." That's what it is, positive. And then I go, "Yeah." Everybody goes, "Yeah, placebo effect, positive belief... " I go, "Negative belief." Which no one talks about, is equally powerful to positive belief in affecting your life, but in the opposite direction. Placebo can cure me of any illness on this planet. Nocebo, negative belief, can cause any illness and even death, if you believe you're going to die, you can die just from the belief of that. I say, "So why is it relevant?" Because the percentage of negative belief versus positive belief is so upside down, we have more negative beliefs in our world than positive belief, and so again, when you have a negative belief, you don't realize that negative belief has opened you up to manifest whatever you're afraid of, and that's the problem.


SHAWN STEVENSON: Bruce, why are we not talking about this more? Because truly, you know this, the data is out there. I want you to say this in just a second, but the data exists. There's mountains and mountains of evidence. Even in randomized placebo-controlled trials, we have to account for the placebo because some people are going to get the results just from a fake pill or fake surgery or fake treatment, they're going to get the same effects. What's going on?


DR. BRUCE LIPTON: At least one-third, scientifically tested, at least one-third and up to two-thirds of all healing in medicine is due to the placebo effect and not the action of the physician or the drug. That's a fact of science. One-third of people will heal themselves just because they believe whatever they're going to do is going to work, and I go, "Yeah." But again, we still are emphasizing what? The positive belief... I'm going, "It's now time to emphasize that your negative belief is the problem. And if you're hiding in your house right now because you're afraid of that nasty COVID outside, is that going to give your immune function a boost?" I go, "It will undermine your immune function." And if you stay in your house and then you get, "Okay, we can go out," and I go, "You didn't have an immune response staying in your house, and the virus is still outside when you go out there." So, it's going to happen.


SHAWN STEVENSON: You know, one of the things that initially really implanted the fear button was this, it's called a novel virus, and we didn't have any innate immunity to it, but you being a renowned cell biologist, you know we have this thing called the adaptive immune system.


DR. BRUCE LIPTON: Exactly. But that adaptive immune system only works when you encourage it to work, when you give it the energy and the consciousness, why? Because the mind can turn the immune system on and off. I'll give you an example. I love this because people don't realize it... What people... May call multiple personality. Okay, so they have one personality then all of a sudden, they switch to a different personality. Well, it's been identified that, if in their normal personality, and the very first person that was a book about this woman of Three Faces of Eve, three different personalities, and her main personality, she had a response to strawberries, an anaphylactic response. That's a hypersensitivity, which causes hives and all kinds of problems, and what she found out was when she switched to a different personality, she was no longer allergic to strawberries, but when she switched back to her original personality, she was allergic again.


And all of a sudden, I was like, "Well, how could you be allergic and then change your psychology for a second, and then five minutes later you're not allergic? And then switch your personality, five minutes later you're back to allergic. And the answer is the mind is the ultimate control of your biology. Quantum physics, day one, Max Planck. The mind is the matrix of all matter. Okay? And I say, "Well, why is it relevant?" Because where's your thought and who's guiding you on that thought? Who's teaching you on that thought? Who's making money by teaching you a thought? Well, a pharmaceutical company who... Vaccines are free? That's a bunch of BS. That means belief system.


It's like there's billions of dollars involved in creating a vaccine and giving it to people. Billions. I go, "So this is not... Oh this is not like... Oh they're just going to be helpful to us. They're very nice people." No. They're going to make billions of dollars 'cause they're going to force everybody to take that vaccine. And I want to tell you something, so new information for the audience, we have a natural vaccine mechanism. Yeah, people were making immunity long before medical school was here. A million years, they were making immunity. I said, "Where does immunity come from?" And the answer is a misunderstanding that has taken us away from the truth, and that is in the throat, there are things called tonsils. There are three pairs of tonsils, so there's two above the hard palate of the roof of your mouth, two at the back of your throat, and two at the base of your tongue. Three sets. Six. I say, "Well, what does the book say about that?" I go, "The conventional books say that tonsils are there to protect you from anything that comes in your head, mouth, nose, ears, eyes, they all have to drain down your throat." So, the idea was, "Oh, the tonsils are there. They're going to fight those things that come into your body and protect you. They're fighting them." I go, "Hell no, they're not. Tonsils don't fight."


Then what are tonsils doing? Sampling. They sample what's coming into the environment and learn about everything in your environment. Your immune system is part of your brain, learning and memory, that's the job. But learning and memory about the physical environment. What's in your world? And I go, so when anything goes down your throat, it has to bypass the... Go through the tonsil area and the tonsil sample, what's going on, and then can make an immune response. So, this is why infants, if you ever had a baby and you see the baby in the crib, it will stick everything in its world into its mouth. Whether it's its foot, it's arm, its leg, whatever was in the diaper it's in his mouth. Everything is in the mouth. Why? Native instinct to sample your environment. Put it into your mouth, and then the immune system can learn about it. So, an infant is already designed to instinctively put the environment into its mouth and sample it.


And the idea was then... What was what about it? And it goes, the tonsils are the learning center, I go, "So what." I go, "They inject vaccine where?" In your arm, in your leg, in your ass, wherever they inject, and I go, "Is that going to support the immune system." I say, "It bypasses the immune system. There's an intelligence system, put it into the mouth, it will then deal with it." So, I say, "So what happens if I inject this thing in my arm." I say, "The sentries of intelligence, there are sentries all over the body intelligence system." You bypass a... Sticking a needle in there bypasses the sentries, you put a bunch of crap in that needle and in the body. And if you were a cell and you were just hanging out somewhere and all of a sudden, a dump of garbage dumped on your head. It was like magic. Where the hell did that come from? None of the sentries saw it. I go, "You bypass the intelligence of the system." And that's where all of a sudden, I get very upset. Why? Because the mission statement of science 1650, Francis Bacon, the mission statement of science says what? Listen to this.


To obtain knowledge, to dominate and control nature. That's the mission statement. I go, "How is that working out?" I go, "We're causing our own extinction at this moment, we're in the sixth mass extinction, humans are creating their own extinction right now." And I go, "Was this in a thousand years from now or a million years." I go, "How about this century?" We have already pushed the limits of our system, destroyed the environment to the extent that we will not be supported within the century. The human life is facing its own extinction, by its own behavior. We've undermined the web of life because we're going to dominate and control nature. I go, "How's that working?" It's called sixth mass extinction. And I go, "We're in it. And we created it. And this is the wakeup call." Shawn this is so important because I can look at the world and you open up the paper and you got in every country around the world, some kind of chaos is going on. Social, political, economic, racial, religious, all... Climate. All kinds of upheavals. And I go, "Wow, this is a scary planet." And I go, "Those are symptoms of a problem that's bigger."


I say, "What's that problem?" We are creating our own extinction, the sixth mass extinction of life. Five times in the history of this planet, life was thriving, and some cataclysmic event wiped out up to 90% of life. The last one, the fifth mass extinction, 66 million years ago, when the dinosaurs were here. And the world was ripe. I mean, the ecosystem was flushed with life. All kinds of life. A comet hit near Mexico, the Yucatan Peninsula. A big comet. It appended the ecosystem, killed all the dinosaurs, wiped out up to 90% of life, and that was the last mass extinction. Today we're in the sixth mass extinction, but it's due to human behavior undermining the web of life. And so, nature is giving us all these symptoms. Whether COVID... Yep COVID is a symptom of what? You're not in harmony. You're blaming the virus, and the virus is just taking out the weak elements, as nature always does. It eliminates the weaker elements in a community. Well, the virus is a wolf. That's what wolves do. Clear out the weak ones. All these people dying, you're going to blame it on the virus. I said, "No. The virus didn't take you out if you were healthy, the virus took you out if you were compromised."


So, all of a sudden that's a feedback. So, I say, "Why is it relevant?" We're in the midst of an evolutionary upheaval. And the most important insight of this upheaval is what you're trying to offer the public Shawn. And that is what? Self-empowerment because we have been systematically showing ourselves to be weak and vulnerable. We are the problem. And nature is showing us this and we're ignoring it. And it's going to be at our own peril because extinction is looming so fast. In 1970, they took a survey. How many animals were on the planet, World Wildlife Foundation. How many total numbers of animals on the earth? And then they just recently did it again a couple of years ago, and two-thirds of the entire animal population has disappeared since 1970. We only got one-third the number of animals that were here on the planet in 1970. Germany has been doing a survey of insects.


Every year in their parks they do a survey. 27 years. This year's results reveal a loss of 75% of the insect population. And you're going "Well, I don't care about insects." I say, "I think you should. Bees are pretty important if you want to eat food and they're disappearing like crazy." And I go, "We can't live without the insects. The insects were here before us. We needed them to be here ourselves." Okay. Fish. 2048, not a long time from now. And as conservative estimate, no fish in the ocean, planet Earth. Imagine that you're going to be here, and then you're going to have to tell people in those days. Shawn's going to be the storyteller. He's going to sit around and tell kids "They used to have these things that swam in the water called fish." Oh, what's a fish, Uncle Shawn?


Unless they watch some videos. And that's happening soon. And it's all falling apart. What was the point? Those were symptoms. We look at them as, "Oh, those are problems." I go, "Oh, they're problems, they're symptoms of a bigger problem." We are undermining our own existence. And COVID is just another shot in there that says, "You are not surviving because you're living out of harmony, you're in disharmony." Harmony equals health. Disharmony equals disease. And there we are.


SHAWN STEVENSON: Yeah. What the fish. Bruce. So right now, if we can have something that we can do because everybody listening wants this to get turned around and is there anything we can do right now to help to usher in more health and unity when we need it so much? And I'm going to preface by saying that I learned this from you. Each of our cells have these antennas. Basically, we are literally interacting and receiving data from our environment. And we can... And also, we can affect that environment as well. So, I'm going to preface by saying that and then ask what your opinion is that we can do right now.


DR. BRUCE LIPTON: Yeah, well, as you just said so very quickly, we can understand this is, we know about computers and silicon chips and all that stuff. A cell is a carbon-based organic computer. The cell membrane is a chip. It's not like a chip. It is a chip. It's got inputs and outputs and it adjusts the cell to what's going on in the world. And if the world is not in support, then you have to change your biology to survive. And so, the cells are reading the environment and trying to adjust. Well, as I said, the cells in your body are reading your perception of the environment. You want to change your health; you have to change your perception. You have to stop saying, "I am weak and vulnerable." I am not weak and vulnerable. I'm a powerful son of a gun. And the reality is, how am I going to be powerful? I say, "You've got to take care of your health. Your health is what manifests your life. If you compromise your health, you compromise your life." And we've all been compromised. Compromised by programming when we were young. We gave up control of the power of our life when we were young, because we were programmed to believe that the doctor knows about health. And who are we? We don't know nothing.


So, if the doctor says X, Y or Z, that becomes our truth. And this is what the problem with diagnoses are. Because the diagnosis says, "Oh, well, you're going to have this." And then the prognosis, "This is going to happen, and this is going to happen." And I go, "If you own the truth that the doctor is the source of truth, then that prognosis is actually a script for your future, and you will manifest all of those things because that's what you believe. So, it's a time to say, "Let's question what we believe." Because the beliefs that we have are creating the situation. The beliefs are that they are pushing you about COVID. And I really want to emphasize this because I got so many people. "Bruce, are you a supporter of Trump because he's saying it's not... " And I go, "Wait a minute."


"No, I'm not a supporter of Fauci, I'm not a supporter of Trump. They're both wrong. They're extremes." And the idea is you have to have some intelligence in the middle and not listen to either of them. Fauci is a profiteer. He owns vaccine companies. Bill Gates, profiteer. He owns vaccine companies. As I said, "Oh, they're going to give me a vaccine." And I said, "They're not giving you a vaccine, you're paying for a vaccine. All your money." And I go, "But I can make my own vaccine." You can. But it bypasses a system, and they don't want you to do that. So, they want you to wait until that vaccine shows up. And I go, "Man, you could die before then." And in fact, it's not even... The vaccine is no replacement for normal immune function. And that's why I highly recommend that if you are not compromised, the best thing in the world is to get the damn COVID flu, have the uncomfortable period of time, whether it's three days, five days, six days. Why? Because at the end of that, you'll never need a vaccine. Your immune system's intelligence will always remember this COVID. Next time it shows up, it will not have any effect upon you.


So, to me, this is most important that we must recognize we are so powerful. That's like, "Well, that's a new age." And I go, "That's not a new age, that's quantum physics and epigenetics." Because they both say the same thing. Quantum physics says your consciousness is creating your life experience, and epigenetics is a science as your consciousness is controlling your genetics. Both of them saying the same thing. I don't need to change my genetics. I need to change my consciousness. And the hard part about it is the media is not your friend. I've never seen anything like this in 76 years of my life that we're getting... Two of my wonderful programs were censored. Because why? Because I didn't agree with the conventional belief story thrown out by the policy makers who are manipulators, no. And if you said anything that didn't fit their story, cancelled. I go, "This is not science. This is actually antagonistic." Scientists open, question, check, follow through. It didn't say put blinders on and only do this. That is not science. That is dogma. Science has to take the damn blinders off and recognize that story you've been sold is not a valid story.


And again, it's so important because why am I here? I need to relay knowledge. Knowledge is power. And people go, "Yeah, I've heard that." Then I go, "Let me give you the reverse of that," 'cause it's true, but it makes more sense. A lack of knowledge is a lack of power. You have been deprived of knowledge, because they only want you to see that story in this box. The rest of the knowledge, don't talk about it, don't go there, don't say anything like, "Oh, you just lost science." It's not science anymore. Now, it's a personal opinion. And that is not science. Look, I'm in the compromised age. I'm over 70. I'm 76. I'm moving toward the 80, baby. "No, not for me. I'm not 80, I'm still a teenager in here, who loves his life, who wants to enjoy this planet, and it's going to be healthy enough to stay here and do that," and so I'm not going to hide in the damn room and keep my face mask on. If you're compromised, you put the face mask on. That's your life.


I'm not compromised. You see, so I'm saying that today. What's today? Tuesday. I'm still alive, I'm still healthy. I'm looking forward to doing that for many more years yet. And the idea is what? If you put me in the conventional population, I would be so covered with kinds of gauze all over my face, lock myself in the closet, and "Is it safe to come out yet, Shawn?" No, stay in the closet. And I go, "Stupid." Life is so beautiful. Life is so wonderful, and you didn't get here by accident. You got here to be creators. Quantum physics, epigenetics, same story. Consciousness is controlling this, and if you give up your power of consciousness and buy a limitation, you have just shortened your ability to create life.


SHAWN STEVENSON: Thank you so much for tuning into the show today. I hope you got a lot of value out of this. Dr. Lipton really helped to break down our understanding of epigenetics and our health outcomes and also looking at this in terms of infectious disease as well. Because these are foundational principles, we know so much about. We've got decades of research at this point on epigenetics and thousands of peer reviewed studies on specific epigenetic influencers in the form of certain nutrients like vitamin D, for example. In the form of exercise, in the form of sleep, in the form of our overall nutritional inputs, in the form of exposures to toxins and environmental assaults on our system. From air pollution to things like second-hand smoke, the list goes on and on and on. There's so many different things that can influence our health outcomes in the form of these epigenetic influencers. And so really putting, again, putting their keys back into our hand, putting the power back into our hands to be able to drive our physical and mental health to the place that we truly want to arrive at. There's nothing more important than this right now, so please share this out with the people that you care about.


You could tag me. Please take a screen shot of this episode if you loved it and share it on Instagram. Tag me. I'm @shawnmodel, S-H-A-W-N-M-O-D-E-L. It would mean a lot. And of course, you could send this directly from the podcast app that you're listening on. You can send this directly from Apple Podcast, from Spotify, from iHeart Radio. Wherever you're listening to this podcast, share it up, sharing is caring. I appreciate you so much for tuning in to the show today. We've got some amazing... I'm talking about amazing guests coming your way and some powerful master classes, so make sure to stay tuned. Take care. Have an amazing day and I'll talk with you soon?


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  1. Hi, thank you for the material. I have a question though. We are talking that this “chemical soup” we create with out thoughts influence our cells and our body. I understand it works like this but for adults. What about children who have cancer. They have negative thoughts? Or their environment was somewhat not friendly?
    It would be great if someone actually checked if there is correlation like this


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