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TMHS 876: Lose Weight, Reduce Inflammation, & Increase Your Lifespan With the Power of Fermented Foods


5 Holiday Health Tips (So You Can Keep Burning Fat)

People are flipping out about the holidays and possibly “falling off the wagon”, so I was inspired to grab the camera and help talk people off the ledge.

Look, it’s the holiday season, so it’s about family, fun, love, and creating memories… but it’s also about FOOD.

I love food. Yes, I love it… If I could marry food I think I would have been off the market before I met my wife. But since I can’t marry food (legally, I think) I just put it in its proper place, to not run my life, but to be a compliment to my life.

The food that we eat should be enjoyable, but it should not dictate your decisions. Especially during the holidays, you’ve got to have your eyes out for pie-packin’ aunts, fried turkey dealin’ cousins, and macaroni mackin’ moms. The are all out to get you! But they are all doing it out of love.

Sure, some of those foods taste delicious, but at the end of the day, is it really worth it?

We’ve got allow our body’s to keep burning fat, boosting our energy, and keeping us fit and healthy through the holidays. This is why this year it’s going to be different. In this video I’m sharing with you 5 invaluable tips to prevent you from gaining weight this holiday season. You’re going to hit this new year on a high note because you’re not going to bring that holiday puffiness along with you. Use these tips to burn more fat, feel good, and still enjoy the deliciousness that the holidays have to offer.

Now I’ve got a question for you. After watching the video, which one of the 5 tips do you honestly know you can do? Are there 2 you can do, or maybe all 5? I’d love to know, so please share in the comments section below.

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  1. Thank you for the 5 tips, I appreciate you so much. May God continue to bless you and your family. 🙂

  2. Hi Shawn. this web site is really cool, its just like you were talk’in to me in your office, really nice…..I mostly juice and do a veggie omelet in the morning , mmmm love them. but I did real good this thanks giving. You know I don’t do the breads and grains so, stuffing was out of the question.I ate a little piece of turkey just to taste,greens and sweet potatoes. After a while I walked the tread mill for 20 min. I was thankful for a good day.

  3. Whoops forgot to mention, walking with my two little dogs, as they need to burn of too x

  4. Hi Shawn, thanks for the message, so much happening at the moment and hard to keep up, but I always make time to listen to you as your very motivating, I have already shared this video on my FB page in the hope that I can help my friends and family with your wise words.
    All the best to you and your lovely family

  5. Shawn – as always, phenomenal content! Today’s video is a humble reminder to keep perspective during the holiday season.

    Wishing you a beautiful (and revitalizing!) Thanksgiving weekend with your loved ones.

  6. RIGHT ON!!! I’m taking you with me to Thanksgiving tomorrow 🙂 You’re a gift. Infinite thanks.

  7. Good stuff Shawn,

    I enjoy your practical approach to discipline: definitely doable.
    I just became a subscriber.

    Good luck,

    1. Awesome, Joey, I appreciate that so much. Anything I can help with along the way, let me know.
      Wishing you all the best!

  8. I’m going to do number 3 and 5. I won’t say what they are here…you’ll just have to view it to know. :-). This was encouraging to me and I know I can do what I committed to above. Thanks!

  9. Love it! I have and will be skipping all the garbage. I started busting up when you couldn’t think of a desert that we should not eat due to peer pressure….lol….only because you have been away from that garbage for so long…. good stuff! Thanks again for all the knowledge you share. BTW i will be accomplishing all 5 tips without a problem cuz I got discipline/ skills.

    1. Haha! That’s so true… I know that there’s some new stuff that people are on to… those year 2000 level snacks lol.
      Much respect on the discipline, Dean. It’s not often that someone has the strength and audacity to develop themselves like you have.
      Enjoy your holiday!

  10. Yay! Go for a walk after the big meal. Accept invites to meals only from people who have dogs, Then, while everyone else is in their food coma, take the dogs for a walk.

    The dogs will love you!


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