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Here’s 2 Quick Tips to Teach Your Body to Burn More Fat

Our bodies can actually burn up to 50% or more fat everyday by adding in a couple of specific daily practices.  It’s really as simple as knowing EXACTLY what to do to “turn up” our body’s metabolic fire power.

Your body’s metabolism is regulated by a powerful gland in your endocrine system known as you thyroid gland. Now the common misconception is that your thyroid is just a single gland, when in fact it’s more like a container that holds several thousands of tiny glands.  Your thyroid is located at the base of your neck, and it is the most negatively charged gland in your body (this is a GOOD thing, it keeps your energy high).  But the key here is knowing that when this gland gets congested, then the energy and fat-burning power that you have is dramatically reduced.

Here are 2 quick things you can do to up-level the functioning of your thyroid gland.

#1 Eat Coconut Oil.  Raw coconut oil is like a thyroid tonic.  The incredible essential fats that are found in coconut oil are excellent building blocks for your hormones.  Coconut oil contains a rare medium chain essential fatty acid known as lauric acid, which is proven to be a powerhouse thyroid booster.

To get the greatest benefit, take one tablespoon of coconut oil straight with a pinch of high quality salt.  Chew it up well so that your saliva can split the glycerol molecule, so that you get instant uptake of the nutrients.  Do this twice a day in between meals to supercharge your metabolism and to get an instant energy source.  Or you can also add a tbsp to your shake recipes, make fresh salad dressings, or use coconut oil to make new desserts and entrees.

#2 Rebound.  Your thyroid is actually the most vascularized part of your entire body.  This is a great thing when your system is clean and healthy, but not such a great thing if your blood flow is weak and sluggish.  The key solution for this: Get Your Blood Pumping!  Truly, any exercise done intelligently is beneficial, but the the virtual antidote for dealing with a sluggish thyroid gland is rebounding.

Rebounding is using a scientifically designed “mini-trampoline” to literally exercise every cell in your entire body.  Rebounding provides an increased G-Force (gravitational load) which strengthens your entire musculoskeletal system like nothing else can.  Rebounding circulates more blood and oxygen to your tissues, it makes your waist smaller, makes you more compact, but strong, and it is a great daily practice to add-in.

Start with 10 minutes a day, and work your way up to 30.  It’s great to do this first thing in the morning.  If you are in pretty good shape, then getting a great bounce going of about 4 inches high is perfect.  If you are just starting off, and not in very good shape yet, then rebounding is perfect for you too.  Start with what is known as a “health bounce”, where you keep your feet on the rebounder the entire time, but drive yourself up and down, and keep this nice rhythmic pace going for 10 to 15 minutes.

If you don’t have your rebounder yet, you can pick yours up right here:

Bellicon Rebounder

Again, any exercise done intelligently is beneficial, but rebounding trains your cells to work more efficiently, radically enhances the function of your lymphatic system (to remove toxins and blockages in your energy), and it’s a really simple method for supercharging your metabolism everyday once you have this technology in your hands.

Add these two tips together, and take advantage to teach your body to burn more fat everyday.

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  1. Nice Blog, I would like to say jumping on a trampoline is another best option for you if you want to burn fat. Only 15-20 mins of Jumping on Trampoline helps to burn fat, losing weight, make your muscles strong as well. Along with this, jumping on trampoline is an also great way to get fun as well.

  2. Good post and right to the point. I don’t know if this is truly the best place to ask
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    employ some professional writers? Thx 🙂

  3. Hi Shawn!
    I am wondering what advice you have to give me. I’m a thyroid cancer survivor, and have had my thyroid completely removed. I am taking coconut oil and unfortunately gaining weight daily. I have been doing a ketogenic diet for months tracking my macros to perfection and in ketosis but not losing But gaining. Any suggestions? I’m so discouraged!

  4. Hi Shawn. I like the idea of eating 1 tbsp of coconut oil twice a day but I was wondering why is it beneficial to add salt to it? Also how much salt?

    Secondly I’m coming off many operations which were all under General anaesthesia my body is stiff easily tires with minimal exercise & is extremely sore afterwards even if the exercise is basic like walking. I have worked myself up to 1 hour walking per day on an empty stomach most & seen significant fat reduction but now it’s winter I want to use my rebounder. Can you advise me as jumping on it for a small amount of time is very difficult for me as it hurts & leaves me very sore the next day. I want to get past this & build up to 30mins per day.

    I have used the “health bounce” & it’s great but I want tips on basic exercises to gradually work up to more challenging exercises on the rebounder. Ps. I think my body is full of toxins due to the countless General anaesthetic used that the health bounce done over 15mins leaves me sore the next day.

    I’d appreciate the advice to help me recover & rid me of excess fat.

  5. Is a $300 trampoline really necessary? Or can a more reasonable mini-tramp work just as well?

    Thank you!

  6. Pingback: Review Of Popcornopolis Kettle Corn -
  7. Hi Shawn

    Would skipping rope be a suitable substitute for the mini trampoline?

    Keep up the awesome work!


    1. Peter, great question. Jumping rope is great, but what’s lacking is the “G-Force” generated by the push-back of the trampoline. Plus, jumping rope will fatigue you a lot faster since you are going against gravity 100% of the time.

      Rebounding will give you a longer, more graceful session to boost lymphatic function, blood flow, and exercise those cells!

  8. Pingback: Simple Weight Loss Technique That Helps You Shed Pounds The N.E.A.T. Way
  9. Pingback: Simple Weight Loss Technique That Helps You Shed Pounds The N.E.A.T. Way |
  10. Hey Shawn!

    I want to create a new morning routine, and I’m not quite sure what order I should put the steps in–I would like to:

    1.) Have my morning water (which I know you said should be done immediately upon rising)
    2.) Rebound (20-30 minutes)
    3.) Dry brush (15-20 minutes)
    4.) Shower
    5.) Meditate (20 minutes)
    6.) Have my morning super smoothie

    So, first…does it make sense to do each of these in the morning?

    Here is my logic–drinking water, rebounding and dry brushing are intended to get the lymph system moving and flush out built up toxins, which seems to me like it would make the most sense to do after you’ve been asleep all night, the body’s been in repair, and you want to get energized for the day ahead. Showering afterward to clean off sweat, dead skin, etc. after these steps, meditation to center before heading out into the world for the day, and a super smoothie for the nutrition to take it all on!

    If doing these steps in the morning makes sense, then what is the most logical and beneficial order to put them in?

    I know drinking water upon rising is important, but if the next thing I do is jump 20 minutes on a rebounder, is it good for all of that water to be sloshing around? More importantly, would it be more effective to drink water after rebounding and dry brushing to help flush out the toxins released or does waiting miss the point of drinking water in the am and put it too close to consuming my morning smoothie?

    Lastly, are there any other important morning routine steps you recommend in addition to those listed above?

    I left some obvious things out (like using the restroom, cleaning and flossing teeth, fixing my hair, prepping food for the day, etc.), but if there’s something missing that could really add value to the routine, let me know! I know exercise in the morning is great, AND I’m not a morning person haha But rebounding in the am, I can do! Exercising in the schedule in the early evenings after work.

    Thanks my friend! 🙂

    1. First thing Laurie, I want to acknowledge you for having such and excellent question with well thought out activities to implement. These 6 practices are all very important to me, so I’ll share with you what I feel to be the best strategy, and something that’s worked for me for the last several years.

      The #1 thing we need to even get you completely awake and aware in the morning is to drink pure water. I love how you provided the visual of rebounding right after (lol) but there’s a much better way for sure. Most people, I’ve found, use the restroom right after having their morning water, and he next steps that follow that allow time for the water to process in your body before exercise AND get you the benefits you want.

      #2 Skin brush (This takes me no more than 3 minutes each day)
      #3 Meditation – this is something that sets the tone for the rest of your day, INCLUDING your exercise, so put your attention here next
      #4 Rebounding – After meditation I usually start with a 3 to 5 minute “Health Bounce” before any more intense exercises, or I’ll just do the Health Bounce for 20 mins every so often
      #5 Have a SMALL amount of water (say 8 ounces) and then head to the shower
      #6 Morning Superfood Smoothie

      It’s my honor to be able to help, thanks again for the excellent question, and please make sure to let me know how things go.

      All the best!

  11. Shawn, Thank you again and again for all of the healthy helpful information that you give to people like me, it is so inspiring.

  12. I have a rebounder on my Pilates machine. Will it give me the same results as other rebounders?

    1. Hi Cynthia. If the model you’re talking about is the horizontal built rebounder (you lay on your back to use it), then it’s an almost completely different effect than the traditional rebounder. You will get a some of the “anti-gravity” benefits, but the pilates rebounder is more geared towards creating greater cardiovascular work and reducing stress on the joints. It’s beneficial, but in a different way.

  13. Great website!!! Learning a lot from your posts.

    I just have a question in regarding the trampoline. I am doing 30mins of it daily in the morning empty stomach. Will this be enough cardio for someone who wants to lose a little bit of weight..say 5-10lbs? Or do I need to do more cardio besides the trampoline?

    Thanks !!!

    1. Thirty minutes is a great place to center your rebounder workout. If you want to direct the workout more towards weight loss, then the critical strategy is to do Interval Training on the rebounder. This is essentially changing speeds will exercising.

      For example, start off with 5 minutes of warm-up with just a basic bounce -> Next jog on the rebounder for 1 minute (at a light/moderate pace) then jog FAST for 20 seconds. Repeat this (1 min slow + 20 second fast ) for about 10 to 12 minutes. You can add in some more basic bouncing to finish out a full thirty minutes, but 20 minutes is great as well. I outline interval training for cardio and strength training in The Fat Loss Code as well. Hope this helps and make sure to let me know how the new training style works out for you!

  14. I have raw coconut oil and have done all 3 methods. Inbetween meals is also a great hunger supressant. I also have a rebounder, and I love it. I’ve been doing Shawn’s Fat Loss Code workouts introductory level 1 and i’m in week 2. I lost about 3 lbs of bodyfat in the last couple weeks. I like to use my rebounder in the evening while watching tv even if i worked out in the morning that day. or sometimes i’ll use that as a warmup for my warm up(squats haha) for like just 5-10 minutes. on days im not strength training i’ll sometimes use rebounder for 20-30 minutes with about a 1 inch jump of air as my interval training. so i’d like to say these 2 methods in the article above are awesome and they work. and they’re easy, taste great, fun too, which makes them more desireable to keep doing them which helps them be successful to implement. thanks Shawn!

    1. Awesome Seth! I love how you’re implementing the rebounder and mixing it up for your warm-ups (That’s what I do too!) If I have an audio book I need to listen to, I put it on, pull out the rebounder, and call it a win-win. This is one of my favorite things to do… Highly recommended. Thanks Seth.

  15. Thanks for the tips. I use coconut oil in my morning shake every day. I enjoy putting in after pouring the shake in cup. If your shake or smoothee is cold from frozen fruit or ice the oil becomes solid and if you have used some cacoa powder to flavor it the lumps of coconut oil tastes like smooth chocolate. Yum ! Also like it that way because it makes the drink more “chewable”.

    1. Great advice, Joann. Adding in the coconut oil after the drink is blended is a great tip… Or blending it in with your other ingredients before adding the frozen fruit or ice is another good method. I LOVE having “chewable” drinks too. I just tossed some cacao nibs into my shake this morning, and I’m feeling like a million bucks. You rock, Joann!

  16. Thanks for all the great info on this site. Will rebounding work just as well with a regular size trampoline? Will it work even better since you are bouncing higher (and having a bunch of fun)?

    1. Thanks Lorraine. You are pretty much on the money with the rebounder vs. the trampoline. There are obviously some differences in what exercises and results you will get, but they are both great for tuning up your metabolism and working your lymphatic system. The large trampoline does have it’s advantages: You can do more exercises with more range of motion (Here’s a great article with a few Best Trampoline Exercises) and of course the fun factor… The advantage of the rebounder is that it is more compact, and you can really work your core consistently with a strong repetitive bounce. Great question!

  17. “this is a good thing, it keeps your energy high” -> czn you explain ? 😉

    1. Many times people get confused by the words positive and negative. So negative, usually gets associated with being something undesirable. While in the case of the body’s energy production, the negative charge is the catalyst for greater biochemical reactions, and accordingly greater energy.


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