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Telomeres, Astragalus, and Anti-Aging

Telomeres and aging have been discovered to be directly correlated with each other. Telomeres are a DNA sequence at the end of each chromosome, which protect the end of the chromosome from deterioration.  As your cells divide throughout your life, it continually shortens the length of the telomeres.  This triggers new genetic information to be read, and for your body and mind to take on new characteristics.

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    1. Hi Dana, thanks for the appreciation. My apologies for taking a moment to reply, we’ve been working on some serious upgrades to the site (super excited about it!) That video was from a lecture I did, and there are more parts of the event posted on the site.

      You need to go back through the archives by scrolling down to the bottom of the page and clicking “previous entries” there’s a post on October 26, 27, and Nov. 29th 2010 from that event. Hope that helps, and it’s LOADED with info. One of the upgrades is the brand new store on our site where I’m helping people FINALLY get connected with a lot of the things that I use and that I’ve been teaching people about over the past few years, so make sure to check it out. Wishing you all the best, and stay in touch!

  1. Hey Shawn, Wow, I like your site and your videos. How are you doing? I will bring my friends to your site and will be happy to try to promote your new book and to motivate them go to your smoothie seminar.

    Please let me know if your workshop is mainly for beginners or if it would be valuable for me as well. If I can help you in anyway, please let me know. Love, Jan

    1. Thank you so much, Jan! I appreciate it a lot. The Elixir Mastery Class coming up is definitely valuable for beginners AND more advanced individuals. Because we’re focusing specifically on making elixirs, I’m going to be able to take everyone through and teach them how to be their own “elixir practitioner”.

      There are a couple of HUGE things that I’m going to share that I have been using for a while and haven’t shared publicly before. I am REALLY excited about that, because these tools will literally be lifesavers to people. We’re going to go through some traditional decoctions (to really extract medicines from foods, tinctures, infusions, and other cool stuff. There’s only 8 seats left because we want to have plenty of samples for everyone, so make sure to register because I definitely want to see you there (and please bring Aaron!!)

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