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Pleasure Soup

If you’re not making Blended Soups then you are missing out on a powerful component of a cutting-edge health strategy.

Making blended soups allows you to get a tremendous amount of fresh vegetables into your diet in a way that doesn’t take you 3 hours to chew. You’d have to knaw on vegetables all day to achieve the recommended daily servings, and even then it’s usually not that enjoyable… But we are changing that all that with the Pleasure Soup!

This is one of the most popular recipes from my book The Key to Quantum Health. In the special section titled Life-Force Blended Soups I am sharing several AMAZING blended soup recipes.

Life-Force Blended Soups are highly nutritious meals that only require you to put all of the ingredients into your blender and hit the button. These delicious soups are only warmed by the processing of the blender to retain all of the vital nutrients and life-force that we want from our food. Here’s the complete recipe for you:

Pleasure Soup:

1 ½ cups of spring water

4 tbsp of raw tahini

½ cucumber, with peel

1 red pepper, cored & deseeded

1 medium tomato

½ cup lemon juice, fresh squeezed

1 tablespoon ginger root, peeled and chopped

2 whole garlic cloves

¼ cup red onion

1 cup cilantro (fresh)

2 heaping tbsp of unpasteurized brown rice miso

2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil

1 tbsp Noma Shoyu or Coconut Aminos

¼ tsp cayenne pepper

1 Heaping tbsp of nutritional yeast

Dash Celtic Sea salt & fresh black pepper to taste

Just set all the ingredients out for putting in the blender and this only takes a few minutes to make… The name of the soup says it all!

Cut all of the vegetable into chunks and put all the ingredients in the blender and blend them together. Depending on the size and power of your blender you may need to stop the blending to push the ingredients down towards the blade and then continue blending until smooth. Or you can blend all of the vegetable with the spring water first and then add the rest of the ingredients.

Serves 2 to 4 (or you can save some for tomorrow’s lunch & enjoy it again!)

A word of advice here is that YOU NEED A HIGH SPEED BLENDER FOR THIS. To get the veggies, seeds, and other ingredients to a smooth, creamy consistency that’s pleasing to the palate, you’ve got to have the right equipment. I recommend the Vitamix beyond a shadow of a doubt! I’ve been using my Vitamix everyday for many years and it’s still performing like the first day I used it. What a life-changing investment to save the least. If you don’t have your Vitamix in your home yet, you can grab yours here (and they’ll even hook you up with some bonuses like free shipping): Vitamix

If you need to grab your copy of The Key to Quantum Health, or get a copy for a friend, you can pick it up right here and have it shipped right to your doorstep:

The Key to Quantum Health

Have you ever made a blended soup before or are you excited that this gets to be your first? Please leave your comment or questions below.

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  1. Hi Shawn,
    I made tomato, carrot blended soup with garlic and dash of sea salt, cracked pepper with my base of coconut milk. Umm, Umm! Oh yes I added som lemon and dill to give it a twist. I hope you like it, I did.

    1. Retta, I’m on it! Coconut milk makes a wonderful base. My wife’s been making an AMAZING butternut squash soup using coconut milk. We’ll be posting up the video soon from a T.V. show I showed it on (along with the recipe 🙂

  2. This sounds great !
    Thanks for sharing Shawn! Love getting your emails and
    trying out your tips.
    peace & love

    1. Thank you so much, Janet. Your gratitude means the world, and I’m honored to continue to serve and bring some added goodness to your world.

      All the best!

  3. Wow this sounds really good and appealing and delicious! I’ve done juices and smoothies and even puddings or custards or planets, or dressings, but haven’t yet made SOUPS. what wasn’t i thinking! haha

    I got 2 precious gems for my birthday monday when i turned 33, the secret on dvd and a viktor schauberger book, amongst networking and meeting new people in the realm of health also. i just want to say: amazing. i’m also dabbling with some fun theories and ideas. these are exciting times!

    1. Seth that sounds fantastic, and I hope that you make this new birthday and new year the best year of your life! With all of the amazing things that you’re taking action on, you definitely deserve it. And I agree, these are truly exciting times!


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