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Jack LaLanne – A Hero And A Friend

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about who has had the greatest impact on me and my health today.  Every time that I go into my kitchen, I see the Jack LaLanne Juicer and it instantly puts a smile on my face to see how far I’ve come.

Though myself and many others have never had a chance to meet Jack, his influence has integrated itself into the very fiber of American culture.  If you’re at all interested in your health, then Jack LaLanne has had something to do with what you’ve learned.

Jack was on television sharing his inspiration and insights when there were only a few T.V. stations to choose from.  For him to even be taken seriously on getting his own show at that time, he had to endure a tremendous amount of skepticism and pressure… But Jack, being Jack, this only fueled him on to change the paradigm of what’s possible.

Fitness expert Danny Russo worked with Jack LaLanne, and here’s what he had to say about him:

“Jack LaLanne was an amazing human being. He practiced what he preached. He was the real deal. He was a great man and a tremendous influence on me and my fitness career. What is really cool is that everything he taught us starting in the 50’s and 60s and onward, is still true and applicable today. Jack motivated Americans to pump iron, eat healthy and get fit decades before it was cool. The principles he taught are more crucial than ever today with the country facing sedentary lifestyles and an obesity epidemic. You want a hero? Jack LaLanne, now there’s a hero.”

Jack started off like many off us.  He was so sickly as a teenager that he actually had to drop out of school for a year, but his life changed dramatically when he met his first mentor Paul Bragg.  Paul introduced Jack to a new way of being in the world, being conscientious about his food choices and exercising to express the true potential of the human body.

Jack fell in love with his new found life style, and passionately shared his message with the rest of the world.  He went on to have one of the longest running television show in history, which aired from 1951 to 1985.  His accomplishments and accolades are MIND-BLOWING, as he did things like swim 1.5 miles with 70 boats attached to him carrying 70 people to celebrate his 70th birthday!

To say that Jack is one of my heros is an understatement.  His innovations and hard work has given me technologies that have completely transformed my life in every way.  Juicing was the first nutrition practice that helped to truly remineralize my body.  I’m so grateful for that, and I’ll always be a strong advocate for being a “juicier person.’

Jack, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for what you have given this world.  You are a hero and a friend to many, and your work here will never be forgotten.

I’ll leave you with one of my favorite clips from Jack’s show.  He understood even then, that it was not just about eating good food and exercising, it was about the type of person you become.  Enjoy, and leave your questions and comments below.

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  1. Jack was a great guy with a real sense of mission in life and a downright strange sense of humor. He told me once: “I can’t die.. It would ruin my image!”

  2. That is a great video. Happy is a great resonance.

    One question I have about juicing(which i have been doing) regards information from Jeff Primack of QiGong nutrition. Like you he raves about phytochemicals and fresh fruits and vegetables and herbs. Yet in regards to juicing and fiber it seems he states that blending up a smoothie and keeping all the fibrous parts is healthier than juicing it up and straining away the fiber. I’m sure a good approach would be a balance of both, and depending on what the body says it needs if you listen to it. He also says much about the nutrition within the seeds themselves. My question then is this, are you familiar with his approach to the fiber smoothie aspect as opposed to the fiber removal of juicing aspect, and if so what is your feedback on that? I certainly do feel the electrolyte rush from young coconut water&coconut meat in my smoothies wow! And I want to say that I LOVE my rebounder!

    1. Seth, you are right on the money with saying, “‘I’m sure a good approach would be a balance of both, and depending on what the body says it needs if you listen to it.” People have been making juices and wines for thousands of years, and it’s a means of delivering a higher concentration of the phytonutrients found in those juice to the cells at once. I feel that it’s MASSIVELY appropriate for people who first start off their health journey away from the standard american diet… But it’s not as essential to people later on down the line if they’ve integrated the use of complete whole foods into their diet exclusively.

      It truly depends on the person and where they’re at in life. For some people, juicing small amounts works fine, but larger amounts are harder to digest. While for others, they can consume GALLONS of juices and they continue to keep their system regular and energize them like crazy.

      Ideally, blending the whole foods would be the choice for maintaining and building the body, but when someone need to HEAL then juicing it definitely the way to go because less energy is used by the body to try to extract the nutrients from the fibers, and more is devoted towards cleansing and detoxification.

      You just made me want to get some coconut water, by the way!

      1. Wow, thanks Shawn that was the kind of feedback i was hoping for. Especially the healing portion and less energy usage portion.

        Currently i’m trying to learn more about “the secret” law of attraction stuff and the mitochondria bacteria alkaline environment for more energy similiar to that news vid of your fat burning lemonade and that MONSTROUS book with the diagram of the cell. Did you know that there is a midichlorean mitochondrii named after the midichloreans from the force in episode one of the star wars saga? I find that stuff interesting.

        One more question (if you’re not too busy to answer this) if one consumes a lot of nut butters like sunflower seed oil butter, tahini, almond pastes and spreads and such, does that increase a chance to create kidney stones?
        and for a butterfinger taste, try mixing raw honey, sunflower seed butter, and coconut oil together on something. to me it tastes like a raw natural version of butterfinger.

        THANK YOU

  3. Shawn, thank you for all the things you do to help inspire people to stay healthy. God bless you and your family in every way with this gift of knowledge and may you prosper every day on this earth. I feel just to have someone to encourage me a positive way, to make my life better shows me that there people that care and are willing to help me go forth with good quality of life. Thank you Shawn and I thank God for you interring into my life to to help keep me grounded and to stay strong.

    1. JoAnn, I am eternally grateful. Thank you so much for you being YOU, and keep up your passion for being healthy and helping others to do the same!


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