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Drink This Juice Recipe For Better Skin

Clear skin is definitely in as more and more people are realizing that beautiful glowing skin is best achieved from the inside out.  Your skin, or your epidermis, is actually your body’s largest organ, and a vital channel of detoxification for your system.  When your body is clogged up on the inside, it’s going to show up as “clogged pores” on the outside.

Your skin is the outermost part of you, and it’s actually the LAST place to get nourishment from the foods you eat.  This is key, because not only do we need a great topical treatment for our delicate skin (like virgin coconut oil), but we also need nutrition that’s easily assimilated by our cells… This is where the fresh juices come in.

You are what your eat, and if you want your skin to be more supple and juicy, then you need to get on the juices!  Now the important thing here is that we are making our juices FRESH, and not using pasteurized juices that are essentially just processed sugar water, and one of the WORST things for your delicate skin.

For glowing skin, we want to be light on the sugar (even fresh fruit sugar), and abundant on the minerals.  What we are looking to now are what are known as the “Beauty Minerals” that specifically target the skin.  This incredible recipe that you now have access to is a virtual fountain of youth for your skin when added in to your daily regimen.  Here’s the recipe from my book  The Key To Quantum Health:

Skin Glow Beauty Drink:

1 Large Organic Cucumber (skin in tact)

4 Ribs of Organic Celery

1 Large Organic Apple

*Special Secret Ingredient*  1 tsp of AFA Blue Green Algae

Run all of the ingredients through a juicer, pour it into a glass bottle, and then add in the AFA blue green algae and shake it up.  This will create a beautiful color, as the drink itself has a captivating glow to it.

The cucumber (the skin in particular) is rich in a beauty mineral par excellence known as silicon.  Silicon is a critical factor in the flexibility and proper hydration of the skin.  It can improve wrinkles and prevent the signs of premature aging.  Cucumbers are also an excellent source of antioxidants.

Celery is rich is a wide array of alkaline minerals including potassium and magnesium.  The greatest benefit of the celery in this recipe is the wonderful cell salts that help to hydrate your skin and remove toxins from your body.

The apple adds a little sweetness to this recipe, and also provides antioxidants like Vitamin A and Vitamin C which are great for rejuvenating your skin.

AFA Blue Green Algae is an amazing tonic for your skin.  It’s rich in a beauty mineral known as sulfur that’s vital to repairing and strengthening the health of your skin, hair, and nails.

Enjoy this incredible juice by itself everyday as one of your potent anti-aging beauty secrets, and notice the compliments you get as your skin takes on a vibrant, healthy glow.

For more amazing juice recipes and information on the greatest anti-aging foods in the world get your copy of

The Key to Quantum Health right here: Book

If you don’t have your juicer yet, the juicer that we recommend can be found right here:


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  1. Amazing…I am having cucumber, apple and celery today and I also have carrot spinach and parsely with spirulina powder in it…I feel great… I know what this method looks like…my photoshoots after a juicing detox always looks great…Most people think my photos are photoshop or something…Nooooo I am alll natural beauty…Get hooked on one juice a day and glow a lifetime!


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