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TMHS 873: The Truth About GLP-1: Foods That Increase It, What Blocks It, & More – With Dr. Taz


Colon Cancer, Constipation Relief & Proper Pooping

It’s not a subject that you hear much about, but doing it wrong can lead to cancer, horrific digestive disorders, and even early death.

Pooping is one of the most taboo topics in our “civilized” society. Yet, thousands of people die each year due to complications from poor elimination practices.

Not only is colon cancer a huge risk, but a disproportionately high number of people actually die while using the toilet because of being in the wrong pooping position.

As you’ll learn in this special podcast I did with the folks at Be Well Buzz, when you’re not in the right pooping position, you’re forced to strain and push which puts you at high risk for having blood clots detach or even going into cardiac arrest.

To help yourself and your family avoid chronic illness (and a pretty embarrassing way to bite the big one) make sure to listen to this podcast and utilize the simple steps for improving your bathroom experience.

In this podcast you’ll discover:

*The 6 health dangers that can be caused by sitting in the wrong position.

*What the appropriate sitting position actually is.

*Why most people are constipated.

*What can cause blood in your stool.

*What causes hemorrhoids and how to treat them.

*The contributing factors for colon cancer.

*What diverticulosis of the colon is.

*How prolapse can occur.

*Essential tools to cure constipation.

*What the squatty potty is and why every household needs one.

Enjoy the podcast, and please share this information with the people you care about. A lot of digestive disorders and diseases can be eliminated by having healthy elimination practices, and it’s as simple as being educated about them.

Get your own squatty potty right here (and they make a great gift too!)


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  1. Wow! Exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you for this invaluable information. I can’t wait to share it with my family and friends.

  2. In my country, we mostly use the squat_toilet. I rarely used the sitting toilet. In spite of that, I think I have serious hemorrhoid(Internal and external) problem. I have all the symptoms mentioned in this article( The health department in my country is highly corrupted so I don’t go to a regular doctor. I tried some herbal remedies for some time but to be honest I didn’t complete the course. I can not register you FLC due to financial problem. I need you advise badly in this matter. I going through a very serious problem in life due to problems like these.

  3. Hey Shawn,
    Another important topic…thank you so much for bringing this to people’s attention. i actually purchased my squatty potty last year when i was having a really difficult time in the washroom. The damage was already done by the time i purchased this, but it has helped me so much over the last year. I highly recommend the squatty potty and your podcast! Thanks for all the valuable info!

  4. This is such valuable information Shawn, so thanks for sharing it. I did act on this from one of your last posts and I can fully understand that it’s a very important subject, and not always discussed so great to make us aware. I will be investing in a squatty potty, it’s on the want list, but as I have a three month old Granddaughter and Christmas is coming soon, I have improvised with a pair of boxes filled with unused bathroom tiles, (not as good as a squatty potty) but will do for now, until my Christmas shopping is completed. I fully understand the concept and realize how important it is to use the loo in this way, hey it’s working better all round for me, and I’m feeling better for it.
    So thanks again
    Love to you and your family
    Carol x

    1. Carol, thank you so much! I started off with a homemade squatty potty myself lol. Thanks for sharing that and congrats on your new granddaughter!

  5. How can I download this podcast to my Windows XP without having to buy QuickTime Pro at $29.99, which I can not afford.
    Before you changed format of your podcasts to a different site I had no problem. Please help. Waiting for your advice. Thanks

  6. I use Windows XP and I wanted to download your lecture in order to listen to it again, and perhaps to share with friends.. However, since you changed format for your download – my computer tells me that I have to buy QuickTime 7 Pro in order to download, which I can not afford. Is there another way to download this lecture? Waiting for your reply. Thank you.


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