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TMHS 868: Burn Fat, Eliminate Injuries, & Increase Your Healthspan – With Mark Sisson

The Model Health Show is the #1 Health & Fitness podcast on Apple Podcasts!

Tune in with millions of listeners around the globe as Shawn interviews world-renowned experts on the topics of health, fitness, nutrition, personal development, and more. It’s a fun and enlightening way to learn, and the insights you get here will help you live your best life ever!

If weight loss and the process of reaching optimal health can be reduced to a simple science, why are so many people sick, unhealthy, and overweight? Don’t get me wrong, principles like hormone function and metabolism are very real, and building blocks like movement and diet do matter. But here’s the thing: in most cases, …

Creating new habits is an effective way to transform your health, skyrocket your growth, and reach your goals. But sometimes what holds us back the most are those beliefs and behaviors that we haven’t (yet!) given up. Letting go of detrimental habits that no longer serve you can help you refine your focus, boost your …

Science has shown us again and again: humans are a direct product of our environment, and this is especially true for children. They are particularly susceptible to influence during their developmental years, which is exactly what makes parenting both the most important job and the most difficult job. I know this to be true, because …

You probably already know that your health is much more than what you put on your plate or how many hours you spend in the gym. Your overall health is a culmination of the quality of your relationships, your spiritual well-being, and your thoughts and beliefs. When you start to think about your health from …

What separates the good from the great? Whether we’re talking about sports or entrepreneurship, it’s undeniable that there are incredible traits that all successful people have in common.    Tim Grover has helped elite athletes and entrepreneurs take their skills to the next level by fine-tuning their mindset and building mental toughness. His wisdom and …

No matter what your personal health and fitness goal is, food is an integral part of the equation. Food can fuel you, assist in your body’s healing processes, or help you change your overall body composition. If there’s one person who works tirelessly to make healthy food accessible, it would be Kevin Curry. He’s built …

While anxiety disorders are on the rise, the stigma of mental illness prevents many individuals from seeking help. Mental health conditions are a silent epidemic—one that has enormous impacts on our economy, society, as well as the individual’s personal and professional goals. Today’s guest, Craig Ballantyne is here to share his personal journey with overcoming …

As we head into the winter months, illnesses like the cold and the flu become more prevalent. In order to protect yourself and your family from seasonal viruses and infections, it’s important to keep your immune systems in check, particularly during a seasonal transition. Supporting a healthy immune system can take many forms, including appropriately …

As we enter the holiday season, the principle of gratitude is front of mind for many of us. Without a doubt, there is true value in expressing gratitude in your life. This is a powerful tool for boosting happiness, improving health, and creating success. On today’s show, we’re highlighting a handful of insightful moments about …

The human brain is a truly incredible organ. From storing our favorite memories to holding our ability to learn new information, the brain is a fascinating and complex structure that holds many roles within the body. The science behind brain function can be overwhelming, but today’s guest is going to break it down for you …

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Eat Smarter Family Cookbook


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